Mime types Abbreviations and Mime types Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Mime types terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Mime types abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Mime types terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Mime types Abbreviations
  1. CSS : Cascade Style Sheet
  2. AI : application/postscript
  3. EPS : application/postscript
  4. PS : application/postscript
  5. AIF : audio/x-aiff
  6. AIFC : audio/x-aiff
  7. AIFF : audio/x-aiff
  8. ASC : text/plain
  9. C : text/plain
  10. CC : text/plain
  11. f : text/plain
  12. .F90 : text/plain
  13. H : text/plain
  14. HH : text/plain
  15. M : text/plain
  16. TXT : text/plain
  17. AU : audio/basic
  18. SND : audio/basic
  19. AVI : video/x-msvideo
  20. BCPIO : application/x-bcpio
  21. BIN : application/octet-stream
  22. CLASS : application/octet-stream
  23. DMS : application/octet-stream
  24. EXE : application/octet-stream
  25. LHA : application/octet-stream
  26. LZH : application/octet-stream
  27. CCAD : application/clariscad
  28. CDF : application/x-netcdf
  29. NC : application/x-netcdf
  30. CPIO : application/x-cpio
Latest Mime types Meanings
  1. Something We Asians Got
  2. multisyllable rhymes of multirhymes
  3. I love this site
  4. Blue Bird Soul Mate
  5. application/zip
  6. image/x-xwindowdump
  7. image/x-xpixmap
  8. text/xml
  9. application/vnd.ms-excel
  10. image/x-xbitmap
  11. model/vrml
  12. video/vnd.vivo
  13. application/vda
  14. application/x-cdlink
  15. application/x-ustar
  16. application/i-deas
  17. text/tab-separated-values
  18. application/dsptype
  19. audio/TSP-audio
  20. image/tiff