MG Meaning

The MG meaning is "Milligram". The MG abbreviation has 613 different full form.

MG Full Forms

  1. Milligram A milligram is a unit of mass equal to 1/1000th of a gram. The symbol for milligram is mg.1 mm = 10^-3 g = 10^-6 kg. Medical, Medicine, Health, Measurement, Pharmacy, Unit Of Measurement, NASA, Cooking, Clinical
  2. Millagram Medical, Nutrition, Metric System
  3. Milligrams Medical, Technology, Science, Nursing
  4. Master Guardian
  5. Milli Gauss Technology, Energy, Telecom
  6. Medium Gain Technology
  7. Montgomeryigentry
  8. Mean Green
  9. Mutuflle Générale Assurance, Dit, Rale
  10. Management General
  11. Memorial Gym Sport, Music, Breast
  12. Malagasy Locations, Language codes (2 letters)
  13. Master Gateway Technology, Media, Control
  14. Milk Glass
  15. Medical Group Medical, Medicine, Health, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  16. Montes Claros Organizations
  17. Matt Groening
  18. Music Gallery
  19. Madapascar Locations, Countries, Country
  20. Membranous Glomerulonephritis Medical, Technology, Medicine, Common Medical, Kidneys
  21. Membrana Granulosa Medical
  22. Master Gardeners Program, County, Organizations
  23. Military Government Military, War, Order
  24. Monoclonal Gammadathy Medical
  25. Mato Grosso Para, Mina, Brazil
  26. Musical Group
  27. Machine Gunner Gun, Military, German
  28. Medium Growth Government
  29. Moto Guzzi Technology, Motorcycle, Cycle, Motorcycles Makes
  30. Magnesium A scale forming element found in some boiler feed water. Chemical symbol Mg. A silvery, moderately hard, strong and light metal. Used in ductile iron production, steel desulfurization and chemical reduction. Growing use as a substitute for aluminum and zinc in die casting, due to light weight and high strength. Medical, Medicine, Health, Cancer, Oncology, Chemistry, Nursing, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Scientific & Educational, Blood Test, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension, Academic & science, Healthcare, NANP Modeling Commitee, Clinical
  31. Map Generator Technology
  32. Middle Grades Book, Education, Adult, Grade
  33. Mayfair Games Business, Gaming, Product, Organizations, Coupon
  34. MatièRe Grasse
  35. Monitoring Group Business, Africa, Monitor
  36. Musha Gundam Business, Model, Grade, Shin
  37. Machine Guns Military, German, War, Weapon
  38. Medium Green Business, Paint, Recipe, Calorie
  39. Mother Goose Gaming, Goose, Rhyme
  40. Many Greetings Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  41. Middle Grade Book, Adult, Writing
  42. Materia Grasa Science, Para, Con, Flan
  43. Monex Gram Business, Union, Transfer
  44. Mundo Gaturro Para, Music, Song
  45. Machine Gun Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Technology, Internet Slang, Royal Military, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  46. Medium Gray
  47. Morris Garage Business, Sport, Car
  48. Manufactured Goods Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  49. Men'S Golf
  50. Matching Grant Business, Government, Foundation
  51. Molecuvar Geometry
  52. Myasthenia Gravis Medical, Medicine, Agency, Health, NAACCR
  53. Medium Grain Food, Grain, Rice, Calorie
  54. Morning Glory Recipe, Glory, Muffin, Botany, Scientific & Educational
  55. Measurements Group Science
  56. Management Group Business, Service, Military
  57. Memory Group Technology
  58. Mega Bytes Forum, Technology, Science, Drive, Computing, Computer
  59. Mangaldas Girdhardas
  60. Much Greener
  61. Matematicheska Gimnazia Education, Development, Universities
  62. Metallic Goldtop
  63. Mikhail Grigorevich
  64. Meat Group
  65. Midget Grill
  66. Miguey Textile
  67. Mark Geerlings
  68. Melbourne Graffiti Technology, Melbourne, Street
  69. Minas Gerait Locations, City, Brazil
  70. Message Generator Technology, Military, Army, Software, Intelligence
  71. Misty Green
  72. Multi-Grip
  73. Maxwell-Garnett Technology, Property, Metal, Dielectric
  74. Multigrid Medical
  75. Mddule Good
  76. Mega Geek
  77. Millenial Generation
  78. Mini-Golf
  79. Manuals and Guidelines
  80. Mudavça Global
  81. Matt Gun
