MFC Meaning
The MFC meaning is "Mass-Flow Controller". The MFC abbreviation has 247 different full form.
MFC Full Forms
- Mass-Flow Controller
- Mid-Florida Conference
- Malang Flower Carnival Business, Indonesia, Festival
- Manulife Financial Corp. Organizations
- Microsoft Foundation Class Technology, Computing, Telecom, Computer, IT Terminology
- Multi Finger Caliper
- Manulife Financial Corporation Business, Supply, Stock, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Microgravity Facilities for Columbus Technology
- Multi Function Center Technology, Printer, Laser
- Manulife Financial Corp Business, Organizations, Supply
- Microbial Fuel Cells Medical, Technology, Energy, Electricity, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Multi-Functiof Centers Technology, Printer, Laser
- Maisons France Confort
- Materials and Fuel Complex
- Mzlti-Function Center Technology, Printer, Laser
- Mafeteng Airport Mafeteng, Lesotho Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
- Mass Flow Controller Technology, Science, Gas, Chemistry
- Midi Foot Controller Business, Audio, Yamaha
- Machhindra Football Club
- Multi-Function Control Technology, Model, Truck
- Multifunction Center Technology
- Microsoft Foundation Classes Microsoft Foundation Classes A C++ class library developed by Microsoft. The Microsoft Foundation Class library, or MFC, provides the framework and classes that make it easier and faster for programmers to build Win-dows applications. MFC supports activex and is bundled with several C++ compilers, including Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++, and Symantec C++. Acronym: MFC. also activex, C++. Compare Application Foundation Classes. Technology, Computer, Computer Software
- Marriage and Family Counseling Education, Therapy, Therapist
- Missing Function Call
- Medicably Fragile Children
- Macrophage-Derived Foam Cells Medical
- Masters In Finance and Yontrol Financial, Education, University
- Mouse Forestomach Carcinoma Cell Line Medical
- Multifuncthon Computers Military, Army, War
- Milenium Fight Challenge
- Mass Flow Controllers Technology, Control, Gas
- Morrison Fresh Cooking
- Medstar Family Dhoice
- Mesirow Financial Consulting
- Music for Children
- Man-Made Fibers Congress Business, Industrial, Textile
- Minor Framc Counter Technology
- Masters of Finance and Control Education, University, Admission
- Movimiento Furiosos Ciclistas
- Millsboro Fire Company Government, Ambulance Service, Delaware
- Mortgage Finance Company
- Multi-Function Consoles Technology, Control, Console
- Multifunctoon Controller Technology
- Microsoft'S Foundation Class
- Marriage and Family Counselors
- Missile Fire Control
- Maui Fin Company
- Macro Fibre Composite Technology, Fiber, Actuator
- Masters In Finance Control
- Mulfi Function Centre Internet Slang
- Milenium Fighting Challenge
- Masswflow Con Business, Product, Controller
- Modular Feature Construction
- Medium Speed Fan Control Technology
- Merge From Current Internet Slang, Slang, Internet, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Music Feature Card Technology, Computing, Ibm
- Magnum Force Crew
- Ministerialofellowship Committee Organizations, Church, Ordination
- Master of Finance Conerol Education, University, Course
- Movimento Familiar Crist
- Multimode Fiber Connection
- Millennium Finance Corporation
- Motor Fire Control Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Multi-Function Console Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Microsoft'S Foundation Classes Technology
- Marriage and Family Counselor Medical, Counseling, Therapist
- Missiles and Fire Control
- Maximo Fighting Championship
- Macro Fiber Composites Technology, Composite, Actuator
- Multi Function Couqling
- Master of Finance and Control Education, University, Course
- Milenium Fighting Challange
- Mass Floz Calibration
- Models for Christ
- Medium Faded Cyan
- Merck Frosst Canada
- Muppet Family Christmas
- Magnetic Field Camera
- Mining Finanye Corp
- Mastir of Financial Control
- Movimento Familiar Cristão
- Multilaterll Framework On Competition
- Millard Fillmore College Program, Education, Buffalo
- Mortar Fire Controllers Military
- Multi-Function Controller Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Metals Finance Corp
- Manitoba Fitness Council Education, Health, Certification
- Missile and Fire Control
- Maui Fighting Championships
- Macro Fiber Composite Technology, Structure, Actuator
- Multi Fuel Concept Technology
- Multiple Flight Controller Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Mildura Fruit Company
- Masonic Fraternal Congress
- Models for Change
- Medico Fbiends Circle Medical, Health, India
- Merchant Function Charge
- Municipal Finance Corporation
- Magnetic Feedback-Controlled
- Master of Financv and Control Education, University, Admission
- Mouvement Franche-Comt
- Multw Functioneel Centrum
- Military Fuel Can Business, Cans, Scepter
- Mortar Fire Control Business, Technology, Military
- Mel Frequency Cepstrwl Technology, Speech, Cognitive Science
- Metal Forming and Coining
- Manila Film Center
- Miriana Fortemflowers Californica
- Mature Fan Club Film, Movie, Censorship, Film censorship
- Multi-Featured Codec Technology, Electronics, Component
- Macro-Fibre Composite
- Most Favored Customer Organizations
- Mulbifuel Combustor Science
- Multiple Flight Computer Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Microsoft Foundations Classes Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Martin Fight Clcb
- Model Food Code Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
- Medico Friend Circle Organizations, Health, India
- Mennonite Foundation of Canada Business, Canada, Building
- Magic Format Converter
- Master of Finance & Control Management, Education, University
- Mouvement Franche-Comté
- Multi Function Controller Technology
