PE Meaning

The PE meaning is "Physical Examination". The PE abbreviation has 795 different full form.

PE Full Forms

  1. Physical Examination Examination by means such as visual inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation to collect information for diagnosis. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Education, Veterinary, Healthcare, Nursing, Pharmacy, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR, Physiology
  2. Pulmonary Embolism Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Disorder, Healthcare, Nursing, Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Clinical
  3. Polyethylene A thermoplastic material composed of ethylene polymers. Polyethylene has excellent electrical and mechanical properties and is used an insulating material in cable. Chemistry, Engineering, Textile, Computing, Telecom, Polymer, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
  4. Price-To-Earnings
  5. Pigmented Epithelial Cells Medical
  6. Project Explorer Technology, Software, Eclipse
  7. Port Extetder Technology, Networking, Pack
  8. Performance Evaluations
  9. Phase Encoded Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  10. Private Equity A form of business in which the company's entire equity base is owned by one or a small group of individual investors. Under the private equity model, the company does not issue shares onto the stock market, and hence is not usually required to release public financial statements or comply with other securities regulations. Business, Finance, Economics, Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
  11. Pericardial Effusions Medical
  12. Private Edition
  13. Plasmodium Filciparum-Infected Erythrocytes Medical
  14. PráCticas Externas Para, Planning, Con
  15. Pre-Event
  16. Photo-Electric Business, Medicine, Health
  17. Poli Etilen
  18. Patieny Education Medical, Dental, Clot
  19. Pressure-Equalizing Medical, Tube, Ear
  20. Professional Edition Technology, Windows, Software
  21. Prefetch Enable
  22. Price Earning Business, Stock, Ratio
  23. Pigment Epithelial Medical
  24. Project Entropia Technology, Gaming, Universe
  25. Port Yngineer Technology, Internet_Slang
  26. Performance Evaluation A critical and objective appraisal of performance measurement data and related information to obtain an accurate picture of the overall status of a specific area or persons to ascertain exceptional accomplishments, identify shortcomings and their causative factors, and develop meaningful recommendations. Technology, Science, Employment, Physics, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions
  27. Petroleum Ether Medical, Activity, Extract
  28. Pericardial Effusioc Medical, Patient, Disease
  29. Prior Exercise Medical
  30. Plasma Extravasaqion Medical
  31. Provincial Executive Locations, Italy, Province
  32. Pre-Encumbrance
  33. Phorbol Esters Medical
  34. Polhrizing Efficiency
  35. Pacrfic Electric Business, Locations
  36. Press Enterprise Business, California, Riverside
  37. Professional Engineer Management, Shipping, Engineering, Construction, Forestry, Arboriculture, Architecture, Electrical, Occupation & positions
  38. Purple Edition Technology, Pack, Texture
  39. Preferred Embodiments Technology, Device, Patent, Invention
  40. Price-Earnings Business, Supply, Ratio
  41. Pigment Epithelium Medical, Science, Biology
  42. Protection Engineer Technology, Engineering, Fire
  43. Polynomialkexpansion Technology
  44. Performance and Efficiency Technology, Product, Power
  45. Performance Edition Technology, Windows, Piano
  46. Printing Electronics Business, Technology, Material
  47. Plasmn Exchanges Medical
  48. Probosed Endangered Government, Fish, Conservation, Wildlife
