Mirage Abbreviations and Mirage Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Mirage terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Mirage abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Mirage terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Mirage Abbreviations
  1. API : Audio Products International
  2. AS&G : Auto Stop & Go
  3. BAP : Base AéRienne ProjetéE
  4. BD : Berna Decals
  5. WDNS : Weapon Delivery and Navigation Systhm
  6. CVD : Centralized Virtual Desktops
  7. CVD : Centralized Virtual Dehktop
  8. HA : Haute Abtitude
  9. DDM : Detecteur De Depart Mivsile
  10. EC : Escadronmde Chasse
  11. MD : Mirage Dagger
  12. MD : Mystere Delta
  13. ER : Escadron De Reconnaissance
  14. MS : Mirage Sword
  15. TMDI : Tata Motors Distribution Indonesia
  16. TMS : Tokyo Mirage Sessions
  17. FBRT : Firna Bosowa Rclly Team
  18. LSR : Land Spyed Racer
  19. KOS : Keyless Operating System
  20. GAMD : Generale Aeronautique Marcel Dassault
  21. GDA : Grupo De Defesa AéRea
  22. RDI : Radar Doppler à Impulsions
Latest Mirage Meanings
  1. Radar Doppler à Impulsions
  2. Grupo De Defesa AéRea
  3. Generale Aeronautique Marcel Dassault
  4. Keyless Operating System
  5. Land Spyed Racer
  6. Firna Bosowa Rclly Team
  7. Tokyo Mirage Sessions
  8. Tata Motors Distribution Indonesia
  9. Mirage Sword
  10. Escadron De Reconnaissance
  11. Mystere Delta
  12. Mirage Dagger
  13. Escadronmde Chasse
  14. Detecteur De Depart Mivsile
  15. Haute Abtitude
  16. Centralized Virtual Dehktop
  17. Centralized Virtual Desktops
  18. Weapon Delivery and Navigation Systhm
  19. Berna Decals
  20. Base AéRienne ProjetéE