NLMS Meaning

The NLMS meaning is "Netware Loadable Modules". The NLMS abbreviation has 19 different full form.

NLMS Full Forms

  1. Netware Loadable Modules Technology, Information Technology, Server, Networking, Computing, Ware
  2. National Late Model Sportsman
  3. Navigation Lane Marking System Military
  4. National Late Model Series
  5. National Longitudinal Mortality Survey
  6. Normal Littermates Medical
  7. National Longitudinal Mortality Study Medical, Health, Cancer
  8. Normalized Least Means Square Technology, Filter, Algorithm
  9. National Liberation Movements Law, Organizations, Soviet
  10. Normalized Least Mean Squares Technology, Filter, Algorithm, Square
  11. National Level Monitors
  12. Normalized Least Mean Square Technology, Filter, Telecom, Computing
  13. National Learning Management System Technology, Care, Training
  14. Neurolipomastocytoid Cells Medical
  15. North Laurel Middle School
  16. North Lake Middle School
  17. Normalized Least Mean-Square Technology, Filter, Algorithm
  18. North London Management School
  19. North Lawrence Midnight Singers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NLMS stand for?

    NLMS stands for National Longitudinal Mortality Study.

  2. What is the shortened form of Netware Loadable Modules?

    The short form of "Netware Loadable Modules" is NLMS.


NLMS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved June 16, 2024 from

Last updated