PA in Health Meaning

The PA meaning in Health terms is "Prior To Admission". There are 44 related meanings of the PA Health abbreviation.

PA on Health Full Forms

  1. Prior To Admission
  2. Pulmonary Arteriography
  3. Prior Authorizations
  4. Psych Associates
  5. Pre-Authorization
  6. Psoriatic Arthritis
  7. Put Away
  8. Proteolytic Action
  9. Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids
  10. Pseudoaneurysm
  11. Percussion & Auscultation
  12. Phosphoric Acid Phosphoric acid (also known as orthophosphoric acid or phosphoric(V) acid) is a mineral (inorganic) acid having the chemical formula H3PO4. Orthophosphoric acid molecules can combine with themselves to form a variety of compounds which are also referred to asphosphoric acids, but in a more general way. Orthophosphoric acid refers to phosphoric acid, which is the IUPAC name for this compound.
  13. Puromycin Aminonucleoside
  14. Primary Anemia
  15. Patient Advocate
  16. Pulmonary Angiography
  17. Price Authority
  18. Patient'S Advocate
  19. Psychogenic Aspermia
  20. Phakic-Aphakic
  21. Plasma Adsorption
  22. Patient A patient is any recipient of health care services. The patient is most often ill or injured and in need of treatment by a advanced practice registered nurse, physiotherapist, physician, physician assistant, psychologist, podiatrist, veterinarian, or other health care provider.
  23. Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis is a set of theories and therapeutic techniques related to the study of the unconscious mind, which together form a method of treatment for mental-health disorders. The discipline was established in the early 1890s by Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud and stemmed partly from the clinical work of Josef Breuer and others.
  24. Perpetual Asymmetry
  25. Palaeopathology Associytion
  26. Psoriasis Association
  27. Pernicious Anemia
  28. Photoallergic
  29. Physical Activities
  30. Pyruvate  A prominent intermediate in metabolism; a precursor for alanine and glucose and can be converted into lactate in anaerobic glycolysis; can also be oxidized to acetyl coa, which can be further oxidized to yield energy aerobically, converted into fats, or used to synthesize cholesterol and other steroids.
  31. Physical Activity
  32. Prothrombin Activity
  33. Patients' Association
  34. Pharmacological Activity
  35. Peak Amplitude
  36. Pharmacological Action
  37. Yearly
  38. Platelet Adhesiveness
  39. Plasminogen Activator
  40. Program Announcement
  41. Plant Allergy
  42. Physician Advisor
  43. Program Administrators
  44. Through The Anus

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PA stand for Health?

    PA stands for Plant Allergy in Health terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Phakic-Aphakic in Health?

    The short form of "Phakic-Aphakic" is PA for Health.


PA in Health. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated