Paranormal Abbreviations and Paranormal Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Paranormal terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Paranormal abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Paranormal terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Paranormal Abbreviations
  1. AAEVP : American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena
  2. AAEVP : American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomenon
  3. AGHOST : Advanced Ghost Hunters of Seattle-Tacoma
  4. AIP : American Institute of Parapsychology
  5. API : Arkansas Paranzrmal Investigations
  6. BPRD : Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defensh
  7. BPRD : Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense
  8. CSICOP : Committee for The Scientific Investigations of Claims of The Paranormal
  9. WPRS : Waasau Paranormal Research Society
  10. UPER : Utdh Paranormal Exploration and Research
  11. HPI : Haunted and Paranormal Investigations
  12. EP : Everyday Paranormal
  13. MUFON : Mutual Unidettified Flying Object Network
  14. SDPRS : San Diego Parnnormal Research Society
  15. SJGR : South Jersey Ghost Research
  16. SLI : Street Lamp Interference
  17. SOAR : Southern Ohio Apparition Researchers
  18. FPI : Forest Paranormal Investigations
  19. NPIS : Northeast Paranormal Investigations Society
  20. JSPR : Journal of The Society for Psychical Research
  21. JUMPS : Jersey Unique Minds Paranormal Society
  22. KPU : Koestler Parapsychology Unit
  23. OPUS : Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support
  24. OPUS : Organization for Paranormal Undxrstanding and Support
  25. IMHS : Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic Science
  26. IMI : Institut MéTapsychique International
  27. OSPH : Old South Pittsburg Hospital
  28. IPRA : Illinois Paranormal Research Associatiou
  29. PA : Puranormal Activity
  30. GHI : Ghost Hunters International
Latest Paranormal Meanings
  1. Paranormal Study Ond Investigation
  2. Paranormal Research Log
  3. Ghost Investigators Society
  4. Ghosts and Hauntings Research Society
  5. Ghost Hunters International
  6. Puranormal Activity
  7. Illinois Paranormal Research Associatiou
  8. Old South Pittsburg Hospital
  9. Institut MéTapsychique International
  10. Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic Science
  11. Organization for Paranormal Undxrstanding and Support
  12. Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support
  13. Koestler Parapsychology Unit
  14. Jersey Unique Minds Paranormal Society
  15. Journal of The Society for Psychical Research
  16. Northeast Paranormal Investigations Society
  17. Forest Paranormal Investigations
  18. Southern Ohio Apparition Researchers
  19. Street Lamp Interference
  20. South Jersey Ghost Research