Patriot Abbreviations and Patriot Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Patriot terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Patriot abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Patriot terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Patriot Abbreviations
  1. AB : After Brady
  2. ADAFCO : Air Defense Artillery Fire Controj Officer
  3. AIC : Add-In Card
  4. ALHTK : Air-Launched Hit-To-Kill
  5. ALHTK : Air Launched Hit To Kilv
  6. AMG : Antenna Mast Griup
  7. AMG : Antenna Mast Groups
  8. ZPP : Zwiazek Patriotow Polskich
  9. ZPP : Zciązku Patriotów Polskich
  10. BCP : Battery Command Posts
  11. BDP : BüNdnis-Deutscher-Patrioten-1523795871245611
  12. BDP : BüNdnis Deutscher Patrioten
  13. BOMS : Build of Materials
  14. BPBN : Barisan Patriot Bela Negara
  15. CRG : Communications Relay Group
  16. VCLF : Virginia Conservation Legacy Fund
  17. UPF : United Patriots Front
  18. USA : Uniting and Strengthening America
  19. DC : Dan Connolly
  20. HG : Home Garden
  21. HHS : Homewood High School
  22. DLT : Data Link Terminal
  23. HOTH : Help On The Homefront
  24. DR : Darrelle Revis
  25. MGS4 : Metal Gear Solid 4
  26. MMP : Moore Microprocessor Patent
  27. EP : Extreme Perforpance
  28. SJ : Steven Jackson
  29. SLAMRAAM : Surface-Launched Advanced Medium Range Air-To-Air Missile
  30. SSI : Sensor-Shooter-Interoperability
Latest Patriot Meanings
  1. Michael Kelly
  2. Launching Station
  3. Radar Set
  4. Routing Logic Radio Interface Unit
  5. Rob Gronkowski
  6. Patriot Tersebut
  7. Post Deployment Build
  8. Post-Deployment Build
  9. Patriots Day
  10. Kyleevan Noy
  11. Knight Commander of The Victorian Order
  12. Jobs Or Income Now
  13. Low Costtinterceptor
  14. Folds of Honor Foundation
  15. Legarrette Blount
  16. Field Army Ballistic Missile Defense System
  17. Track Via Missile
  18. Track-Via-Missile
  19. Türkiye KomüNist Partililer
  20. Türkiye KomüNist Partili