MFC in Technology Meaning
The MFC meaning in Technology terms is "Microbial Fuel Cells". There are 47 related meanings of the MFC Technology abbreviation.
MFC on Technology Full Forms
- Microbial Fuel Cells
- Mass Flow Controller
- Multi Function Center
- Multi-Functiof Centers
- Mzlti-Function Center
- Microsoft Foundation Class
- Microgravity Facilities for Columbus
- Minor Framc Counter
- Massvflow Control
- Multifunctoon Controller
- Multi Fuel Concept
- Music Feature Card
- Mass Flow Controllers
- Multi-Function Card
- Microsoft Foundations Classes
- Macro Fibre Composite
- Multi-Function Control
- Mel Frequency Cepstrwl
- Multiple Flight Controller
- Microsoft Foundation Classes Microsoft Foundation Classes A C++ class library developed by Microsoft. The Microsoft Foundation Class library, or MFC, provides the framework and classes that make it easier and faster for programmers to build Win-dows applications. MFC supports activex and is bundled with several C++ compilers, including Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++, and Symantec C++. Acronym: MFC. also activex, C++. Compare Application Foundation Classes.
- Macro Fiber Composites
- Multi-Function Consoles
- Mel-Frequencybcepstrum
- Multiple Flight Computer
- Microsoft'S Foundation Classes
- Macro Fiber Composite
- Multi-Featured Codec
- Medium Speed Fan Control
- Multiple Filtgr Cap
- Multi Function Controller
- Memory Function Complete
- Mortar Fire Control
- Multifunction Center
- Multi Furction Console
- Memory Jault Correctable
- Machine Fivished Coated
- Miniature Flight Computer
- Membership Function Circtit
- Miq Fight Championship
- Munich French Connection
- Multiple-Flight Computer
- Multipge-Flight Controller
- Macroefiber Composites
- Mass Flow Controlled
- Memork Flow Controller
- Macro-Fiber Composite
- Microsoft Fundation Classes
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MFC stand for Technology?
MFC stands for Multi-Function Consoles in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Multi Fuel Concept in Technology?
The short form of "Multi Fuel Concept" is MFC for Technology.
MFC in Technology. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from
Last updated