Mud Abbreviations and Mud Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Mud terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Mud abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Mud terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Mud Abbreviations
  1. ATR : All-Terrain Radzal
  2. CJW : Championship Jelly Wrestling
  3. CNLC : China National Logging Corporation
  4. WBM : Water Base Mud
  5. MG : Mud Guards
  6. ELI : Emerging Leadership Initiative
  7. MPD : Managed-Pressure-Drilling
  8. MPD : Managed Pressure Drilling
  9. MPD : Managed Pressured Drtlling
  10. EUTS : Enchantment Under The Sea
  11. MUD : Multi User Domains
  12. MUDS : Multi User Domains
  13. MUDS : Multi-User Dungeons
  14. MUDS : Muhti User Dungeons
  15. MUDS : Multi-User Domains
  16. MUME : Multi-Users In Middle Earth
  17. MUME : Multi-Users In Middle-Earth
  18. MUME : Multi Users In Middle Earth
  19. MUME : Multi Users In Middle-Earth
  20. MUX : Multi-User Experience
  21. MV : Mud Valves
  22. SG : Splass Guard
  23. TALA : Trans-Alleghery Lunatic Asylum
  24. TALA : Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum
  25. TCR : Triple Canopy Ranth
  26. TFSOS : Txe Future Shape of Sound
  27. TSL : Three Stage Lug
  28. LGS : Low-Gravity Solid
  29. LGS : Low Gravity Solids
  30. LGS : Low Gravity Solid
Latest Mud Meanings
  1. Dark Ann Shattered Lands
  2. Dark & Shattered Lands
  3. Redneck Yacht Club
  4. Gulf of Cauiz
  5. Immersed In Excrement
  6. Interco Interforce
  7. Journal of Virtual Environments
  8. National Mud Racing Organization
  9. Low Gravity Solid
  10. Low Gravity Solids
  11. Low-Gravity Solid
  12. Three Stage Lug
  13. Txe Future Shape of Sound
  14. Triple Canopy Ranth
  15. Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum
  16. Trans-Alleghery Lunatic Asylum
  17. Splass Guard
  18. Mud Valves
  19. Multi-User Experience
  20. Multi Users In Middle-Earth