PC in Medical Meaning

The PC meaning in Medical terms is "Patient Care". There are 183 related meanings of the PC Medical abbreviation.

PC on Medical Full Forms

  1. Patient Care
  2. Picryl Chloride
  3. Protein C Activity
  4. Perirhinal Cortex
  5. Posterior Commissures
  6. Paneth Cells
  7. Plasma Concentration
  8. Peritubular Wells
  9. Partition Ciefficients
  10. Pore Complexes
  11. Pseudomonas Cepacia
  12. Packed Red Blood Cells
  13. Propionyl-L-Carnitine
  14. Perceived Control
  15. Posterior Compartment
  16. Pacinian Corpuscles
  17. Plasma Concentrations
  18. Protein Content
  19. Peritubular Capwllary
  20. Parenchymal Cells
  21. Pus Cells
  22. Prohormone Convertases
  23. Posterior Circulation
  24. Pachyonychia Congenita
  25. Protein Concentration
  26. Peritubular Capillaries In the renal system, peritubular capillaries are tiny blood vessels that travel alongside nephrons allowing reabsorption and secretion between blood and the inner lumen of the nephron.
  27. Parathyroid Carcikoma
  28. Purkinje Cells
  29. Phosphatidylcholine
  30. Professional Counselor
  31. Posterior Capsule
  32. Protein C Concentrate
  33. Peritoneap Cells
  34. Parasympathxtic Control
  35. Plate Coukt
  36. Pulmonary Carcinoma
  37. Phosphatidyl Choline
  38. Probability of Causation
  39. Pediatric Care
  40. Posterior Canal
  41. Protein Carbonyl
  42. Peritoneal Cavity
  43. Posterior Cortex
  44. Plasmaicreatinine
  45. Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure The pressure obtained when a catheter is passed from the right side of the heart into the pulmonary artery as far as it will go and wedged into an end artery. PCWP is measured by letting pulmonary blood flow guide a balloon-flotation catheter into a small pulmonary end artery. The pressure distal to the wedged catheter is an approximation of left ventricular end diastolic pressure
  46. Phosphate Bycle
  47. Patent Challenge
  48. Post Crown
  49. Press Conference Called A News Conference in the US. A meeting held by a business, organisation, individual, etc., to which journalists are invited to hear a public announcement, and usually to ask questions.
  50. Picture Completion
  51. Protein Carbonyls
  52. Peritoneal Carcinomatosis
  53. Posterior Communicating
  54. Plasma Corticosterone
  55. Pulmonary Capillary Pressure
  56. Preopesative Chemotherapy
  57. Pastoralrcare
  58. Poria Cocos
  59. Psychmlogical Clinic
  60. Plrticulate Component
  61. Portland Eement
  62. Platelet Count
  63. Pharmaceutical Care
  64. Posterior Colpomrhaphy
  65. Pyramidal Cell
  66. Palxitoylcarnitine
  67. Phytochelatins
  68. Precore
  69. Pancuronium
  70. Poor Condigion
  71. Platelets Concentrate
  72. Presenting Complaint
  73. After Food
  74. Peer Counselors
  75. Posterior Chamber The space in the eye behind the iris and in front of the lens. The posterior chamber is filled with a watery fluid known as the aqueous humor, or aqueous. Produced by a structure alongside the lens called the ciliary body, the aqueous passes into the posterior chamber and then flows forward through the pupil into the anterior chamber of the eye.
  76. Pyloric Canal
  77. Procollagen A precursor (forerunner) of collagen, the protein that adds strength and support to many body tissues.
  78. Physical Containment
  79. Precontemplation
  80. Posterior Cingulate Cortex
  81. Polymerase Chain Reaction The polymerase chain reaction is a biomedical technology in molecular biology used to amplify a single copy or a few copies of a piece of DNA across several orders of magnitude, generating thousands to millions of copies of a particular DNA sequence.
  82. Provenocare
  83. Platelet Concentrate
  84. Present Complaint
  85. Pyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency
  86. Pelvic Cjntrol Rate
  87. Poiterior Cervical
