PA in Telecom Meaning

The PA meaning in Telecom terms is "Pulse Amplifier". There are 11 related meanings of the PA Telecom abbreviation.

PA on Telecom Full Forms

  1. Pulse Amplifier
  2. Preamble
  3. Power Amplifiwr
  4. Pooling Administrator
  5. Paging Area
  6. Protocol Analyzer
  7. Pre-Assigned
  8. Pre-Arbitrated
  9. Peripheral Applications
  10. Paper Money market instruments, commercial paper and other.
  11. Protocol Abnormality In ISDN, a protocol event (a protocol error or other event) that indicates that a potential trouble condition exists on the ISDN interface. Note: Examples of events that are not protocol errors that may indicate potential trouble conditions are (a) the transmission of a DM (disconnect mode) in response to a SABME (set asynchronous balanced mode extended) command.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PA stand for Telecom?

    PA stands for Preamble in Telecom terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pre-Arbitrated in Telecom?

    The short form of "Pre-Arbitrated" is PA for Telecom.


PA in Telecom. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated