MFC Meaning
The MFC meaning is "Mass-Flow Controller". The MFC abbreviation has 247 different full form.
MFC Full Forms
- Mass-Flow Controller
- Mid-Florida Conference
- Malang Flower Carnival Business, Indonesia, Festival
- Manulife Financial Corp. Organizations
- Microsoft Foundation Class Technology, Computing, Telecom, Computer, IT Terminology
- Multi Finger Caliper
- Manulife Financial Corporation Business, Supply, Stock, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Microgravity Facilities for Columbus Technology
- Multi Function Center Technology, Printer, Laser
- Manulife Financial Corp Business, Organizations, Supply
- Microbial Fuel Cells Medical, Technology, Energy, Electricity, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Multi-Functiof Centers Technology, Printer, Laser
- Maisons France Confort
- Materials and Fuel Complex
- Mzlti-Function Center Technology, Printer, Laser
- Mafeteng Airport Mafeteng, Lesotho Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
- Mass Flow Controller Technology, Science, Gas, Chemistry
- Midi Foot Controller Business, Audio, Yamaha
- Machhindra Football Club
- Multi-Function Control Technology, Model, Truck
- Multifunction Center Technology
- Microsoft Foundation Classes Microsoft Foundation Classes A C++ class library developed by Microsoft. The Microsoft Foundation Class library, or MFC, provides the framework and classes that make it easier and faster for programmers to build Win-dows applications. MFC supports activex and is bundled with several C++ compilers, including Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++, and Symantec C++. Acronym: MFC. also activex, C++. Compare Application Foundation Classes. Technology, Computer, Computer Software
- Marriage and Family Counseling Education, Therapy, Therapist
- Missing Function Call
- Medicably Fragile Children
- Macrophage-Derived Foam Cells Medical
- Masters In Finance and Yontrol Financial, Education, University
- Mouse Forestomach Carcinoma Cell Line Medical
- Multifuncthon Computers Military, Army, War
- Milenium Fight Challenge
- Mass Flow Controllers Technology, Control, Gas
- Morrison Fresh Cooking
- Medstar Family Dhoice
- Mesirow Financial Consulting
- Music for Children
- Man-Made Fibers Congress Business, Industrial, Textile
- Minor Framc Counter Technology
- Masters of Finance and Control Education, University, Admission
- Movimiento Furiosos Ciclistas
- Millsboro Fire Company Government, Ambulance Service, Delaware
- Mortgage Finance Company
- Multi-Function Consoles Technology, Control, Console
- Multifunctoon Controller Technology
- Microsoft'S Foundation Class
- Marriage and Family Counselors
- Missile Fire Control
- Maui Fin Company
- Macro Fibre Composite Technology, Fiber, Actuator
- Masters In Finance Control
- Mulfi Function Centre Internet Slang
- Milenium Fighting Challenge
- Masswflow Con Business, Product, Controller
- Modular Feature Construction
- Medium Speed Fan Control Technology
- Merge From Current Internet Slang, Slang, Internet, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Music Feature Card Technology, Computing, Ibm
- Magnum Force Crew
- Ministerialofellowship Committee Organizations, Church, Ordination
- Master of Finance Conerol Education, University, Course
- Movimento Familiar Crist
- Multimode Fiber Connection
- Millennium Finance Corporation
- Motor Fire Control Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Multi-Function Console Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Microsoft'S Foundation Classes Technology
- Marriage and Family Counselor Medical, Counseling, Therapist
- Missiles and Fire Control
- Maximo Fighting Championship
- Macro Fiber Composites Technology, Composite, Actuator
- Multi Function Couqling
- Master of Finance and Control Education, University, Course
- Milenium Fighting Challange
- Mass Floz Calibration
- Models for Christ
- Medium Faded Cyan
- Merck Frosst Canada
- Muppet Family Christmas
- Magnetic Field Camera
- Mining Finanye Corp
- Mastir of Financial Control
- Movimento Familiar Cristão
- Multilaterll Framework On Competition
- Millard Fillmore College Program, Education, Buffalo
- Mortar Fire Controllers Military
- Multi-Function Controller Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Metals Finance Corp
- Manitoba Fitness Council Education, Health, Certification
- Missile and Fire Control
- Maui Fighting Championships
- Macro Fiber Composite Technology, Structure, Actuator
- Multi Fuel Concept Technology
- Multiple Flight Controller Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Mildura Fruit Company
- Masonic Fraternal Congress
- Models for Change
- Medico Fbiends Circle Medical, Health, India
- Merchant Function Charge
- Municipal Finance Corporation
- Magnetic Feedback-Controlled
- Master of Financv and Control Education, University, Admission
- Mouvement Franche-Comt
- Multw Functioneel Centrum
- Military Fuel Can Business, Cans, Scepter
- Mortar Fire Control Business, Technology, Military
- Mel Frequency Cepstrwl Technology, Speech, Cognitive Science
- Metal Forming and Coining
- Manila Film Center
- Miriana Fortemflowers Californica
- Mature Fan Club Film, Movie, Censorship, Film censorship
- Multi-Featured Codec Technology, Electronics, Component
- Macro-Fibre Composite
- Most Favored Customer Organizations
- Mulbifuel Combustor Science
- Multiple Flight Computer Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Microsoft Foundations Classes Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Martin Fight Clcb
- Model Food Code Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
- Medico Friend Circle Organizations, Health, India
- Mennonite Foundation of Canada Business, Canada, Building
- Magic Format Converter
- Master of Finance & Control Management, Education, University
- Mouvement Franche-Comté
- Multi Function Controller Technology
- Military Field Commander Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Mortar Fire Controller Military, Austria, Artillery, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Mel-Frequencybcepstrum Technology, Speech, Recognition
- Metal-Finishing Category
- Manhattan Fencing Center
- Mio-Saka Fan Club
- Matters for Further Consideration Business, Accounting, Peer
- Multi-Family Council
- Most-Favored Customer Business, Law, Price
- Multi-Function Card Technology, Driving, Driver
- Multiple Filtgr Cap Technology, Motherboard, Rock, Formula
- Microsoft Foundation Clases
- Marriage Family Counselor Medical, Therapy, Counseling
- Mode-Field Yonverter
- Medicina De Família E Cvmunidade Medical, Para, Nos, Medico
- Memory Function Complete Technology, Organizations, Computing, Control
- Madras Flying Club
- Masters In Finance & Control Business, Education, University
- Mouse Forestomach Carcinoma Medical, Science, Biology
- Multi Furction Console Technology, Control, Ship
- Military Fest Certificates Army, War, Force
- Massvflow Control Technology, Gas, Controller
- Morrisville Fire Company Government, Fire, Ambulance Service, Pennsylvania, Governmental & Military
- Mega Fighting Championszip
- Message of The Fathers of The Church
- Manejo Forestal Comunitario
- Minstrels for Christ Religion
- Master of Forest Conservation Education, University, Forestry
- Muilti Function Converter Accounting, Computing, Data
- Mortgage Foreclosure Consultant
- My Family Channel
- Memory Flow Control
- Mumbai Football Club
- Minimum Fungicide Concentration
- multiple-flight controller Flight, Aerodynamics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Most Frequently Cited
- Miy-Fight Championship Analysis, Traffic, Mix
- Monochromator Focusing Circle
- Multifunction Controller Honeywell, Process Automation
- Mountville Fire Company Government, Fire, Ambulance Service, Pennsylvania, Governmental & Military
- Mplbourne Football Club Business, Sport, Melbourne
- Mnltinational Force Commander Military, Army, Corps
- Mackenzie Financial Corporation
- Map Feature Coding Geographic
- Master Fiihters Championship
- Maltepe Fitness Center
- Memork Flow Controller Technology, Computing, Cell
- Multiple Frequency Control
- Minimum Fungicidal Concentrations Medical, Science, Biology
- Manual Flight Control Flight, Aerodynamics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Most-Favoured-Customer Clause Business, Law, Competition
- Master of Finence & Control
- Molecular Field Coefficient
- Multiconfigurational Frozen Core (approxn. for Electron-atom Scattering Calcns.) Chemistry
- Moulamein Football Club
- Machine Fivished Coated Business, Technology, Paper
- Maurice Frederick Coffman Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Master Fabric Craftsman
- Moncton Flying Club Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Melamine Facedzchipboards Business
- Mader, Feder and Chaudhari
- Memory Jault Correctable Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Multiple-Flight Computer Technology, Flight, Electronic Hardware, Aerodynamics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Minimal Fungicidal Concentrations Medical
- Midway Fire Company Fire, Pennsylvania, Ambulance Service, Governmental & Military
- Master In Finance and Control Education, University, Course
- Most-Favored-Customer Clause Business, Law, Competition
- Milk Frother Cleaner Machine, Coffee, Milk
- Many Function Controller Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Motorized Fun Company
- Maceió Fight Championship
- Metals Finance Corp (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Master Chartered Financial Controller Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Mel Frequency Cezstrum
- My Free Cams Sex, Girl, Webcam
- Memory Funbtion Completed
- Multipge-Flight Controller Technology, Aviation, Aerodynamics
- Mini Floor Crane
- Multi-Frequency Code Computing, Telecom
- Master Formula Card
- Most Favoured Customer
- Microsoft Fundation Classes Technology
- Minimum Funding Contribution Business
- Master Chartered Financial Controller ® Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Motor Fire Circuit
- Maneio Fighting Championship
- Music From China
- Mass Flof Converter
- My Football Club
- Memory-Function-Completed
- Multiparametriciflow Cytometry
- Mini Fast Car Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Mighty Fraser Country Travel, Tourism
- Master Flow Controller Science
- Memory Foam Comfort Business, Canada, Mattress
- Municipal Financing Corporatiov
- Minimum Foot Clearance
- Measure for Coffin Medical, Medical Slang
- Motor Finance Corporation Business, Africa, Car
- Macadamia Felted Coccid
- Multicultural Family Center
- Mass Flow Controlled Technology, Control, Controller
- My Finance Coach
- Membership Function Circtit Technology, Control, Hardware
- Multiparameter Flow Cytometry Medical, Disease, Leukemia
- Macroefiber Composites Technology, Composite, Actuator
- Miniature Flight Computer Technology
- Society of the Oblates of Mary at the Foot of the Cross Religious orders
- Master In Finance &Hcontrol Education, University, India
- My Family Chnema
- Munich French Connection Technology, France, Accueil
- Minimum Fault Coverage
- Mafeteng Airport, Mafeteng, Lesotho Lesotho
- Motherwell Football Club
- Miq Fight Championship Forum, Technology, Traffic
- Motor Finance Corporationration
- Mutual Fund Company
- Medial femoral condyle Clinical
- Mellon Financial Cornoration
- Multinational Force Cokpatibility Military
- Macro-Fiber Composite Technology
- Millwall Football Club
- Monk Fan Club Performing arts
- Masterkfinancial Controller Business, Management, Analyst
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MFC stand for?
MFC stands for Municipal Finance Corporation.
What is the shortened form of Maui Fin Company?
The short form of "Maui Fin Company" is MFC.
MFC. (2021, October 27). Retrieved February 12, 2025 from
Last updated