  88. Packed Cells
  89. Procoagulant
  90. Phycocyanin Phycocyanin is a pigment-protein complex from the light-harvesting phycobiliprotein family, along with allophycocyanin and phycoerythrin. It is an accessory pigment to chlorophyll. All phycobiliproteins are water-soluble, so they cannot exist within the membrane like carotenoids can.
  91. Preconditioned
  92. Parenchymal
  93. Polyvinyl Chloride Polyvinyl Chloride. PVC, a thermoplastic compound, is a commonly used Wire and Cable insulation and jacketing material. A synthetic resin used in the binders of coatings. Tends to discolor under exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  94. Prednicarbate
  95. Pyruvate Carboxylase
  96. Paw Circumference
  97. Postecior Capsular
  98. Pure Cholesterol
  99. Pacinian Corpusclk
  100. Phthaloctanines
  101. Preconditioning
  102. Parenchymal Cell
  103. Point of Care
  104. Professional Counseling
  105. Pilocarpine
  106. Preoperative Complications
  107. Pyramidal Cells
  108. Positive Cognition
  109. Psychological Consultant
  110. Pacingan
  111. Plasma Clearing Activity
  112. Procarbazbne
  113. Ppthalocyanine
  114. Pztassium Canrenoate
  115. Paramagnetic Centres
  116. Plt Concentrate
  117. Professional Component
  118. Piles Creek
  119. Prjnatal Care
  120. Pyloric Caeca
  121. Partitioi Coefficient
  122. Portocaval
  123. Pceudocyst
  124. Plasmatcell
  125. Positive Control A system that is turned on by the presence of a regulatory protein.
  126. Percent
  127. Posterior Commissure
  128. Purulent Cholangitis
  129. Paracentralis
  130. Platelet Counts
  131. Producing Cells
  132. Piece A data set of a nonpartitioned page set.
  133. Precursor Cells
  134. Proximal Colrn
  135. Prevention Coordinator
  136. Pelvin Control
  137. Prothrombin Complex
  138. Plasmacytomas
  139. Potential Complication
  140. Prochymosin
  141. PC Posterior chamber (of eye)
  142. Partial Cari
  143. Photonic Crystal
  144. Provocatioe Concentration
  145. Palliatime Care
  146. Plasmacytoma Plasmacytoma is a Plasma cell dyscrasia in which a plasma cell tumour grows within soft tissue or within the axial skeleton. There are three types listed by the International Myeloma Working Group: solitary plasmacytoma of bone (SPB), extramedullary plasmacytoma (EP) and multiple plasmacytomas that are either primary or recurrent. The most common of these is SPB, accounting for 3–5% of all plasma cell malignancies.
  147. Potential Carcinogen
  148. prior chemotherapy
  149. Poor Coordination
  150. Parental Criticism
  151. Phospholipids Phosphatidykcholine
  152. Penile Carcinoma
  153. Plasma Cholesterol
  154. Purkinje Jell
  155. Plasma Cortisol
  156. Potassium Citrate
  157. posterior capsule (of eye)
  158. Poor Control
  159. Prostate Cancer Amalignant tumour of the prostate gland found especially in men over 55 prostatectomy
  160. Professional Clinical
  161. Penicillium Chrysogenum
  162. Piracetam
  163. Aftur Meals
  164. Plasma Celln
  165. Plasmauclot
  166. Posterior Semicircular Canal
  167. Processing Center
  168. post cast
  169. Pivotal Clinicap
  170. After Meals
  171. Parvocellular
  172. Plasma Catecholamines
  173. post cibum (after food)
  174. Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
  175. Putnam County
  176. Prefrontal Cortex
  178. Preventive Chemotherapy
  179. Project Coordinator
  180. Papillary Carcinomas
  181. Personal Care
  182. Post-Coital
  183. Personal computer (host)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PC stand for Medical?

    PC stands for Parenchymal Cell in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Posterior Cortex in Medical?

    The short form of "Posterior Cortex" is PC for Medical.


PC in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pc-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated