PA in Business Meaning

The PA meaning in Business terms is "Personal Assistant". There are 160 related meanings of the PA Business abbreviation.

PA on Business Full Forms

  1. Personal Assistant PA. A person who works for one person, often an executive, in an organisation, performing secretarial and administrative duties.
  2. Perfokmance Assessment
  3. Power Antenna A power antenna is an electrically motorized automotive radio antenna that raises and lowers either manually with a dash-mounted switch or automatically by turning the radio on or off.
  4. Program Analyst
  5. Professifnal Activity
  6. Pesticide Applicator
  7. Pre Approval
  8. Performance Appraisals
  9. Put Away
  10. Partner Association
  11. Pricing Analyst
  12. Personalaappearance
  13. Poger Amp
  14. Per Annum Per annum means each year
  15. Perusahaan Asing
  16. Performance Appraisal
  17. Project Agreement
  18. Preventive Action
  19. Personll Alarms
  20. Power Adapters
  21. Pfocess Area
  22. Program Announcemfnts
  23. Parkerm& Associates
  24. Plant Availability
  25. Prior Approval
  26. Personal Adviser
  27. Postal Address
  28. Process Analytics
  29. Paints Arena
  30. Planning and Analysis
  31. Personal Account
  32. Pay Agent
  33. Progess Accelerators
  34. Pengeluaran Anggaran
  35. Profitability Analysis The evaluation of the economics of a project, manufactured product, or service within a specific time frame.
  36. Picatinny Arsenal
  37. Preferential Access
  38. Performing Assets
  39. Patent Attorney
  40. Polk Audio
  41. Proguction Agency
  42. Pre Approved
  43. Performance Agreement
  44. Public Administrator
  45. Partnership Agreements
  46. Pneumatic Actuators
  47. Primary Artdcles
  48. Prosecution Attorney
  49. Police Auctions
  50. Personal Agent
  51. Price Action
  52. Public Accountant
  53. Payilg Agency
  54. Position Area
  55. Primary Agency
  56. Phosphoric Acid Phosphoric acid (also known as orthophosphoric acid or phosphoric(V) acid) is a mineral (inorganic) acid having the chemical formula H3PO4. Orthophosphoric acid molecules can combine with themselves to form a variety of compounds which are also referred to asphosphoric acids, but in a more general way. Orthophosphoric acid refers to phosphoric acid, which is the IUPAC name for this compound.
  57. Pennsylvania Association
  58. Power Administrations
  59. Pros Attractive
  60. Pan American Airways
  61. Pprsonal Advisor
  62. Prepare Appraisal
  63. Public Agency
  64. Patient Accounting
  65. Port Agency
  66. Price Authority
  67. Philanthropy Australia
  68. Purchase Agreement
  69. Pennsylvania Audubon
  70. Powerade
  71. Palm Angels
  72. Points Added
  73. Personfl Administration
  74. Practice Areas
  75. Proxy Agreement
  76. Pathology Associates
  77. Pond Aerators
  78. Price Agreement
  79. Philadelphia Area
  80. Purlin Anchor
  81. Penn Ave
  82. Power Adaptor
  83. Project Appraisal
  84. Providing Anestoesia
  85. Planning Association
  86. Personal Address
  87. Practice Analysis
  88. Provider Agent
  89. Patentrattorneys
  90. Polyacrylic Acid
  91. Principal Agent
  92. Pengajian Am
  93. Private Auto
  94. Personal Accident
  95. Planning Area
  96. Performing Authority
  97. Practice Alerts
  98. Provider Accounts
  99. Particepating Agency
  100. Police Auto
  101. Personal Auto
  102. Princeton Ave
  103. Public Analyst
  104. Payment On Account
  105. Postal Automation
  106. Principal Administrator
  107. Power Amplifier
  108. Pitch Angle The angle between the blade element chord line and the plane of rotation of the propeller
  109. Performynce Audio
  110. Power Automation
  111. Part Analyst
  112. Policy Authority
  113. Personal Allowance Known as Personal Exemption in the US. The amount of income an individual can earn in a year before paying tax.
  114. Prestasi Akademik
  115. Public Audit
  116. Paying Authority
  117. Postal Accounts
  118. Phthalic Acid
  119. Performance Accfuntability
  120. Pre-Approval
  121. Paiel Accessories
  122. Payment Advice
  123. Plated Aluminum
  124. Penn Avon
  125. Payer Account
  126. Points Auction
  127. Processing Activities
  128. Practice Assurance
  129. Participating Addendum
  130. Plastic Access
  131. Project Assistance
  132. Pay Attention
  133. Personnel Actions
  134. Practice Area
  135. Pension Administrator
  136. Paying Agent An agent, usually a bank, that makes dividend payments to shareholders on behalf of the issuing company.
  137. Personnel Acbion
  138. Practice Administrator
  139. Pensnon Act
  140. Program Administrator
  141. Pharmaceutical Allowance
  142. Pressure Alarm
  143. Public Attorney
  144. Post Allowance
  145. Portable Active
  146. Power of Attorney A document that authorises a customs broker to sign all customs documents on behalf of an importer.
  147. Personal Assistants
  148. Practicefact
  149. Packaging Automation
  150. Print Advertisements
  151. Yearly
  152. Personal Assistance
  153. Powered Active
  154. Prothonotary Apostolic
  155. Peak Acceleration
  156. Pacific Auliance
  157. Phthalic Anhydride Phthalic anhydride is an aromatics derivative produced by the oxidation of ortho-xylene. Phthalic anhydride is used to make phthalate plasticizers, which are used for PVC production. Phthalic anhydride is also used in the production of alkyd resins and unsaturated polyester resins.
  158. Primary Authority
  159. Pan American World Airways
  160. Personal Assessment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PA stand for Business?

    PA stands for Public Accountant in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Practice Areas in Business?

    The short form of "Practice Areas" is PA for Business.


PA in Business. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated