PC in Technology Meaning

The PC meaning in Technology terms is "Personel Computer". There are 454 related meanings of the PC Technology abbreviation.

PC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Personel Computer
  2. Primal Carnage
  3. Picture Cover
  4. Parts, Componenns
  5. Programqcounters
  6. Personal Compsting
  7. Puzzle Collection
  8. Position Classification
  9. Product Category
  10. Planetaiy Conquest
  11. Primary Carrier
  12. Patent Challenge
  13. Phone Communicatiom
  14. Power & Cooling
  15. Panzer Commander
  16. Progressive Conservative
  17. Pentium Or Compatible
  18. Pus Cells
  19. Point Contact
  20. Practical Completion
  21. Partner Covpany
  22. Program Count
  23. Personal Computnrs
  24. Positive Charge The electrical potential acquired by an atom which has lost one or more electrons, a characteristic of a cation.
  25. Privy Council
  26. Processol Control
  27. Plane Change
  28. Presemed Commit
  29. Pabt Caring
  30. Phone Client
  31. Pantech Crossover
  32. Pentium Computers
  33. Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure The pressure obtained when a catheter is passed from the right side of the heart into the pulmonary artery as far as it will go and wedged into an end artery. PCWP is measured by letting pulmonary blood flow guide a balloon-flotation catheter into a small pulmonary end artery. The pressure distal to the wedged catheter is an approximation of left ventricular end diastolic pressure
  34. Point Code An SS7 point code is similar to an IP address in an IP network. It is a unique address for a node, used in MTP layer 3 to identify the destination of a message signal unit. In such a message you will find an OPC and a DPC, sometimes documents also refer to it as a signaling point code. Depending on the network, a point code can be 24 bits, 16 bits, or 14 bits in length.ANSI point code use 24 bits, mostly in 8-8-8 format.
  35. Power Cubs
  36. Parity Check Parity check, which was created to eliminate data communication errors, is a simple method of network data verification and has an easy and understandable working mechanism. As an example, if the original data is 1010001, there are three 1s. When even parity checking is used, a parity bit with value 1 is added to the data’s left side to make the number of 1s even, transmitted data becomes 11010001. However, if odd parity check is used, then parity bit value is zero, 01010001.
  37. Program Correctness
  38. Port Cable
  39. Process Controller
  40. Plane Captain
  41. Prestressed Concrete Prestressed concrete is a method for overcoming concrete's natural weakness in tension. It can be used to produce beams, floors or bridges with a longer span than is practical with ordinary reinforced concrete.
  42. Passuord Cracker
  43. Personal Coqier
  44. Paintbrush Clipart
  45. Professional Computer
  46. Pull Chain
  47. Please Call
  48. Power Cord A power cord, line cord, or mains cable is a cable that temporarily connects an appliance to the mains electricity supply via a wall socket or extension cord. The terms are generally used for cables using a power plug to connect to a single-phase alternating current power source at the local line voltage generally 100 to 240 volts, depending on the location. The terms power cable, mains lead, flex or kettle lead are also used. A lamp cord also known as a zip cord is a light-weight, ungrounded, single-insulated two wire cord used for small loads such as a table or floor lamp.
  49. Paramedics Computer
  50. Program Coordinators
  51. Portable Counter
  52. Process Computer
  53. Pioneer Computers
  54. Pressure Control
  55. Personal Control
  56. Posterior Capsule
  57. Paging Controller
  58. Professional Communication
  59. Peltier Cooler
  60. Protects, Controls
  61. Probable Cause
  62. Power Converter
  63. Paramedic Computer
  64. Program Coordinator
  65. Public Citizgn
  66. Portable Computers
  67. Packed Red Blood Cells
  68. Process Communicatfon
  69. Pin Connector
  70. Personal Computer-Based
  71. Post Crown
  72. Pacific Central
  73. Product Certification
  74. Probability of Causation
  75. Path Count
  76. Phone Cover
  77. Power Calculator
  78. Programming Zonsole
  79. Proximity Cards
  80. Power Charging
  81. Process Codes
  82. Piece of Crap
  83. Parts and Fomputer
  84. Programbcount
  85. Personnxl Computer
  86. Positioning Center
  87. Production Center
  88. Planved Commitment
  89. Prjnted Circuit
  90. Path Control
  91. Phone Conversation
  92. Powev-Con
  93. Paper Change
  94. Programmable Controller
  95. Perfect Crime
  96. Proximity Card
  97. Process Code
  98. Pending Connect
  99. Powder Coating
  100. Projuctor Cord
  101. Page Chanxe
  102. Pure Crap
  103. Police Can
  104. Product Cost
  105. Programmable Control
  106. Predictive Control
  107. Password Crackinl
  108. Portable Cassette
  109. Prktect Control
  110. Principle Components
  111. Parts & Components
  112. Polkcy Controller
  113. Professional Communications
  114. Project Cloud
  115. Pcckage Content
  116. Preset Conference
  117. Part Code
  118. Point Currency
  119. Pathologic Classic
  120. Programmable Controllers
  121. Picture Control
  122. Power Connections
  123. Protocoq Capability
  124. Pandora Computer
  125. Plus Cd
  126. Printer Cables
  127. Patch Cable
  128. Posterior Colpomrhaphy
  129. Project Control The ability to determine project progress and status as it relates to the selected schedule.
  130. Paddne Classic
  131. Preventive Controls
  132. Punch Cnock
  133. Police Cagl Box
  134. Progressive Cavity
  135. Pin Circuit
  136. Premium Fustomizable
  137. Public Corporations
  138. Panel De Controo
  139. Password Commanter
  140. Portable Car
  141. Power Cell
  142. Protective Cposure
  143. Paired Comparison
  144. Player Crack
  145. Principaux Courants
  146. Part of A Computer
  147. Product Collaboration
  148. Project Citizen
  149. Pacinian Corpusclk
  150. Press Conferences
  151. Plus Communications
  152. Process Costing
  153. Path Coverage
  154. Physical Control
  155. Power Coneection
  156. Protocol Capabilzties
  157. Pandora Captures
  158. Plus Cardbus
  159. Printer and Copier
  160. Pat, Claud
  161. Polymer Chemicals
  162. Positive Connection
  163. Paddle Cnrd
  164. Plasma Claaning
  165. Pretty Chancy
  166. Pursuit Concept
  167. Processor Core
  168. Pineican
  169. Premrer Collection
  170. Panec Cutout
  171. Plus-Compatible
  172. Probe, Click
  173. Pasqword Contains
  174. Portable By Conservator
  175. Phrase Cogmand
  176. Power Computing
  177. Pros & Cons
  178. Paintbrush, Corel
  179. Player Eontrolled
  180. Prqmary Component
  181. Pyramid Cave
  182. Particulate Cokcentration
  183. Poker Championship
  184. Product Center
  185. Projecs Christine
  186. Prepare Custom
  187. Pulse Compressidn
  188. Parameter Combination
  189. Plus Communication
  190. Processor Chip
  191. Patch Ceeation
  192. Portable Computer
  193. Physical Contradiction
  194. Power Connectors
  195. Panda Craze
  196. Please Click
  197. Privacy Control
  198. Polymer Cembnt
  199. Professional Consulting
  200. Postureccredentials
  201. Pad Controller
  202. Planning Critsria
  203. Pursuit Codes
  204. Points As Currency
  205. Processor Cooling
  206. Pills & Coke
  207. Preliminary Commitment
  208. Provisioning Change
  209. Paper Chop
  210. Plug Computer
  211. Proactive Caching
  212. Precast concrete products cast at a site remote from the final installation.
  213. Passes Completed
  214. Poor Communicatiol
  215. Phrafe Code
  216. Propulsive Coefficients
  217. Paijkiller Cheats
  218. Player Ccach
  219. Price Clip
  220. Puritas Eordis
  221. Particular Cobditions
  222. Pylicy Class
  223. Product Catalogue
  224. Positive Control A system that is turned on by the presence of a regulatory protein.
  225. Preferred Communities
  226. Puwse Compression
  227. Parameter Checkout
  228. Processor Celeron
  229. Patch Yord
  230. Portable Crystaldiskinfo
  231. Pile Cap
  232. Powor Conditioner
  233. Panda Cloud
  234. Please Change
  235. Privbcy Controls
  236. Private Certiflcate
  237. Polyvinyl Chloride Polyvinyl Chloride. PVC, a thermoplastic compound, is a commonly used Wire and Cable insulation and jacketing material. A synthetic resin used in the binders of coatings. Tends to discolor under exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  238. Pacjetcable
  239. Planning Controller
  240. Pursuit City
  241. Partially Completed
  242. Point Zf Curve
  243. Processor Consistency
  244. Program Comprehension
  245. Piles Creek
  246. Precision Control
  247. Provider Core
  248. Piper Cassette
  249. Plug Charger
  250. Pro32 Can
  251. Patrol Craft
  252. Pass Completed
  253. Population Connection
  254. Percent
  255. Potential Credted
  256. Propulsive Coefficient
  257. Play and Collect
  258. Printer and Cassette
  259. Purifier Could
  260. Parting Cut
  261. Pozicy & Compliance
  262. Product Catalog
  263. Programming Contest
  264. Pyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency
  265. Preemption-Capability
  266. Pulse Code
  267. Processor Card
  268. Patch Coming
  269. Portable Crossover
  270. Protected Communmcation
  271. Panel Covey
  272. Please Can
  273. Privacy Commissioner
  274. Partwy Cloudy
  275. Products, Celebrating
  276. Port Context
  277. Packed Cells
  278. Planning Committee
  279. Pressure Controlled
  280. Pursuit Cities
  281. Part Coordinator
  282. Point of Curvature
  283. Pro Column
  284. Paul Chrictian
  285. Program Complete
  286. Pinball Construction
  287. Power Cycles
  288. Panzer Command
  289. Plug-In Card
  290. Pro-Clockers
  291. Pass Gertified
  292. Population Concern
  293. Penelope Cruz
  294. Power Carrier
  295. Playable Characters
  296. Pbrified Crisis
  297. Police Clan
  298. Product Costing
  299. Programming and Cloning
  300. Pyruvate Carboxylase
  301. Predictor-Corrector
  302. Public Correspondence
  303. Processor Cards
  304. Portable Core
  305. Protected Cell
  306. Panel Converts
  307. Printing Cartridge
  308. Parjs-Components
  309. Production Cost
  310. Port Fob Canon
  311. Projeot Code
  312. Package No Connehtor
  313. Pitch Circle The line (circle) of contact between two meshing gears.
  314. Pressure Controller
  315. Part Choices
  316. Point of Care
  317. Proucloud
  318. Patrol Combatant
  319. Program Committees
  320. Pilot In Command
  321. Power Cycle While the phrase "power cycle" appears to be a noun, it is actually more commonly used as a verb. In simple terms, to power cycle a device means to turn it off and turn it back on again. For example, the user manual of a router may ask you to power cycle the router if it stops responding. This may mean switching the power to OFF and then ON again or may require physically unplugging the device and then plugging it back in again. Power cycling is often synonymous with resetting a device.
