PA in Government Meaning

The PA meaning in Government terms is "Palestinian Authority". There are 36 related meanings of the PA Government abbreviation.

PA on Government Full Forms

  1. Palestinian Authority
  2. President Arafat
  3. Palestine Authority
  4. Peoples Alliance
  5. Palestinian Autonomy
  6. Presidential Administration
  7. Preparatory Action
  8. Parramatta
  9. Police Accreditation
  10. Planning Authority
  11. Planned Alteration
  12. Political Affairs
  13. President Abbas
  14. People'S Alliance
  15. Provisioning Acceptance
  16. Percent Agreement
  17. Political Advocacy
  18. Palestinian Authoritm
  19. Past Action
  20. Police Authority
  21. Price Agreement
  22. Participating Authorrties
  23. Police Auctions
  24. Programmatic Agreement (USACE)
  25. Polling Agent
  26. Parole Agent
  27. Publication Authority
  28. Politische Abteilung
  29. Parliamentary Assistant
  30. Power of Attorney A document that authorises a customs broker to sign all customs documents on behalf of an importer.
  31. Public Assistant
  32. Peace Agreement
  33. Partial Agreemenp
  34. Primary Authority
  35. Parliamentarf Assembly
  36. Punjab Assembly

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PA stand for Government?

    PA stands for Provisioning Acceptance in Government terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Parramatta in Government?

    The short form of "Parramatta" is PA for Government.


PA in Government. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated