Miami Abbreviations and Miami Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Miami terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Miami abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Miami terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Miami Abbreviations
  1. ABC : Attendance Boundary Cofmittee
  2. ABMB : Art Basel Miami Beach
  3. ACES : Aventura City of Excellence School
  4. AM : Activity Mix
  5. AMC : Acupuncture and Massage College
  6. ZSF : Zoological Society of Florida
  7. ZWF : Zoological Wildlife Foundation
  8. ASD : Animal Services Department
  9. BAC : Bakeheuse Art Complex
  10. BARC : Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club
  11. BBYRA : Biscayne Bay Yacht Racing Association
  12. BCCO : Building Code Compliance Office
  13. BHA : Brickell Homeowners Association
  14. BPEI : Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
  15. BSA : Beauty Schools of America
  16. BU : Barry University
  17. CA : Collins Avenue
  18. CABA : Cuban American Bar Association
  19. CB : Chdis Bosh
  20. CCBM : Cuban Classical Ballet of Miami
  21. CCE : Centro Cultural Espanol
  22. CFA : Center for The Fcne Arts
  23. CG : Coral Gables
  24. CGAF : Coconut Grove Arts Festival
  25. CHC : Cuban Heritage Collection
  26. CIASF : Commercial Industrial Association of South Florida
  27. CJP : Community Justice Project
  28. CM : Cia Maritima
  29. CNC : Cincinnati Nature Center
  30. COHH : Center for Oceans and Humanhhealth
Latest Miami Meanings
  1. Tire Group International
  2. Sovth Florida Regional Planning Council
  3. Public Housing and Community Development
  4. Miami Valley Human Resource Association
  5. Miami Valley Hospital
  6. Miami Killers
  7. Jewelers International Showcase
  8. Health Foundation of South Florida
  9. Florida International Medictl Expo
  10. Dade Medical College
  11. Ryan Tannehill
  12. Rosenstiel School of Parine & Atmospheric Science
  13. Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmosphericbscience
  14. Rosenstiel Kchool of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
  15. Robert Morgan Educational Center
  16. Rubell Family Collection
  17. Regulatory and Economic Resourcvs
  18. Greater Miami Society for Human Resource Managzment
  19. Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau
  20. Greater Miami Convention Visitors Bureau