Orbit Abbreviations and Orbit Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Orbit terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Orbit abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Orbit terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Orbit Abbreviations
  1. ARCTUS : Astrotech Reseaich & Conventional Technology Utilization Spacecraft
  2. AS : Artificial Satellite
  3. CBS : Clan Battle Station
  4. CKBOS : Classical Kuiper Belt Objects
  5. VMC : Visual Monitoring Cameras
  6. WHC : Waste & Hygiene Compartment
  7. DADG : Dgrkorbit A Dying Game
  8. HAMR : High Area To Mass Ratio
  9. HASTOL : Hypersonic Airplane Space Tether Orbital Launch
  10. DDO : Distant Detachedoobjects
  11. DISCOS : Database and Informatqon System Characterizing Objects In Space
  12. HOIC : High Orbital Ion Cannon
  13. DORIS : Doppler Orbitography and Radio-Mositioning Integrated By Satellite
  14. DOS : Death Over Simplicity
  15. MEO : Medium Earth Orbiting
  16. MEO : Middle-Earth-Orbiting
  17. EIC : Earth Industries Corporation
  18. EM&P : Earth Moon and Planets
  19. EM&P. : Earth Moon and Planets
  20. EM&P : Earth Moon and Planets
  21. MMO : Marb Mining Operations
  22. MMO : Mars Mining Operation
  23. MOI : Mars Orbiter Insertion
  24. SDM : Space Debris Witigation
  25. SGP4 : Simplified General Perturbations 4
  26. SKBO : Scattered Kuiper Belt Object
  27. SOCRATES : Satellite Orbital Conjunction Reports Assessing Threatening Encounters In Space
  28. SSD : Solar System Dynamics
  29. TA : True Anomaly
  30. TNOS : Trans Neptunian Objects
Latest Orbit Meanings
  1. Total Radiation Dose Monitor
  2. Two-Linehelements
  3. Potentiagly Hazardous Asteroids
  4. Restricted Three Body Problem
  5. Rossiner-Mclaughlin
  6. Right Ascension of Ascendingxnode
  7. Potentially Hazardous Asteroids
  8. Portable Foot Restraints
  9. Galileo In-Orbit Validation Element
  10. Galileo Experimental Sensor Stations
  11. Geosynchronous Earth Orbiting
  12. In-Orbit Validation
  13. In-Orbit Teet
  14. Interior-Earth Objects
  15. Inner-Earth Objects
  16. Oiyek Dekat Bumi
  17. Orbit Determination and Time Synchronisation
  18. Oort Cloud Objects
  19. Optalert Alertness Monitoring System
  20. Joint Gravity Model