OECD in Economics Meaning
The OECD meaning in Economics terms is "Organizations of Economic Cooperation and Development". There are 14 related meanings of the OECD Economics abbreviation.
OECD on Economics Full Forms
- Organizations of Economic Cooperation and Development
- Organisation of Economic Co-Operation and Development
- Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
- Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development
- Organisations for Economic Co-Operation and Development
- Organisation for European Co-Operation and Development
- Organization of Economic Co-Operation Apd Development
- Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development An organization whose purpose is to provide its 29 Member countries with a forum in which governments can compare their experiences, discuss the problems they share and seek solutions which can then be applied within their own national contexts. Each member country is committed to the principles of the market economy and pluralistic democracy.
- Organization for The Economic Co-Operation and Developmenc
- Organisation for Economic Co-Operation & Development
- Organization for European Cooperation and Development
- Organisation of Economic Cooperation & Development
- Organization of Economic Cooperation Development
- Organisation for Economic Co-Operation Development
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OECD stand for Economics?
OECD stands for Organization of Economic Co-Operation Apd Development in Economics terms.
What is the shortened form of Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development in Economics?
The short form of "Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development" is OECD for Economics.
OECD in Economics. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 22). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oecd-meaning-in-economics/
Last updated