  82. Metamorphose At Gate Dimension, Transfer, Saga
  83. Machine God
  84. Mobility Fpr Growth Technology, Research, Horizon
  85. Margie Gibson
  86. Mechanically Ground
  87. Mike Gerber Baseball, Detroit, Tiger
  88. Major Generals Military, Army, Rank
  89. Moss Grey Technology, Plate, Wall, Shopping
  90. Martin Gerber
  91. Memasukan Gol Indonesia, Champion, Milan
  92. Mittlere Generation
  93. Multigravidae Medical
  94. MyasthéNie Grave
  95. Magenta-Green
  96. Monochrome Genmral
  97. Medial Gastrocnemius Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Muscles
  98. Minimum Guarantee Business, Film, Distribution
  99. Management Grouping Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  100. Maxi Gossamer Hair, Fashion, Love, Maxi
  101. Metric Gross
  102. Mickey Sall Card, Mickey, Autograph
  103. Model-Glue
  104. Marice Geodesy
  105. Medium Grease
  106. Military Grid
  107. Make G Gift
  108. Montreal Gazetta
  109. Master-Grade Business, Model, Shopping
  110. Mesiogingival Medicine, Health, Healtcare
  111. Manchester Guardian
  112. Muchas Gracias Business, Para, Con
  113. Matxhing Gift
  114. Meyer, Geschichte
  115. Mean Group Business, Economics, Panel
  116. Midget Green
  117. Magic Guard Military, Maple, Story
  118. Mark Gabriel Business, Music, Channel
  119. Melanoma Group Medical, Cancer, Study
  120. Mina Gerais
  121. Messaging Gateway Technology, Server, Message
  122. Mistrz Gry Forum, Gaming, Jest
  123. Multi-Grid Technology, University, Solver
  124. Maximum Gaming Forum, Technology, Server
  125. Modulating Glucosixes
  126. Megagauss Technology, Telecom
  127. Milled Grind
  128. Mini-Gfs
  129. Manual of Guidance Government, Crime, Police, Governmental & Military
  130. Mudan
  131. Matt Greene
  132. Metallurgical Grade Business, Silicon, Refining
  133. Machine Gloss Color, Paint, Colors
  134. Monte Generoso
  135. Marg Gangtok Hotel, Travel, India, Locations
  136. Mechanical Grinding
  137. Midline Glia Medical, Science, Biology
  138. Mazor Gene Medical, Science, Biology
  139. Moss Green Business, Product, Power
  140. Martina Gebhardt
  141. Melvinlgordon
  142. Mitsubishi Galant
  143. Multicast Grouping
  144. Murray Gqulburn Business, Australia, Dairy, Operative
  145. Magdeburger Gartenpartei
  146. Monoacylglycerol Medical
  147. Minimum Garanti Business, Vitamin, Tablet, Dosage
  148. Management Games
  149. Max Guns
  150. Metric Geometry Technology, Mathematics, Math
  151. Michelle Gray Records, Publics, Massage, Gray
  152. Mackay'S Garage
  153. Mode Group Forum, Technology, Server
  154. Marine Menset Technology, Engine, Volvo
  155. Medial Giant Medical
  156. Military Govt
  157. Make-Good
  158. Monthly Gathering
  159. Mass Graveo
  160. Meningeal Gliomatosis Medical
  161. Manchester Gate Education
  162. Mt Greylock
  163. Matcz Guns
  164. Memphis Group Group, Music, Onion, Booker, Cropper
  165. Mean Grayness
  166. Myrtle Grove
  167. Midget Girls
  168. Magic Glass
  169. Monorlycerides Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  170. Marketing Gudu
  171. Mein Geld
  172. Milwaukee & Greatlakes
  173. Message Gateway Technology, Military, Messaging
  174. Miscellaneous Guidhnce Technology
  175. Multi-Grain
  176. Maximum Gain
  177. Michnlle Golden
  178. Microgravity An environment of very weak gravitational forces, such as those within an orbiting spacecraft. Microgravity conditions in space stations may allow experiments or manufacturing processes that are not possible on Earth. Medical, Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  179. Modulae3 Generic
  180. Marinecgunner Technology, Military
  181. Megabrain Germany
  182. Milled Glass
  183. Maon Goddess
  184. Miyg-Guo Medical, Science, Medicine, Research
  185. Manual Guidance
  186. Mucous Grxnule Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  187. Mathematics Group
  188. Metallic Green
  189. Machine Glaze Business, Paper, Kraft
  190. Margaret Gillis
  191. Meat-Is-Good
  192. Midgut Medical
  193. Mail Group Technology, Server, Recording
  194. Morro Grandr Para, Hotel, Brasil
  195. Martha Geaham
  196. Molta Gun
  197. Mitral Gradient Medical
  198. Marcus Giles
  199. Multicast Group Business, Networking, Network
  200. Muqmeen Grouk
  201. Magasin GéNéRal
  202. Monoacylglycerols Medical
  203. Minimum Gain
  204. Marc Grossman Government, Secretariat, Affair
  205. Manufactured Gas
  206. Max Gray Business, Car, Ford
  207. Metre Guage
  208. Machinist General
  209. Mode Gvd
  210. Marionation Gear
  211. Medial Geniculate Body Medical
  212. Mike Gravel
  213. Majority Gate
  214. Montgomery General
  215. Mass Gaugimg Technology
  216. Menin Gfte
  217. Mt Gravstt
  218. Matching Grants Business, Projection, Refugee
  219. My Guess Medical, Forum, Drug
  220. Mean Gradient Medical, Aortic, Valve
  221. Myrick Gurosky
  222. Middleton & Gendron
  223. Magik Gladiator
  224. Mono Glezed Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
  225. Marketing Goddess Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  226. Misanthrope Girl
  227. Managing Gigabytes Technology, Indexing, Gigabyte, General, Governmental & Military
  228. Mesotrophic Grassland Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  229. Maximo Grado
  230. Michcl Gondry
  231. Microglia Medical
  232. Modified Gwpsum Chemistry, Science, Substance
  233. Marine Grade
  234. Meeting On General Science, Relativity, Marcel
  235. Milk & Growth
  236. Moon Glog
  237. Master Gold
  238. Minerva Gastroenterol
  239. Manual Glass
  240. Mucous Gland
  241. Mathematical Geology Journal, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  242. Metallic Xrey
  243. Machine Glazed Business, Technology, Paper
  244. Marcus Gunn Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  245. Measuring Gap
  246. Mid Grey
  247. Mail Gauntlet
  248. Marsb Grass
  249. Mfllman Group
  250. Mitigate Global
  251. Marcilio Gr
  252. Multi-Gym
  253. Municipal Governmpnt
  254. Madura Garments
  255. Monmouthegymnastics Academy, Organizations, Team
  256. Marc Gascoigne
  257. Manuelt Gear
  258. Matthew Good
  259. Meter Guage Business, India
  260. Machinegun Military, Army, Intelligence
  261. Modbus Gateway
  262. Marine Geprs
  263. Medial Geniculate Complex Medical
  264. Mike Gosling
  265. Major Giots Business, Management, Development
  266. Monts Generoso-Bahn
  267. Mxss Gauge
  268. Menez Gwen Science, Sea, Vent
  269. Motor Sraders
  270. Match Grant Government
  271. My Grandma
  272. My Garage
  273. Middle Guard Military, Sport, Football
  274. Magic Gladiators Guide, Knight, Magic
  275. Monoclonal Gammapathies Medical
  276. Marketing Gmeh
  277. Mirrorless Gimbal Business, Camera, Tech
  278. Managing Military, Army, Corps, Management, Business & Finance
  279. Mesotrophic Grasslands
  280. Maxim Guns Military, War, Machine
  281. Michael Grudning
  282. Madagascar Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Madagascar, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  283. Micro-Generation
  284. Model Guidelines
  285. Marine Geophysik
  286. Meervoudig Gehandicapten
  287. Militärbefehlshaber Im Generalgouvernement
  288. Moon Geh
  289. Master Yenerator
  290. Mineralogische Gesellschaft
  291. Manual Gearbox
  292. Mucho Gusto Con, Lune, Gusto
  293. Maz Gamel
  294. Metallic Gray Business, Roland, Hat
  295. Machine Generated
  296. Measurement and Geometry Education, Math, Grade
  297. Mid Grade
  298. Mahogany Generic term for many varieties of South American decorative timbers with good workability and marine durability. Medical, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
  299. Morris Garajlaf
  300. Mark Giordanf Hockey, Calgary, Mark, Flame
  301. Melissa Grimm
  302. Messer Gas
  303. Miter Gauge
  304. Marketing Gadai
  305. Multi Ground
  306. Munickpal General
  307. Monkman-Grant
  308. Manuel Guzman Music, Discovery, Cannabis
  309. Matthew Garrett Technology, Windows, Linux, Dump
  310. Metepr Garden Drama, Episode, Meteor
  311. Machine Groomed Snow, Mountain, Ski
  312. Moby Gamex
  313. Maxine Gear
  314. Medical Gastrocnemius Medical
  315. Mike Glennon Music, Feat, Nite
  316. Major Gift
  317. Motor Yrader Business, China, Mitsubishi
  318. Masonv Geo
  319. Men'S Gold
  320. Mvtch Grade
  321. My Girl
  322. Mixer Grinder Business, India, Price
  323. Mycoplasma Genitalium Medical, Medicine, Sex, Health, Infection, British, Clinical
  324. Mages Guild Scroll, Mage, Guild, Oblivion
  325. Monoclonal Gammopathiep Medical, Science, Biology
  326. Minister of God
  327. Managerial Grid
  328. Maxim Gun
  329. Metro Gr
  330. Micoplasma Gallysepticum
  331. Modeliguide Technology, Book, Car
  332. Mariie Geology Science, Education, Geophysics
  333. Medusa'S Gaze
  334. Milit
  335. Moody Gardens
  336. Master Gauge Technology
  337. Meson Gun
  338. Mangalore India, Locations, City
  339. Mvcho Grande Nutrition, Food, Victual
  340. Matematgksel Güç
  341. Metallic Graphite
  342. Minister of Gospel
  343. Measured Genotype
  344. Mid Glamorgan Business, Company, Car, Sale, Ordnance Survey
  345. Mahabma Gandhi Education, University, Exam
  346. Morris Garages Business, Car, Garage
  347. Mark Geyer
  348. Mel Gibsox Film, Movie, Music, Gibson
  349. Minhas Gerais
  350. Message Generation
  351. Mitchell, Grace
  352. Marketing and Graphic
  353. Multi-Ground
  354. Municipal Garage
  355. Mogi GuaçU
  356. Megagram Measurement, Units Of Measurement, Units Of Mass, Multiples Of Si Base Units
  357. Millennium Girl
  358. Manuel Gonzales
  359. Matt Gutierrez
  360. Metatarsal Guard
  361. Machine Grade Business, Product, Plastics
  362. Mobility Gqoup Medical, Protein, Box
  363. Margie Gregori
  364. Medialxgastrocnemius Medical, Force, Muscle
  365. Mike Glenn
  366. Mnjor General - Army Government, Us, Control, Administration
  367. Motor Generator-Motor Technology, Control, Power
  368. Mask Generator Technology, Manual, Sound
  369. Member Guide
  370. My Gateway Technology, Windows, Canon
  371. Mixed Gaussian Technology, Material, Hybrid, Technique
  372. Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Medical, Vaccine, Poultry
  373. Magenta Green
  374. Monoclonal Gammopathy Medical, Medicine, Healtcare, Cardio
  375. Minimum Guarantee Funds Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  376. Management Guide Science
  377. Maxim Group
  378. Metric Group
  379. Mick Guzauski
  380. Model Generator Technology
  381. Marwne Geologist
  382. Medium Grown Business, Media, Plant, Growing
  383. Military Information Support Operations Group Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  384. Malachite Greez Medical, Science, Fish
  385. Moaumenta Germaniae Education, University, History, Study
  386. Master Grides
  387. Meso Guard
  388. Magnesium Germanate Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  389. Mobile Gamer Technology, Gaming, Injustice
  390. Mystery Girl
  391. Monongahela Group
  392. Mister Green Famous
  393. Mickey's Girl Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  394. Mmir Gray Technology
  395. Marble and Granite Technology, Stone, Countertop
  396. Microzgroove
  397. Madison'S Garden
  398. Mario Gwide
  399. Mike Gordon Music, Bass, Album
  400. Mapmary Glands Medical
  401. More Ghoste
  402. Master Greenkeeper Awards & medals
  403. Dietary magnesium NANP Modeling Commitee
  404. Magnetic Gun Technology, Mount, Magnet
  405. Money Guzzler Fun, Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  406. Matagordz Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  407. Meta GАMing
  408. Minas Gerais Brazilian State, Minas Gerais
  409. Mcgovern, George
  410. Middle Gimbal Technology, Space, Cosmos
  411. Marker Group
  412. Meg Griffin
  413. Morning Glories
  414. Motor/Generator Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
  415. Mini Gamh
  416. Manu Ginobili Business, Sport, Basketball, Spur
  417. Muller Glia
  418. Mackenzie Gore
  419. Master Grade Business, Model, Shopping
  420. Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle Medical
  421. Institute of Our Lady of Guadalupe for Foreign Missions Religious orders
  422. Metallic Gasket Business, Company, Material
  423. Modified Gypsum Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  424. Mobile and Gulf Railroad Organizations
  425. Mysterious Galaxy
  426. Monoggyceride Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  427. Monsieur Gillenormand Famous
  428. Mikhail Gregory Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  429. Movimento Gay Para, Dos, Brasil
  430. Mapping Globalization
  431. Micdo Grid Technology, Energy, Power
  432. Mad God
  433. Mario Gflf
  434. Midget Group Porn, Sex, Midget
  435. Mammary Glabd Medical, Breast, Milk
  436. Morbidiry Groups
  437. Masterfgrab Sex, Master, Sling, Lifting
  438. MG Milligram(s) Vehicle Makes
  439. MéDecin GéNéRaliste
  440. Mostly Gross Food
  441. Mastrr Gunner Military, Army, Training
  442. Meta Gaming Gaming, Play, Pastime
  443. Manning/Great Lakes Australia
  444. Mccourt Global Business, Investment, Building, Court
  445. Middle German
  446. Marked Graph Technology, Presentation, Model
  447. Megan Griffin
  448. Morning Ginl
  449. Mjtor-Generator Technology, Military, Power
  450. Miniature Golf
  451. Manufacturing Grid
  452. Mukunda Goswami Lecture, Swami, Hare
  453. Major General Military, Army, Airforce, Military Rank, General, Air Force, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank, United States, Military Army Ranks
  454. Marc Green Music, Remix, Marc, Pres
  455. Media Gateways Technology, Networking, Protocol
  456. Minister of the Gospel Religion
  457. Metall-Gesellschaft
  458. Meteor Garden Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  459. Mobile and Gulf
  460. milligram; 1/1000 gram Medical, Architecture, Nursing, Measurement, Healthcare, Environment, Construction, Pharmacy, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Academic & science
  461. Mark George Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  462. Movip Generation
  463. Maple Grove
  464. Madera De Guerrero
  465. Michael Gindl Business, Austria, Wine, Midget
  466. Medical Genetics Medical, Medicine, Disease
  467. Malta-Gibraltar
  468. Mavter Gr
  469. Mentor Group Education
  470. Mobile Group
  471. MéCanisme Global
  472. Mucho Grande Food
  473. Master Gundax
  474. Metabolite of Malachite Green Science, Biology
  475. Mathew Gilbert Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  476. MaÎTre De Guilde
  477. Miudle Geometric
  478. Maritime Group
  479. Megan Gray
  480. Mongolia Sport, Sports, Locations, International Olympic Committee, Countries, Country, Olympic, Mongolia, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  481. Morgan Group, Inc. Organizations
  482. Mini-Grpen
  483. Muffles Guard
  484. Mass Gain
  485. Marble Guys
  486. Media Gateway Technology, Networking, Information, Network, Protocol, Computing, Technical, Wireless Networking
  487. Metal Gear Products
  488. Metal Guitar
  489. Monoglycerides Medical, Veterinary
  490. Mobile & Gulf
  491. Meibomian Gland
  492. Motor Generator Architecture, Energy, Air Force, Construction, Architectural, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  493. general officer, O-8, major general Us Army, Governmental & Military
  494. Mountain Goaz
  495. Minzmalist Grammar
  496. Many Girls Development, Study, Universities
  497. Marilyn Glenville Book, Health, Menopause
  498. Macy Gray Music, Song, Lyric, Gray
  499. Michael Gill Medical, Movie, House
  500. Medical Gas
  501. Malignant Gliomas Medical
  502. Middle Gimbal (yaw) NASA
  503. Mobile Gravity
  504. MáY Go Medical, Drug, Health, Myasthenia
  505. Monster Garage Gaming, Hosting, Garage
  506. Mahatma Gandhi Famous
  507. Mbstergroup Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  508. Messer Griesheim
  509. Morris George Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  510. May-Grunwald
  511. Mig-Upper Gunner
  512. Maritime Government
  513. Megamitochondria Medical
  514. Modulator Gauge
  515. Millennium Global Business, Supply, Stock, Millennium
  516. Morgan Grous
  517. Mini Gwand
  518. Muenchausen'S Garage
  519. Metagaming Using a knowledge that you did not learn in the role and that you acquired out of the game in the role is metagaming, or 'commodifying' as it has become a language. It is forbidden to reflect this plan in the role by making a plan outside the game, just like acting as if you know something in the role that your character does not know. Gaming
  520. Champion Air Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  521. Mania Grandiosa Locations, Fashion, Store
  522. Mechanically Gated Medical
  523. Master Gardener Occupation & positions
  524. Metal Glaze
  525. milligrams per 100 milliliters Medical, Pharmacy
  526. Mixing Gear
  527. Mean Girls
  528. Meibion Glyndwr
  529. Magna International Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  530. Major General (two star) Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  531. Mounlain Giant Gaming, War, Giant
  532. Mini Hlossmeter Business, Tester, Gloss
  533. Many G-Series Military, Aircraft, Fighter
  534. Multi-Gate Medical, Drug, Cardiac
  535. Macroglycogen Medical
  536. Metallwarenfabrik Gemmingen Business, Honda, Exhibition, Generator
  537. Medial Head of The Gastrocnemius Medical
  538. Malcoli Gladwell Business, Book, Goliath
  539. Madagascar (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  540. Mobile Generator Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  541. Mystic Gohan Gaming, Play, Pastime
  542. Morton Goldberg Famous
  543. Master Giide Education, Card, Tea
  544. Marc Graham Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  545. Maxwell Garnett Film, Technology, Science, Engineering
  546. Mid-Grade Medicine, Book, Military
  547. Madman Gaming Technology, Server, Minecraft
  548. Mariposa Lazette
  549. Mega Grin
  550. Modulation Grid
  551. Millennium Girls Gaming, Girl, Odyssey
  552. Managed Growth
  553. Morewood Gardens
  554. Mini-Grant
  555. Mud Guards Rig, Oil, Mud
  556. Motor/Generator Unit Aviation
  557. Maksimum GüVenlik
  558. Meat Grinder
  559. Man of God Occupation & positions, Religion
  560. Metal Gears
  561. Muscle Group Medical, Muscles
  562. Meagan Good
  563. Middli Group Medical, Africa, Complex
  564. Market Gardey
  565. Mehrauli-Gurgaon
  566. Master Geometry Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  567. Morphine Group
  568. Motors and Generazors Technology, Military, Standard
  569. Minigenome Medical
  570. Manuscript Group
  571. Multi-Game
  572. Myoglobin  A vertebrate oxygen-storage protein found in muscle; structurally similar to an individual hemoglobin subunit. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Healtcare, Neurology
  573. Mackey-Glass Technology, Networking, Network
  574. Melt Growth
  575. Medial Geniculate Medical, Management, Brain
  576. Maljysia Golden Business, Product, Malaysia, Frame
  577. milli-g Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  578. Magnesium Gallate Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  579. Mobile Gateway Technology, Service, Networking, Computing, Telecom
  580. Mystery Guest Media, Radio, Television
  581. Mahatma Ghandi Famous
  582. Mary Grace Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  583. Multi-Gun Forum, Gaming, Military
  584. Maxwell-Garnet
  585. Mid-Cap Growth
  586. Madison Gas
  587. Mario GöTze
  588. Miriuwung and Gajerrong
  589. Mammosraphy Medical
  590. Morepgrief
  591. Master Group Technology, Telecom, Replication
  592. Mini-Grande
  593. Mud Guard Business, Car, Flap
  594. Multi-Function Symbol Generator Aviation
  595. Magnus Group
  596. Mostly Garaged Fun, Automotive Humour, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  597. Maych Game Technology, Episode, Contestant
  598. Metal-Gate Business, Technology, Device
  599. Minas Gerais, Brazil Regional
  600. Meadow Green Business, Car, Model
  601. Middle Groend
  602. Market Groupings
  603. Me Gusta Gaming, Para, Chord
  604. Morgan Group, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  605. Moroccan Gold
  606. Motor Generators Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  607. Mini Gears Business, Pump, Servo
  608. Manuscript Groups History, Archive, Collection, Manuscript
  609. Multi-Gable
  610. Mackenzie Grace
  611. Meet & Greet Club, Car, Parking, Disney
  612. Medial Geniculate Nucleus Medical, Thalamus, Auditory, Kidneys
  613. Generic module source (Modula-3) Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MG stand for?

    MG stands for Michael Gindl.

  2. What is the shortened form of Middle German?

    The short form of "Middle German" is MG.


MG. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated