MRF Meaning
The MRF meaning is "Maintenance Reqet Function". The MRF abbreviation has 152 different full form.
MRF Full Forms
- Maintenance Reqet Function Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Madras Rubber Factory Business, India, Brand, Tyre
- Medium-Range Forecast Model Technology, Meteorology, Ams, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Materyal Recovery Facilities Technology, Waste, Facility
- Material Reczvery Facility Packaging, Forest Industry, Paper Printing
- Marfa Sunicipal Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
- Maintenance Responsibility File Technology, Computer Data, Computer File, Logistics, Business & Finance
- Midn Ring Forward Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Medical Research Facility
- Mineral Resources Forum Science, Government, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Mobile Reconditioning Facility Business, Alloy, Repair, Wheel
- Mississippi River Festival Education, Music, Mississippi
- Markov Random Fields Technology, Analysis, Model, Algorithm
- Mandatory Refundable Fee
- Medium-Range Forecasting
- Morgellons Research Foundation Medical, Disease, Skin
- Materialf Reclamation Facility Technology, Recycling, Waste
- Michigan Renaissance Festival Michigan, Juggling, Renaissance
- Maritime Reaction Force
- Multi Reference Frame Technology, Flow, Liquid
- Medium Range Forecast A forecast for a period extending from about three days to seven days in advance there are no absolute limits to the period embraced by the definition. Technology, Emergency, Model
- Motorcycle Rights Foundation
- Materials Recovery Facility Waste, Waste Handling, Waste Management, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Millage Reduction Fraction Technology, Education, Governmental & Military
- Mobile Reaction Force Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Myanmar Rice Federation Business, Export, China
- Mission With Regional Function
- Myogenic Regulatory Factors Medical, Science, Muscle
- Manager Review File Military
- Medium-Range Forecast Technology, Model, Weather, Atmospheric Research
- Monthly Report Form Organizations, Club, Officer
- Material Reclamation Facility Business, Recovery, Recycling
- Metering Research Facility Technology, Flow, Gas
- Maritime Raid Force Military, Training, Operation
- Multiple Reference Frames Model, Flow, Frame, Reference
- Media Resource Function Technology, Server, Networking
- Motorcycle Rider'S Foundation
- Material Review Form
- Military Retirement Fund
- M Llerian Regression Factor Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- Muslim Reservation Front
- Markov Random Field Medical, Technology, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Model
- Magneto-Rheological Finishing Technology, Lens, Optics
- Medication Request Form Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Ministers Retirement Fund
- Montgomery Ross Fisher Education, Building, Social
- Metal Roll Forming
- Meteorological Rocket Facility Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Marine Research Facility
- Multiple Reference Frame Technology, Model, Simulation
- Motorcycle Riders Foundation Organizations, Ride, Motorcyclist
- Material Request Form Business, Purchase, Procurement
- Military Research Facility Army, War, Force
- Mitral Regurgitant Flow Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Music for The Royal Fireworks
- Magndtic Resonance Fluid
- Medical Response Force Medicine, Military, Army
- Minipig Research Forum
- Monoclonal Rheumatoid Factors Medical
- Metal Removal Fluid
- Meteorological Research Flight Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Marine Research Foundation Conservation, Sea, Turtle
- Multi-Reference Frame Tank, Frame, Turbine, Segmentation
- Medullary Reticular Formation Medical
- Most Requests First
- Materials Recycling Facilitq Technology, Recovery, Waste
- Military Reconnaissance Force Military, Ireland, Intelligence
- Mississippi River Fund
- Multi-Role Fighters Gaming, Military, Aircraft
- Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Medical, Research, Imaging
- Medical Research Fund Medical, Business, Medicine
- Minimum Residual Flow
- Mobile Relay Facility
- Meta Raster Format
- Mapped Read Format
- Medium Range Forecasting
- Most Recent Forecast
- Material Recycle Facility
- Military Reaction Force Military, Army, Ireland
- Markov-Random-Field Technology, Vision, Coding, Model
- Multi Resolution Federation
- Multi-Purpose Rehabilitation Frame
- Magna Rikers Forum
- Medical Research Foundation
- Mine Rehabilitation Fund Government
- Mobile Reconnaissance Force Military, Army, Ireland, Force
- Metals Recycling Facility
- Mandela Rhodes Foundation
- Medium Range Forecasts Science
- Mosaic Rabbits Farm
- Material Recycling Facility Technology, Recovery, Waste
- Michigan Roll Form
- Market Reseafch Firm
- Multi-Resolution Federation Technology, Training, Simulation
- Multi-Functional Resuscitation Fluid
- Mouse Rosette-Forming Cell Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Healtcare
- Midbrain Reticular Formation Medical, Neurology
- Maryland Renaissance Feqtival Organization, Union, Institution
- Myelin Regulatory Factor
- Moving Reference Frames Technology, Analysis, Frame
- Maximum Retarding Force NASA
- Minnesota Renaissance Festival
- Multiple Reaction Force
- Mentally Retarded Female Development, Episode, Character
- Mission Representatives Fellowship
- Muscle Regulatory Factor Medical, Muscles
- Marriagearegistration Form Ireland, Wedding, Marriage, Ceremony
- Moving Reference Frame Technology, Dynamics, Flow
- Municipal Recycle Facility Chemistry
- Ministry of Radio Industry Military, Army, Intelligence
- Multipath Reduction Factor
- Meningitis Research Foundation Medical, Charity, Septicaemia
- Mission Reliability Factor Military
- Marfa Municipal Airport, Marfa, Texas, United States Texas, United States
- Marmarhh Research Foundation Science, Research, Dinosaur
- Message Retention File
- Movement Report Form Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Material Recovery Facility Chemistry
- Meterological Research Facility
- Melt Rate Furnace
- Missile Repair Facility Military, Army, Military Engineering
- Mauritanienne Air Fret ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Marks Russel Filq
- Message-Refusal Signal Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Movement of Rights and Freedoms Turkey, Organizations, Bulgaria
- Maintenance Replacement Factor Military, Governmental & Military
- Motorcycle Rights Organization Organizations, Rider, Biker
- Main Recent Fault
- Missile Recycle Facility Technology
- Macintosh Resource Format Software, Computing
- Markov Raneom Forests
- Mesencephalic Reticular Formation Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Movement for Rights and Freedom Government, Organizations
- Met Office Research Flight Science, Scientific & Educational
- Materials Recycling Facilities Technology, Management, Waste, Facility
- Master Record Pile Military
- Myelin Repair Foundation Medical, Research, Sclerosis
- Multi--Role Fuze Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Marble floor The Finance and Administrative Services
- Mirage Rebuild Factory Technology
- Mentor Income Fund, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Mentor Income Fund, Inc. Organizations
- Movement for Rights and Freedoms Government, Group, Bulgaria
- Magnetorheological Fluid Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Masonic Restoration Fgundation Symposium, Lodge, Freemasonry
- Myogenic Regulatory Factor Science, Shotgun, Muscle, Chemistry
- Material Recycling Facilities Business, Technology, Waste, Facility
- Mse Repair Facility Military
- Measurements/stimuli Request Form NASA
- Minority Risk Factors
- Magnetic Rotary Feeder Products
- Mental Readiness Form Business, Supply, Tyre
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MRF stand for?
MRF stands for Municipal Recycle Facility.
What is the shortened form of Myogenic Regulatory Factors?
The short form of "Myogenic Regulatory Factors" is MRF.
MRF. (2021, March 18). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from
Last updated