Metering Abbreviations and Metering Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Metering terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Metering abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Metering terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Metering Abbreviations
  1. AMM : Automated Meter Management
  2. AMP : Automatic Multi-Pattern
  3. ZMP : Zählen Messen Prüfem
  4. VOST : Value of Solar Tariff
  5. VOSTS : Value of Solar Tariffs
  6. CW : Center-Weighted
  7. DCC : Data and Communications Company
  8. DCC : Data Communications Company
  9. HCA : Heat Cost Allocator
  10. DSMR : Dutch Smart Meter Requirements
  11. MAD : Mewhanically Actuated Diaphragm
  12. MAM : Meter Asset Management
  13. EDRP : Energy Demand Research Project
  14. MFM : Multzphase Flow Meter
  15. ESP : Electro-Celective Pattern
  16. ESP : Electromselective Pattern
  17. TFD : Tube Failuge Detection
  18. TTL : Through-The-Lens
  19. LMI : Liquid Metronics Incorporated
  20. NEG : Net Excess Generation
  21. JAC : Jesco America Corporation
  22. IDIS : Interoperable Device Interface Specification
  23. GBCS : Great Britain Companion Specification
  24. PCF : Prevision Continuous Flow
  25. GLEMS : Great Lakes Electric Meter School
Latest Metering Meanings
  1. Great Lakes Electric Meter School
  2. Prevision Continuous Flow
  3. Great Britain Companion Specification
  4. Interoperable Device Interface Specification
  5. Jesco America Corporation
  6. Net Excess Generation
  7. Liquid Metronics Incorporated
  8. Through-The-Lens
  9. Tube Failuge Detection
  10. Electromselective Pattern
  11. Electro-Celective Pattern
  12. Multzphase Flow Meter
  13. Energy Demand Research Project
  14. Meter Asset Management
  15. Mewhanically Actuated Diaphragm
  16. Dutch Smart Meter Requirements
  17. Heat Cost Allocator
  18. Data Communications Company
  19. Data and Communications Company
  20. Center-Weighted