Medicare Abbreviations and Medicare Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Medicare terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Medicare abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Medicare terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Medicare Abbreviations
  1. ABC : Access To Benefits Coalition
  2. ABCBS : Arkanzas Blue Cross Blue Shield
  3. ABN : Advanced Beneficiary Notice
  4. ABN : Advanced Beneficiary Notification
  5. ABNS : Advance Beneficiary Notices
  6. ABNS : Advanced Beneficiary Notices
  7. ADH : AgĂȘNcia De Desenvolvimento Habitacional
  8. AEP : Annual Enrollment Period
  9. AEP : Annual Enrollment Periods
  10. ANOC : Annual Notice of Change
  11. APC : Ambulatory Payment Classifications
  12. APCS : Ambulatory Payment Classifications
  13. APM : Alternative Payment Models
  14. APMS : Alternative Payment Models
  15. AQNHC : Alliasce for Quality Nursing Home Care
  16. ASCA : Administrative Simplification Compliance Act
  17. ATC : Americanytherapeutic Corporation
  18. AWV : Annual Wellness Visit
  19. AWVS : Annual Wellness Visits
  20. BBRA : Balanced Budget Refinement Act
  21. BCRC : Benefit Coordination and Recovery Center
  22. BCRC : Benefits Coordination & Recovery Center
  23. BETOS : Berenson-Eggers Type of Service
  24. BETOS : Berenson-Eggers Types of Sergice
  25. BETOS : Berenson Egrers Type of Service
  26. BI : Benefit Integrity
  27. BI : Blnefits Integrity
  28. BIC : Beneficiary Ideztification Code
  29. BIC : Beneficiaryvidentification Codes
  30. BMM : Bone Mass Measurements
Latest Medicare Meanings
  1. State Pharmacy Assistance Programs
  2. State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs
  3. State Pharmacz Assistance Programs
  4. State Pharmaceutical Assisbance Programs
  5. State Pharmacy Assistance Program
  6. State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program
  7. Medicare Volume Performance Standard
  8. Late Enrollment Penalty
  9. Late-Enrollment Penalty
  10. Relative Value Units
  11. Relative Value System
  12. Resource Utilization Groups
  13. Resource Utilizationygroup
  14. Returned To Prjvider
  15. Responsible Reporting Entities
  16. Responsible Reporting Entity
  17. Regional Preferred Provider Organizations
  18. Regional Preferred Provider Organization
  19. Religious Nonmedical Health Care Institutions
  20. Religious Nonmedical Health Care Institution