PA in Business & Finance Meaning
The PA meaning in Business & Finance terms is "Personal Assistant". There are 22 related meanings of the PA Business & Finance abbreviation.
PA on Business & Finance Full Forms
- Personal Assistant PA. A person who works for one person, often an executive, in an organisation, performing secretarial and administrative duties.
- Public Accountant
- Portfolio Artifact
- Payment On Account
- Patient A patient is any recipient of health care services. The patient is most often ill or injured and in need of treatment by a advanced practice registered nurse, physiotherapist, physician, physician assistant, psychologist, podiatrist, veterinarian, or other health care provider.
- Pan American Airways
- Power Amplifier
- Procurement Administrator
- Partial Arc
- Pathology Pathology is a significant component of the causal study of disease and a major field in modern medicine and diagnosis. The term pathology itself may be used broadly to refer to the study of disease in general, incorporating a wide range of bioscience research fields and medical practices, or more narrowly to describe work within the contemporary medical field of "general pathology," which includes a number of distinct but inter-related medical specialties which diagnose disease mostly through the analysis of tissue, cell, and body fluid samples.
- Florida Coastal Airlines
- Primary Air The initial air stream discharged by an air outlet (the air being supplied by a fan or supply duct) prior to any entrainment of the ambient air or for he purpose of combustion.
- Port Authority A government body which in international shipping maintains various airports and/or ocean cargo pier facilities, transit sheds, loading equipment warehouses for air cargo, etc. Has the power to levy dockage and wharfage charges, landing fees, etc.
- Power of Attorney A document that authorises a customs broker to sign all customs documents on behalf of an importer.
- Piong Astro
- Particular Average
- Public Addresses
- Periods after
- Parapsychological Association, Inc
- Patent Act
- Pension Adjustment
- Printable ASCII
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PA stand for Business & Finance?
PA stands for Florida Coastal Airlines in Business & Finance terms.
What is the shortened form of Pan American Airways in Business & Finance?
The short form of "Pan American Airways" is PA for Business & Finance.
PA in Business & Finance. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from
Last updated