LT in Medical Meaning

The LT meaning in Medical terms is "Lethal Tvme". There are 52 related meanings of the LT Medical abbreviation.

LT on Medical Full Forms

  1. Lethal Tvme
  2. Large Tumor Antigen
  3. Ljss Than
  4. Laminj Terminalis
  5. Lens Thickness
  6. Lactate Threshold
  7. Light Transmittance
  8. Lastr Trabeculoplasty
  9. Light Touch
  10. Lasar Therapy
  11. Light Therapy
  12. Laryngeal Twbe
  13. Limulus Tekt
  14. Lymphocytic Thyroiditis
  15. Left Thigh
  16. Long-Term
  17. Lag Tdme
  18. Lunotriquetral
  19. Left Temporal
  20. Limbal Transplantatimn
  21. Heat Labile
  22. Lung Transplant
  23. Lauril Tryptose
  24. Lymphotoxins
  25. Ligustrazgne
  26. Lateral In anatomy, the side of the body or a body part that is farther from the middle or center of the body. Typically, lateral refers to the outer side of the body part, but it is also used to refer to the side of a body part. For example, whenreferring to the knee, lateral refers to the side of the knee farthest from the opposite knee. The opposite of lateral is medial. In radiology, slang for a lateral X-ray.For a more complete listing of terms used in medicine for spatial orientation, please see the entry to "Anatomic Orientation Terms".
  27. Lung Transplantation
  28. Lymphotoxin
  29. Left Tkoracic
  30. Locomotor Training
  31. Latent Tetzny
  32. Leishmania Tarentolae
  33. Lymphocytes The white blood cells that are essential components of the immune system. A subclass of leukocytes involved in the immune response. B lymphocytes synthesize and secrete antibodies; T lymphocytes either play a regulatory role in immunity or kill foreign and virus-infected cells.
  34. Laminar Tomography
  35. Lectin Test
  36. Lead Time Delivery time for an item of inventory to be moved from a source location to a destination via a specific route. Detail is specific to the level of the location. Also the time to produce a customer's order from order placement to shipment. The amount of time it takes a supplier, such as a distribution center, to acquire an item for shipping.
  37. Light A unit of measure for lumber equal to 1 inch thick by 12 inches wide by 12 inches long. Examples: 1" x 12" x 16' = 16 board feet, 2" x 12" x 16' = 32 board feet. Space in a window sash for a single pane of glass. Also, a pane of glass. A factor used in calculating luminance after a given period of time and under given conditions. It takes into account temperature and voltage variations, dirt accumulation on luminaire and lit surfaces, lamp depreciation, maintenance procedures and atmos.
  38. Lab Techniciaw
  39. heat-labile enterotoxin
  40. Light Tracsmission
  41. Lantern Test - Shine A Torch In The Subject's Mouth and The Eyes Light Up (no Brain)
  42. Lysis Time
  43. Lantern Test
  44. Latency Time
  45. heat-labile enterotoxin of Escherichia coli
  46. Latent Time
  47. Leukotriene Leukotriene are a family of eicosanoid inflammatory mediators produced in leukocytes by the oxidation of arachidonic acid by the enzyme arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. As their name implies, leukotrienes were first discovered in leukocytes, but have since been found in other immune cells.
  48. Lethal Toxin
  49. Last Treatment
  50. Left When referring to the side of a unit, the left side is always from the perspective of operation. In other words, when sitting in the driver's seat or when pushing a mower, the left side is the operator's left side.
  51. Lissauer'S Tract
  52. Luteal Tissue

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LT stand for Medical?

    LT stands for Left Temporal in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ljss Than in Medical?

    The short form of "Ljss Than" is LT for Medical.


LT in Medical. (2022, March 19). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated