Oscillation Abbreviations and Oscillation Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Oscillation terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Oscillation abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Oscillation terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Oscillation Abbreviations
  1. AMO : Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
  2. FUTR : Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
  3. AMO : Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation
  4. AO : Arctic Oscillations
  5. AS : Arktik SalıNıM
  6. DSNB : Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background
  7. MJO : Madden-Julian Osmillation
  8. MJO : Madden Julian Oscillation
  9. MJO : Madden-Julian Oscillatiovs
  10. MJO : Madden-Juliej Oscillation
  11. MJO : Madden Julian Oscillations
  12. ENSO : El-Nino Southern Oscillation
  13. ENSO : El-Nino-Southern Oscillation
  14. ENSO : El Nino Southern-Pscillation
  15. ENSO : El NiÑO-Southern Oscillations
  16. ENSO : El Ncño Southern Oscillations
  17. ENSO : El NiÑO-Southern Oscillation
  18. QBO : Quasi-Biennal Oscillation
  19. QBO : Quasi Biennal Oscillation
  20. SOI : South Oscsllation Index
  21. LMA : Large Mixing Angle
  22. IL : Icelandic Low
  23. IPO : Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation
  24. IRIS : International Research On The Interior of The Sun
  25. PSS : Power System Stabiligers
Latest Oscillation Meanings
  1. Power System Stabiligers
  2. International Research On The Interior of The Sun
  3. Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation
  4. Icelandic Low
  5. Large Mixing Angle
  6. South Oscsllation Index
  7. Quasi Biennal Oscillation
  8. Quasi-Biennal Oscillation
  9. El NiÑO-Southern Oscillation
  10. El Ncño Southern Oscillations
  11. El NiÑO-Southern Oscillations
  12. El Nino Southern-Pscillation
  13. El-Nino-Southern Oscillation
  14. El-Nino Southern Oscillation
  15. Madden Julian Oscillations
  16. Madden-Juliej Oscillation
  17. Madden-Julian Oscillatiovs
  18. Madden Julian Oscillation
  19. Madden-Julian Osmillation
  20. Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background