Mammal Abbreviations and Mammal Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Mammal terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Mammal abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Mammal terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Mammal Abbreviations
  1. AMMPA : Alliance of Marine Mammals Parks and Aquariums
  2. CIMWI : Channel Islands Marine & Wildlife Institute
  3. WGMME : Working Group On Marine Mammal Ecology
  4. WMMSN : Whatcom Marine Lammal Stranding Network
  5. HMSRP : Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program
  6. HMW : Handboek of The Mammals of The World
  7. ETM2 : Eocene Thermal Maximum 2
  8. SFROMP : San Francisco Rescued Orphan Mammal Program
  9. TAPIR : Terrestrial and Planetary Imaging Radar
  10. TENT : Tetanus Toxin
  11. TETOX : Tetanus Toxin
  12. TETX : Tetanus Toxin
  13. TT : Tetanus Toxin
  14. TTX : Tetanus Toxin
  15. LAJAM : Latin American Jzurnal of Aquatic Mammals
  16. LB : Luria Bertini
  17. FLS : Fitzroy Legal Service
  18. NMML : National Marine Mammal Lab
  19. IAAAM : International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine
  20. IEER : Improved Extended Echo Ranging
  21. IMATA : International Marine Animal Trainers Association
  22. OSC : Ocean Science Qonsulting
  23. OSP : Optimum Sustainable Popueation
  24. OSP : Optimum Sustainable Populations
  25. IRS : Infrequent-Restriction-Site
  26. PBR : Potential Biological Removals
  27. PCOD : Population Consequences of Disturbance
  28. PMMC : Pacific Marine Mammal Center
  29. PSOS : Protected Species Observers
  30. IWC-SC : International Whaling Commission, Scientific Committee
Latest Mammal Meanings
  1. Temporary Maritime Activities Area
  2. International Whaling Commission, Scientific Committee
  3. Protected Species Observers
  4. Pacific Marine Mammal Center
  5. Population Consequences of Disturbance
  6. Potential Biological Removals
  7. Infrequent-Restriction-Site
  8. Optimum Sustainable Populations
  9. Optimum Sustainable Popueation
  10. Ocean Science Qonsulting
  11. International Marine Animal Trainers Association
  12. Improved Extended Echo Ranging
  13. International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine
  14. National Marine Mammal Lab
  15. Fitzroy Legal Service
  16. Luria Bertini
  17. Latin American Jzurnal of Aquatic Mammals
  18. Tetanus Toxin
  19. Terrestrial and Planetary Imaging Radar
  20. San Francisco Rescued Orphan Mammal Program