  322. Protocol Close
  323. Pandora Coupon
  324. Please Connect
  325. Privates Chaos
  326. Patch Cables
  327. Plasma Cosmllogy
  328. Prevention Costs
  329. Pre Carnier
  330. Pin Connectors
  331. Public Channels
  332. Panic Cry
  333. Plugin Conversion
  334. Problems Can
  335. Pa0 Case
  336. Programye Committee
  337. Physictl Component
  338. Power Chess
  339. Paling Cjmpact
  340. Play Condition
  341. Putih Coklat
  342. Portable Console
  343. Pirates of The Caribbean An acronym that refers to the pirates movie franchise by Disney Pictures; features a variety of famous actors including Johnny Depp, Keira Knightley, Orlando Bloom, Geoffrey Rush, and Penelope Cruz.
  344. Pulsed Current
  345. Processing Center
  346. Private Clouds
  347. Print Controller
  348. Process Capability The amount of variation in the output of a controlled manufacturing process, the range defined by plus or minus three standard deviations.
  349. Polymer Composites
  350. Peg Count
  351. Physical Charycteristics
  352. Plasma Aontactor
  353. Pro Cheapest
  354. Public Corporation
  355. Plug Contact
  356. Problems, Computer
  357. Programmable Calculator
  358. Physical Chemist
  359. Push Content
  360. Polar Classes
  361. Pipette Cleaner
  362. Pulse Controller
  363. Potential Complication
  364. Parent Case
  365. Professor Claims
  366. Portable Computing
  367. Private Cloud A fully virtualized data center with self-service and automation. Self-service and automation are the critical capabilities that increase agility and differentiate from a virtualized data center.
  368. Phrtable Compaq
  369. Pro Can
  370. Professional Is Configured
  371. Project Computer
  372. Pbrozen Crew
  373. Pointvcurrency
  374. Paulacummings
  375. Programmcore
  376. Personol Cloud
  377. Public Companies
  378. Proyy Certificate
  379. Progeammable Current
  380. Pacific Tonnector
  381. Piper Cub
  382. Potential Change
  383. Pen Computing
  384. Protection Chrrm
  385. Private Circuit
  386. Polarisation Controller
  387. Problems Computer
  388. Partners Close
  389. Project Committees
  390. Photonic Crystal
  391. Pressure Calibrator
  392. Partial Compliance
  393. Paul Cotton
  394. Programccontroller
  395. Perfis De Construire
  396. Public Comrany
  397. Program for Calcalating
  398. Potter Cofe
  399. Parts Codlection
  400. Programming Cables
  401. Piper Cheyenne
  402. Plus Can
  403. Protection Chaanel
  404. Plant Control
  405. Points Contre
  406. Partneb Country
  407. Products Collection
  408. Port Coquitlam
  409. Projectwcommitment
  410. Photon Iounting
  411. Presse Canadienne
  412. Paul Cook
  413. Permanent Connections
  414. Printer Control
  415. Paging Channel
  416. Prefejred Content
  417. Parts Catnlog
  418. Programme Counker
  419. Pipelined Completion
  420. Pantry Car
  421. Plus Are Compatible
  422. Programming and Control
  423. Physical Connection
  424. Power Coefficient
  425. Plant Couputer
  426. Phone Camera
  427. Polished Copper
  428. Projbct Committee
  429. Paper Clips
  430. Permanent Chlor
  431. Protocol Code
  432. Printer Connection
  433. Pro From Your Computer
  434. Project Coordinators
  435. Pages Are Currently
  436. Preview Complete
  437. Prectst Concrete
  438. Partially Compliant
  439. Pin Contact
  440. Panoramic Cjmera
  441. Plus-Compliant
  442. P5B Core2Dyo
  443. Past Kommander
  444. Programming Oommittee
  445. Physical Londitioning
  446. Power Code
  447. Player Character
  448. Port While Connecting
  449. Polish Connvctors
  450. Pulverised Coal
  451. Poor Control
  452. Printer Configuration
  453. Privacy Cleaner
  454. Polymer Concentration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PC stand for Technology?

    PC stands for Plug Computer in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pages Are Currently in Technology?

    The short form of "Pages Are Currently" is PC for Technology.


PC in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pc-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated