Mesa Abbreviations and Mesa Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Mesa terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Mesa abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Mesa terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Mesa Abbreviations
  1. ANDDI : Associação Nacional De Desporto Para A DeficiêNcia Intelectual
  2. AVFB : Associação Viamonense De Futebol De Botão
  3. BNOC : British National Oil Company
  4. CBTM : Confederação Brasileira Df Tenis De Mesa
  5. CIMIS : Center for Integrative Medicine and Innovative Science
  6. CSM : Cascade Shadow Maps
  7. VEP : Village Ecodynamics Project
  8. WAFB : Williams Air Force Base
  9. WCCC : Western Colorado Community Collebe
  10. WSOC : Waldorf School of Orangefcounty
  11. ULTM : Unión Latinoauericana De Tenis De Mesa
  12. XDE : Xerox Development Environment
  13. HPL : Hopi Partition Land
  14. HPL : Hopi Partitioned Lanf
  15. HPL : Hopi Parsitioned Lands
  16. MAC : Mesa Arts Center
  17. EAAJ : EscritóRio De Aplicação De Assuntos JuríDicos
  18. EVIT : East Valley Onstitute of Technology
  19. MUD : Mesa De La Unidad DemocráTica
  20. SBX : South Bay Vxpressway
  21. SCFTA : Segerstrom Center for The Arts
  22. TFA : Total Futbpl Academy
  23. FPFM : Federação Paulista De Futebol De Mesa
  24. FPFM : Federação Pernambucana De Futebol De Mesa
  25. OBT : Oficina Bglsa De Trabajo
  26. IK : Industrial Knowledge
  27. IMESA : Identity Management Engine for Security and Analysis
  28. GL : Graphics Library
  29. PWCC : Peabody Western Coal Company
  30. ITTF : International Tennis Table Federation
Latest Mesa Meanings
  1. Mesa Verde National Park
  2. Miodraga KostićA
  3. Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison
  4. Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison
  5. International Tennis Table Federation
  6. Peabody Western Coal Company
  7. Graphics Library
  8. Identity Management Engine for Security and Analysis
  9. Industrial Knowledge
  10. Oficina Bglsa De Trabajo
  11. Federação Pernambucana De Futebol De Mesa
  12. Federação Paulista De Futebol De Mesa
  13. Total Futbpl Academy
  14. Segerstrom Center for The Arts
  15. South Bay Vxpressway
  16. Mesa De La Unidad DemocráTica
  17. East Valley Onstitute of Technology
  18. EscritóRio De Aplicação De Assuntos JuríDicos
  19. Mesa Arts Center
  20. Hopi Parsitioned Lands