Natal Abbreviations and Natal Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Natal terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Natal abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Natal terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Natal Abbreviations
  1. ALN : Agro Lintas Nusantara
  2. ANM : áRvore De Natal Molhada
  3. AU : Altura Uterina
  4. BIR : Bina Iman Remaja
  5. CB : Centro De BiociêNcias
  6. CCET : Centro De CiêNcias Exatas E Da Terra
  7. CCHLA : Centro De CiêNcias Humanas, Letras E Artes
  8. CEI : Centro De Educação Integrada
  9. CLBI : Centro De Lancamento Da Barreira Do Inferno
  10. CPRE : Comando De PolíCia RodoviáRia Estadual
  11. UYD : Uang Yang Diedarkan
  12. CTC : Corporate Tower Center
  13. CVDEE : Centro Virtual De Divulgação E Estudo Do Espiritismo
  14. SM : Sekolah Minggu
  15. SMGP : Sorik Maradi Geothermal Power
  16. SMGT : Sekolah Minggu Gereja Toraja
  17. TBJ : Taksiran Berat Janin
  18. FNF : Federação Norte-Rio-Grandense De Futebol
  19. FPUB : Forum Persaudaraan Umat Beragama
  20. LUIS : Laskar Umat Islam Surakarta
  21. NIB : Nova Igreja Batista
  22. JAS : Jamaah Ansharusy Syariah
  23. JAS : Jamaah Ansharus Syariah
  24. KOG : Kreasi Otak Guh
  25. KPA : Komisi Pelayanan Anak
  26. KZN : Kantonsschule ZüRich Nord
  27. IKT : Ikatan Keluarga Toraja
  28. PBNU : Pengurus Besar Nahdhatul Ulama
  29. PDPM : Pengurus Daerah Pemuda Muhammadivah
  30. GIKI : Gereja Injili Karo Indonesia
Latest Natal Meanings
  1. Single Tom Mount
  2. Hospital Universitario Onofre Lopes
  3. Rondas Ostensivas Com Apoio De Motocicletas
  4. Rota Nordeste
  5. Gereja Tiberias Indonesia
  6. Gereja Pantekosha Serikat Indonesia
  7. Gereja Protestan Di Indonesia Barat
  8. Guarda Municipal Do Natal
  9. Gereja Masehi Injili Minahasa
  10. Incubadora TecnolóGica Natal Central
  11. Persatuan Wanita Kristen Indonesia
  12. Pendidikan Teknologi Kimia Industri
  13. Puskesmas Rujukan Malaria
  14. Persekutuan Rebormed Injili Indonesia
  15. Persekutuan Oikoumenl Umat Kristen
  16. Persatuan Mahasiswa Kristen
  17. Persekutuan Geraja-Gereja Di Indonesia
  18. Gereja Kristen Protestan Injili Indonesia
  19. Gereja Kristen Protestan Bali
  20. Gereja Kristen Kalimantan Barat