- Military Field Commander Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Mortar Fire Controller Military, Austria, Artillery, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Mel-Frequencybcepstrum Technology, Speech, Recognition
- Metal-Finishing Category
- Manhattan Fencing Center
- Mio-Saka Fan Club
- Matters for Further Consideration Business, Accounting, Peer
- Multi-Family Council
- Most-Favored Customer Business, Law, Price
- Multi-Function Card Technology, Driving, Driver
- Multiple Filtgr Cap Technology, Motherboard, Rock, Formula
- Microsoft Foundation Clases
- Marriage Family Counselor Medical, Therapy, Counseling
- Mode-Field Yonverter
- Medicina De Família E Cvmunidade Medical, Para, Nos, Medico
- Memory Function Complete Technology, Organizations, Computing, Control
- Madras Flying Club
- Masters In Finance & Control Business, Education, University
- Mouse Forestomach Carcinoma Medical, Science, Biology
- Multi Furction Console Technology, Control, Ship
- Military Fest Certificates Army, War, Force
- Massvflow Control Technology, Gas, Controller
- Morrisville Fire Company Government, Fire, Ambulance Service, Pennsylvania, Governmental & Military
- Mega Fighting Championszip
- Message of The Fathers of The Church
- Manejo Forestal Comunitario
- Minstrels for Christ Religion
- Master of Forest Conservation Education, University, Forestry
- Muilti Function Converter Accounting, Computing, Data
- Mortgage Foreclosure Consultant
- My Family Channel
- Memory Flow Control
- Mumbai Football Club
- Minimum Fungicide Concentration
- multiple-flight controller Flight, Aerodynamics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Most Frequently Cited
- Miy-Fight Championship Analysis, Traffic, Mix
- Monochromator Focusing Circle
- Multifunction Controller Honeywell, Process Automation
- Mountville Fire Company Government, Fire, Ambulance Service, Pennsylvania, Governmental & Military
- Mplbourne Football Club Business, Sport, Melbourne
- Mnltinational Force Commander Military, Army, Corps
- Mackenzie Financial Corporation
- Map Feature Coding Geographic
- Master Fiihters Championship
- Maltepe Fitness Center
- Memork Flow Controller Technology, Computing, Cell
- Multiple Frequency Control
- Minimum Fungicidal Concentrations Medical, Science, Biology
- Manual Flight Control Flight, Aerodynamics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Most-Favoured-Customer Clause Business, Law, Competition
- Master of Finence & Control
- Molecular Field Coefficient
- Multiconfigurational Frozen Core (approxn. for Electron-atom Scattering Calcns.) Chemistry
- Moulamein Football Club
- Machine Fivished Coated Business, Technology, Paper
- Maurice Frederick Coffman Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Master Fabric Craftsman
- Moncton Flying Club Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Melamine Facedzchipboards Business
- Mader, Feder and Chaudhari
- Memory Jault Correctable Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Multiple-Flight Computer Technology, Flight, Electronic Hardware, Aerodynamics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Minimal Fungicidal Concentrations Medical
- Midway Fire Company Fire, Pennsylvania, Ambulance Service, Governmental & Military
- Master In Finance and Control Education, University, Course
- Most-Favored-Customer Clause Business, Law, Competition
- Milk Frother Cleaner Machine, Coffee, Milk
- Many Function Controller Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Motorized Fun Company
- Maceió Fight Championship
- Metals Finance Corp (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Master Chartered Financial Controller Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Mel Frequency Cezstrum
- My Free Cams Sex, Girl, Webcam
- Memory Funbtion Completed
- Multipge-Flight Controller Technology, Aviation, Aerodynamics
- Mini Floor Crane
- Multi-Frequency Code Computing, Telecom
- Master Formula Card
- Most Favoured Customer
- Microsoft Fundation Classes Technology
- Minimum Funding Contribution Business
- Master Chartered Financial Controller ® Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Motor Fire Circuit
- Maneio Fighting Championship
- Music From China
- Mass Flof Converter
- My Football Club
- Memory-Function-Completed
- Multiparametriciflow Cytometry
- Mini Fast Car Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Mighty Fraser Country Travel, Tourism
- Master Flow Controller Science
- Memory Foam Comfort Business, Canada, Mattress
- Municipal Financing Corporatiov
- Minimum Foot Clearance
- Measure for Coffin Medical, Medical Slang
- Motor Finance Corporation Business, Africa, Car
- Macadamia Felted Coccid
- Multicultural Family Center
- Mass Flow Controlled Technology, Control, Controller
- My Finance Coach
- Membership Function Circtit Technology, Control, Hardware
- Multiparameter Flow Cytometry Medical, Disease, Leukemia
- Macroefiber Composites Technology, Composite, Actuator
- Miniature Flight Computer Technology
- Society of the Oblates of Mary at the Foot of the Cross Religious orders
- Master In Finance &Hcontrol Education, University, India
- My Family Chnema
- Munich French Connection Technology, France, Accueil
- Minimum Fault Coverage
- Mafeteng Airport, Mafeteng, Lesotho Lesotho
- Motherwell Football Club
- Miq Fight Championship Forum, Technology, Traffic
- Motor Finance Corporationration
- Mutual Fund Company
- Medial femoral condyle Clinical
- Mellon Financial Cornoration
- Multinational Force Cokpatibility Military
- Macro-Fiber Composite Technology
- Millwall Football Club
- Monk Fan Club Performing arts
- Masterkfinancial Controller Business, Management, Analyst
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MFC stand for?
MFC stands for Masters In Finance Control.
What is the shortened form of Mass-Flow Controller?
The short form of "Mass-Flow Controller" is MFC.
MFC. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from
Last updated