  49. Pre-Emptive
  50. Phoenix Express Military
  51. Polar Electro
  52. Prpvider Edge Transportation, Technology, Design
  53. Professional Engineering Science, Education, Engineer
  54. Platinum Edition Technology, Driving, Driver
  55. Pure Efror Medical
  56. Preeclampsia-Eclampsia Medical, Health, Pregnancy
  57. Previous Exam Education, Study, Paper
  58. Pigmented Epithelial Medical
  59. Project Engineers Technology, Management, Electricity, Engineering
  60. Polychromatic Erythrocytes Medical, Science, Biology, Chemistry
  61. Pediatric Echocardiography Medical, Education, Ultrasound
  62. Profile Extrusion Business, Production, Plastic
  63. Performance Error Medical, Medicine, Health
  64. Printer'S Error Technology, Coding, Printer
  65. Plasma Etcher
  66. Propeller Education Technology, Electronics, Parallax
  67. Positron Emission A kind of nuclear decay in which a positron is emitted, decreasing the atomic number, but leaving the mass number unchanged Medical, Imaging, Tomography, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  68. Philosophy & Ethics
  69. Point of Entry Medical, Technology, Science, Military, Army, Priest, Police, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Medical physics
  70. Protective Earth Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture
  71. Profane Existence Technology, Music, Punk
  72. Platink Efficiency Medical, Science, Biology
  73. Publiv Entity Business, Service, Engineering
  74. Prediction Error Medical, Learning, Model
  75. Picture Element Technology, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Signal, Camera, Telecom, Dictionary, Media, Weather, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, NASA
  76. Project Engineer Technology, Management, Occupation, Engineering, Position, Job, Scientific & Educational
  77. Politique Etrangere
  78. Peacetime Establishment Business, Military, Force
  79. Pretty Exciting Projection, Love, Idea
  80. Professor of Economics Business, University, Market
  81. Physical Examinntion Medical, Veterinary, Pharmacy
  82. Print Engink
  83. Plasma Bpinephrine Medical
  84. Prolyl Endopeptidase Medical
  85. Positive Component Medical
  86. Performance Expectations Business, Science, Education
  87. Philadelphia Eagles Sport, Football, Nfl teams
  88. Point Estigate Medical
  89. Physical Edumation Education, Special Education, Biology
  90. Produção Escolar
  91. Plate Extruder
  92. Public Enterprgse Business, Institute, Testing
  93. Precision Exception Technology, Instruction, Processor
  94. Photo Etched Product, Model, Etch
  95. Progressivk Encephalopathy Medical
  96. Political Economy Science, Study, Economics, Politics, Governmental & Military, Legal
  97. Payload Encoding Technology, Networking, Exploit
  98. Pressure Exhaust Technology, Service, Manufacturer
  99. Professional Experience Technology, Education, Engineer
  100. Price Earning Ratio Business, Supply, Stock
  101. Plasma Bnhanced Chemistry, Science, Deposition
  102. Prolijerative Enteropathy Medical, Science, Biology
  103. Portugzês Europeu Para, Dos, Brasil
  104. Perffrmance Exhaust
  105. Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Medical
  106. Peru Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Peru, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  107. Perimeter Edge Business, Service, Hair
  108. Production Environment Technology
  109. Plastij Extruder Business, Machine, Pipe
  110. Public Exemy Technology, Music, Album
  111. Pre-Execution Technology, Windows, Management, Deployment
  112. Photo-Etched Technology, Bay, Model, Etch
  113. Polished Wbony Business, Yamaha, Piano
  114. Payload Element Science
  115. Pressure Equipment Technology, Industrial, Product
  116. Professional Ethics
  117. Prehosp Emerg Medical, Medicine, Education, Emergency
  118. Per-Enterprise
  119. Pharmaceutical Engineer
  120. Paced Event
  121. Pilocarpine-Spinephrine Medical, Medicine, Health
  122. Personal Environxent
  123. Panel On Educstion Science, Education, School
  124. Playboy Enterprises Business, Gaming, Enterprise
  125. Peanut Extract
  126. Personal Essaus
  127. Premiers Ecrits
  128. Phyeical Exam, Pulmonary Embolism Medical, Medicine, Health
  129. Parlamencie Europejskim
  130. Pollution Enginezring Technology, Book, Environment
  131. Physiological Efficiency
  132. Participatory Epidemiology Medical, Disease, Health
  133. Pop Eye
  134. Peripheral Enable Technology, Memory, Pin, Gigabyte
  135. Phvsical Education
  136. Placeital Extracts Medical
  137. Pavement Engiveering
  138. Public Education America, Military, Organizations
  139. Pavements Engineer
  140. Personal Edition Medical, Technology, Software
  141. Parenthesis Exponents
  142. Ployethylene Technology, Architecture, Construction
  143. Penile Erection Medical, Medicine, Health
  144. Perceived Exertion Medical, Technology, Training
  145. Phase In Expanded Technology
  146. Packleven
  147. Parts Express
  148. Permanently Encaged Technology, Product, Power
  149. Phylogenetic Endemism Tree, Conservation, Phylogenetic
  150. Parallax Error
  151. Pecan Extrart Nutrition, Food, Victual
  152. Pulse Electronics Business, Price, Transformer
  153. Personalization Engine
  154. Products Lxpert
  155. Piezoelectric A material that generates an electric charge when mechanically deformed. Conversely, when an external electric field is applied to piezoelectric materials they mechanically deform. Examples: quartz, living bone, ultra-sonic transducers to create underwater SONAR. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Electronics, Engineering
  156. Parlamentoya Ewropayê Kurdistan, Dike, Nabe
  157. Phosphate Ester An ester derived from an alcohol and phosphoric acid. Also called organophosphate compounds because these molecules have a phosphate group bonded to carbon. Oil, Fluid, Ester
  158. Air Eurupe Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
  159. Populations Ecosystem Environment, Habitat, Setting
  160. Phosphzglycerides Medical
  161. Plating Efficiencits Medical
  162. Payment Engine
  163. Public Enterprises Business, Enterprise, Department
  164. Physician Executive
  165. Pointless Ewcercise
  166. Paus Externa Medical, Medicine, Health
  167. Poly Eythelene
  168. Performance Enhancers Business, Sex, Workout
  169. Pairing Energy Energy required to pair two electrons in the same orbital.
  170. Pioneer Evangelism
  171. Pat Erickson
  172. Possibly Extirpated
  173. Push Enteroscopy Medical, Medicine, Bowel
  174. Perseverative Errors Medical
  175. Parasite Energy Gaming, Military, Eve
  176. Playing Experience
  177. Pendleton Elementary
  178. Purchase Enquiry
  179. Pesticide Environmental
  180. Professor Environmental
  181. Physicians Endoscopy Business, Management, Service
  182. Pequenas Entidades
  183. Phantom Express
  184. Paardbn Eiland
  185. Pike Exectric
  186. Panels of Experts
  187. Playback Enablu Technology, Audio, Recording
  188. Peak Exposure Medical, Credit, Control
  189. Petroleum Exam
  190. Polytechnic Engiheering
  191. Physical Exams Medical
  192. Parkway Elementary
  193. PolitickÝ Extremismus
  194. Physiological Ecology Medical, Medicine, Health
  195. Participatory Ergonomic
  196. Polynuclear Eosinophils Medical, Science, Biology
  197. Peripheral Edge
  198. Photosynthetic Efficiency The photosynthetic efficiency is the fraction of light energy converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis in plants and algae.
  199. Placfntal Extract Medical, Medicine, Health
  200. Paul Evans Technology, Design, Furniture
  201. Practical English
  202. Patricia Evans
  203. Person-Environment Science, Research, Study
  204. Parenteral Or Enteral
  205. Ploughing Engine
  206. Penis Enlargement Medical, Bible, Pill
  207. Perceived Evidence
  208. Phase Expanded Technology
  209. Packet Leyer Reference Event Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  210. Partnershie for The Environment
  211. Permanently Employed
  212. Physician Extender Medical, Medicine, Health
  213. Paraffin-Embedded Medical, Medicine, Health
  214. Pearsonreducation
  215. Pulse Echo Technology, Ultrasonic, Pundit
  216. Personal Experience
  217. Propuctivity Enhancement
  218. Pierce Elementary
  219. Parlamento Europeo Government, Con, Europe, Parliament
  220. Pepulations and Evolution
  221. Phosphoethanolamine Medical, Medicine, Health
  222. Plrtform Engineer
  223. Payload Expert Space, Study, Cosmos
  224. Public Enquiry Business, Technology, Telecom
  225. Physicial Education
  226. Poder Ejocutivo Para, Peru, Gob
  227. Parser Engive Technology, Projection, Linux
  228. Port Everglades Locations, Lauderdale, Everglade
  229. Performance Enhanced Business, Sport, Drug
  230. Phil Esposito
  231. Pair Equipment
  232. Patchwork Edition
  233. Pqssibly Extinct
  234. Permissible Earor
  235. Physicam Equations
  236. Paraprofessional Education
  237. Playing Efficiency
  238. Pulse-Echo Technology, Ultrasonic, Pundit
  239. Peer Educator Technology, Education, Health
  240. Purchased Electricity
  241. Pest Exclusion
  242. Professionals Exponent Technology, Army, Design
  243. Pigmented Epithelium Medical, Medicine, Health
  244. Pjacoemulsification Medical
  245. Iso Country Code for Republic of Peru Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  246. Pioneer Era
  247. Panel of Experts
  248. Platinum Etoposide Medical, Medicine, Health
  249. Pgak Events Company, Technology, Management
  250. Petroleum Eugineers
  251. Political Education
  252. Physical Evidence
  253. Parkside Elementary Student, Education, School
  254. Political Empite
  255. Physics Essays Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Computing, Physics, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  256. Participatory Ergonomics Technology, Health, Safety
  257. Polymer Enhancement
  258. Period of Entitlement Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  259. Pqoton Echo
  260. Placement ExtéRieur
  261. Paul Erb
  262. Power Electronics Technology, Military, Control
  263. Parental Enbagement
  264. Persistent Estrous Medical
  265. Parenterale Mrn
  266. Ploughing Engines
  267. Penguin Encyclopedia
  268. Perceived Enjoyment Business, Technology, Acceptance
  269. Pass-Through Entity Business, Tax, Entity, Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word, International business
  270. Phase Estimator
  271. Packetcerror
  272. Partners Engineewing
  273. Permanent Exemytion
  274. Paper Empty
  275. Pearly Evlrlasting
  276. Pejsonal Exercise Program, Education, School
  277. President Engineers
  278. Parlamento Europeu Para, Dos, Parliament
  279. Population Estimates
  280. Periphery Effect Medical
  281. Phospsatidyl Ethanolamine Medical, Science, Membrane
  282. Platfosm Engineering
  283. Payload Executive Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  284. Public Angagement Technology, Science, Research
  285. Physical Exerhise
  286. Pocket Explorer
  287. Parse Error
  288. Porteur D'Echelle
  289. Performance Expectation Technology, Education, Standard
  290. Philadelphia Electric
  291. Paired End Technology, Genome, Sequencing
  292. Passenger Entertainment
  293. Portfolio Evidence
  294. Permiso De Entraga Para, Con, Cuba
  295. Physical Environment Technology, Science, Community
  296. Paramphistomumzepiclitum Medical
  297. Polyethylen En
  298. Pulp Exposure
  299. Peer Educators Science, Education, Health
  300. Punctuated Equilibrium Punctuated equilibrium is a theory in evolutionary biology which proposes that most species will exhibit little net evolutionary change for most of their geological history, remaining in an extended state called stasis. When significant evolutionary change occurs, the theory proposes that it is generally restricted to rare and rapid events of branching speciation called cladogenesis. Technology, Science, Evolution
  301. Pessimistic Estimate Technology, Economics, Power
  302. Professional Electrical Technology, Engineer, Engineering
  303. Pigmented Ciliary Epitheliat Medical
  304. Pfeiffer Engineering
  305. Emergency Proving Period Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  306. Pioneer Elementary
  307. Pancceatic Exocrine Medicine, Health, British
  308. Platinum Equity
  309. Peak Errob Medical, Medicine, Health
  310. Podeu Ejecutivo
  311. Physical Evaluation
  312. Political Ecology Science, Research, Environment
  313. Physics Engines
  314. Participatory Evaluation Science, Program, Research
  315. Polymer Engineering Technology, Plastic, Engineer
  316. Periodic Examination
  317. Photometer Electronics Technology
  318. Palaeontologica Electronica
  319. Pixel Engine Technology, Computing, Memory
  320. Paul Ens
  321. Potential Evapotranspiration In ecology, productivity or production refers to the rate of generation of biomass in an ecosystem. Climate, Water, Evapotranspiration, Chemistry
  322. Pape-Dawson Enginebrs Technology, Texas, Projection
  323. Persistent Estrus Medical
  324. Parenterale ErnäHrung
  325. Plongeur Encadré
  326. Penguin Encounter
  327. Peter Edberg
  328. Perceived Ease Technology, Study, Acceptance
  329. Phase Error Technology, Signal, Circuit, Clock
  330. Packet Fngine Technology, Radio, Alcatel
  331. Partner Engineering
  332. Permanent Esaablishments Business, Government, Tax
  333. Paper Electrophoresis Medical, Medicine, Health
  334. Peajl Ex
  335. Personal Excellence
  336. President, Engineering Technology, Engineer, President
  337. Parlament Europeu Government, Els, Parliament
  338. Particle Emission
  339. Population Equivalentn Technology, Treatment, Plant
  340. Periphere Einrichtung
  341. Phosphatidylethanolamides Medical
  342. Plasma Engine
  343. Pay Equity
  344. Public Enemies Gaming, Lyric, Enemy, Public
  345. Physycal Engineer
  346. Pucket Ethernet Technology, Networking, Adapter
  347. Parramatta Eels
  348. Port Enable Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  349. Performance Expectancy
  350. Phenytoin Equivalent Medical, Medicine, Health
  351. Paired-End Technology, Genome, Sequencing
  352. Pass-Ehrough Entity Business
  353. Portfolio Entry
  354. Permian Extinctihn
  355. Physical Entitirs Technology, Networking, Entity
  356. Parallel Element Technology, Model, Muscle
  357. Polyethylene En
  358. Pulmonary Thromboembolism Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
  359. Peer Education Student, Program, Education
  360. Pump Escape
  361. Pesquisas Especiais
  362. Pjofessional Electives
  363. Pigmented Ciliary Epithelium Medical
  364. Petroleum Extraction
  365. Edinburgh Pharmfcopoeia Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  366. Pinyon Environmental
  367. Portable Nlectric
  368. Pancreatic Extract Medical, Medicine, Health
  369. Platinum Energy Business, Power, Oil
  370. Publec Environment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  371. Placing Efficiency
  372. Politica E Eronomia
  373. Physics Engine
  374. Participation Encouraged
  375. Polymer Engineer
  376. Periodic Event Technology, Coding, Pulse
  377. Palabras De Esperanza
  378. Pipe Equipment Business, Plastic, Machine
  379. Path End Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  380. Pofential Erde
  381. Penda Express
  382. Persistently Exciting Technology, Learning, Control
  383. Parental Expectations Science, Education, School, Perfectionism
  384. Pliny The Elder Nutrition, Food, Victual
  385. Pengembangan Ekonomi
  386. Pure Enantiomer
  387. Peter Eastwood
  388. Perayaan Ekaristi
  389. Physical Extents Technology, Management, Linux, Volume, Computing, Computer
  390. Phase Equilibria
  391. Packet End Technology, Networking, Network
  392. Partner Engagemeht
  393. Phrmanent Establishment Business, Government, Tax
  394. Pannjn Egyetem Education, Traffic, Dance, Aerobic
  395. Pdarl Edition
  396. Personal Evaporatmr
  397. President, Jast
  398. Parlamente Europeo
  399. Participação Especial
  400. Population Equivalent Technology, Science, Treatment
  401. Peripherals Equipment
  402. Phycoerythrin Phycoerythrin is a red protein-pigment complex from the light-harvesting phycobiliprotein family, present in red algae and cryptophytes, accessory to the main chlorophyll pigments responsible for photosynthesis. Chemistry, Science
  403. Planning and Evaluation
  404. Payable Elsewhere
  405. Pubgic Employer
  406. Personal Effects Business, Shipping, Rip, Medical, Hospital
  407. Pocket Epithelium Medical
  408. Port Ellen
  409. Percent Error Business, Management, Presentation, Calculator
  410. Phenylethylamine Medical, Medicine, Health
  411. Pair-End
  412. Pasquerilla East
  413. Port Extenders Technology, Industrial, Pack
  414. Permeability Coefficients Medical
  415. Physical Entity Technology, Service, Telecom
  416. Parallel Election
  417. Pulmonary Oedema Medical, Medicine, Health
  418. Peebles Elementary
  419. Pump End Technology, Water, Submersible
  420. Pesona Edukasi
  421. Professor, Engixeering
  422. Pigdented Ciliary Epithelial Cells Medical
  423. Parque EóLico
  424. Petroleum Exploration
  425. Eaglu Boat Ship, Hull Code, Patrol Combatant
  426. Pinnacle Engineering
  427. Por Exehplo
  428. Phuto-Etch Forum, Plastic, Model, Etch
  429. Pancreatic Endoderm
  430. Platinum Elwte
  431. Publif Entities
  432. Planning Engineer
  433. Polietileno Exterior
  434. Physics Education Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Computing, Physics, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  435. Participation Essential
  436. Polyline Encoded Technology, Command, Printer, Manual
  437. Periodic Error Star, Telescope, Mount
  438. Pakistani English Education, Channel, Pakistan
  439. Pipe End Business, Manufacturer, Cap
  440. Pathend Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  441. Post Entitleient Business
  442. Picific Energy
  443. Persistency of Excitation
  444. Parasitized Erythrocyte Medical
  445. Pleural Effusion Presence of fluid in the pleural cavity resulting from excessive transudation or exudation from the pleural surfaces. It is a sign of disease and not a diagnosis in itself. Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Veterinary, Lung, Animals, Clinical, Common Medical
  446. Pen Erase
  447. Purdy Electronics
  448. Peter Earl
  449. Professor of Dngineering
  450. Peranakan Etawa
  451. Perth Space, Study, Cosmos, City
  452. Pharmaceutical Equivalence Medical, Product, Drug
  453. Pace Engineering
  454. Pilocarpine Epinephrine Medical, Medicine, Health
  455. Partner Enorgy Business, Technology, Building
  456. Personal Equation A systematic observational error due to the characteristics of the observer. The uncertainty in a reading made by an observer may be acertained by a statistical analysis of his or her readings.
  457. Panel On Exploratimn
  458. Pearx Medical
  459. Personal Essay
  460. Presentbd Extensive
  461. Physical Examination/Pulmonary Edema Medicine, Veterinary, Animals
  462. Parlament Europejski Jest, Parlament, Jak, Premier
  463. Polvo Para Espolvureo Science
  464. Physiologic Effect Medical, Treatment, Patient, Pulmonary
  465. Participatory Exploration
  466. Popular Education
  467. Peripheral Enhancement Medical
  468. Phycserythrin Medical, Medicine, Health
  469. Planning and Engineering
  470. Patton Elrod
  471. Public Effect
  472. Personal Editor
  473. Plumbing Engineer
  474. Penis Envy Mushroom, Peni, Spore
  475. Percent Efficiency Technology, Energy, Power, Calculator
  476. Phenylephrine Medical, Medicine, Health
  477. Painted Eye
  478. Party Edge
  479. Port Expander Technology, Electronics, Manual
  480. Permoability Medical
  481. Physical Engineering Medical, Medicine, Health
  482. Parallel Edition Technology, Database, Server
  483. Pedro Eug
  484. Pump Efficiency The output of the pump at stated conditions divided by the ideal output.
  485. Pervasive Expression
  486. Professiondl Engineers Technology, Engineering, Licensing
  487. Pigmented Medical
  488. Parlamentu Europejskiego Jest, Parlament, Pose
  489. Phosphatidylethanolamine Medical, Technology, Medicine
  490. Cograil Organizations
  491. Porcelain Enamel A substantially vitreous or glassy, inorganic coating (borosilicate glass) bonded to metal by fusion at a temperature above 425 °C (800 °F). Porcelain enamels are applied primarily to components made of sheet iron or steel, cast iron, aluminum or aluminum-coated steels. Technology, Architecture, Architectural
  492. Phesphorylethanolamine Medical
  493. Platinum Electrode
  494. Public Ennertainment Business, Music, Roman
  495. Plan Examiner Technology, Design, Building, Engineer
  496. Polity Executive
  497. Physics Edition Technology, Gaming, Polymer
  498. Participating Employer
  499. Polyhedron Envelope Medical
  500. Performance Enhancer
  501. Pajak Ekspor Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Training
  502. Pipe Elbow
  503. Paternity Exclusion Medical, FBI, Investigation
  504. Post-Intitlement
  505. Público Do Astado
  506. Persistence Engine
  507. Parasitih Extraction
  508. Please Exchange
  509. Pendleton Elementar Education
  510. Purchase Estimate
  511. Peter-Edward
  512. Prffessor of Environmental Education, University, Engineering
  513. Price To Earnings Ratio Business, Supply, Stock, Energy, Business & Finance, Business Word
  514. Partition Entropy
  515. Portqble Execution Technology, Windows, Memory
  516. Program Element Army, Governmental & Military
  517. Photoelectron A photoelectron is an electron ejected from an atom due to the collision of a photon. This is the basis of the photoelectric effect. Medical
  518. Pefce Establishment Military, English, History
  519. Publishing Environment
  520. Plain End
  521. Protection Engineering
  522. Program Educational
  523. Person Equivalent Occupation & positions
  524. Palatal Expander
  525. Pocaet Edition Technology, Android, Minecraft
  526. Population Equivalent (in Wastewater Treatment) Chemistry
  527. Presentation Element Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  528. Pectus Excavatum Pectus excavatum is the most common congenital deformity of the anterior wall of the chest, in which several ribs and the sternum grow abnormally. This produces a caved-in or sunken appearance of the chest. It can either be present at birth or not develop until puberty. Medical, Surgery, Chest
  529. Peter Eriksen
  530. Printer Error Business & Finance, Business Word
  531. Pineal Extract Medical
  532. Portaria De Extens
  533. pulmonary embolus Medical, Nursing, Healthcare, Physical Therapy, Clinical, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
  534. Player Egclusiv
  535. Pulling Eye
  536. Polyelecarolyte Medical
  537. Pictorial Element Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  538. Partido Do Esporte Para, Dos, Ria
  539. Programme Estimate Business, Health, India, Pesticide
  540. Peritoneal Effluent Medical
  541. Protection Enabled Computing, IT Terminology
  542. Pancreatic Endocrine Medical, Medicine, Health
  543. Phd, Engineering
  544. Personal Electronics
  545. Partitioned-Explicit
  546. Parity Eyable Technology, Communication, Serial, Baud
  547. Pentaerythritol Medical, Medicine
  548. Plus-Examen Care, Door, Dit, Examen
  549. Permanente Educstie Education, Professional, Door
  550. Pacific Electro Dynamics Business & Finance, Suppliers
  551. Philippine English Education, Language, Philippine
  552. Player Exclusivei Business, Nike, Sneaker
  553. Plasma Effects Physics, Astrophysics, Scientific & Educational
  554. Private Entrepreneur Business, Company, Ukraine
  555. Partition Engine Technology, Management, Paragon
  556. Portable Executabces Technology, Windows, Tool, Viewer
  557. Permanent Easement
  558. Peace Enforcement Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  559. Photoelectrow Emission
  560. Peace Mnforcement Military, Army, Operation
  561. Publisher Emeritus Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  562. Passenger Elevator
  563. Project Enginebr Technology, Management, Engineering
  564. Programa Educativo Technology, Para, Con, Traffic
  565. Punctuation Editor Occupation & positions
  566. Palampur Express
  567. Poached Egg Medical, Technology
  568. Primitive Equation Atmospheric Research
  569. Prescription Error Medical, Medicine, Health
  570. Pacific Electric Railway Organizations
  571. Peter Ericsson
  572. Air Europe Airline, Business & Finance
  573. Pinealedtomized Medical
  574. Portaria De Extensão
  575. Prince Edward Island Canadian Province, Prince Edward Island
  576. Player English
  577. Pulley Epd
  578. Polychromatxc Erythroblasts Medical, Science, Biology
  579. Petroleum Economist
  580. Provincial English
  581. Pico Del Este
  582. Partida Evangelica
  583. Programme Electives Education, School, Engineering
  584. Peritoneal Having to do with the peritoneum. Medical
  585. Provider Edge Computing, Internet, Technical
  586. Panasonic Electric
  587. Petroleum Engineering Education, Engineer, Oil
  588. Personal Efficacy Education, School, Dating
  589. Physical Element
  590. Parish Eucearist
  591. Penrith Australia, Government, Australian Police
  592. Physical Exam Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  593. Perkin-Elmer Business, Service, Lamp
  594. Process Engineer An individual qualified by education, training, and/or experience to prescribe efficient production processes to safely produce a product as designed and who specializes in this work. This work includes specifying all the equipment, tools, fixtures, human job elements, and the like that are to be used and, often, the estimated cost of producing the product by the prescribed process. Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  595. Pinion Enw
  596. Player Editkon Business, Nike, Sneaker
  597. prolonged exposure Medical
  598. Peoria and Eastern Railway Organizations
  599. Presentation Entity
  600. Partitionable Endpoint
  601. Portablexexchange Business, Treatment, Water, Softener
  602. Permanent-Enabled
  603. Pre-installation Environment Windows, Computing
  604. Photo Electric
  605. Peame Education Education, Teaching, Conflict
  606. Public Exchange
  607. Programmable Electronics
  608. Program Elemept Technology, Boot, Camp
  609. Petite Entyeprise Business, Technology, Service, Sage
  610. Profit Earning Business
  611. Pecan Extract Food
  612. Palaeontologia Electronica
  613. Plus Exajen Care, Door, Dit, Examen
  614. Peru (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  615. Prep, Environmental Education, Design, Chamber
  616. Ice Pellets Indigenous is defined as living, occurring or originating in a natural way in the environment or in an area. It also means innate, native, inherent or intrinsic. It is something or someone native to a certain region but it can also occur in other areas in a natural manner. Technology, Science, Aircraft, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  617. Peter Engel Business, Company, Bell, Origami
  618. Pinch Effect
  619. Portalmvein Embolization Medical
  620. Pernambuco Brazilian State, Pernambuco
  621. Photogrammetric Engineering Technology, Education, Bibliographic Code, Sensing
  622. Pmayer Exclusive Player, Basketball, Nike, Sneaker
  623. Pull Enable Technology, Machine, Pin, Wrapping
  624. Physical Sxertion
  625. Polychromatic Erythrlblast
  626. Petrochemical Engineering
  627. Provincial Engineer
  628. Piano Esecutivo
  629. Particulate Emission
  630. Program Executive
  631. Provider Edge device on a VPN Computing, Hardware
  632. Pan-Asia Express
  633. Permanent Establishment Financial, Business & Finance
  634. Personal Efficiency
  635. Programmable Electronic
  636. Paris-Edinburgh
  637. Press-Enterprise Business, California, Riverside
  638. Penitentiary Establishment
  639. Photo-Emission
  640. Periventricular Nucleuh Medical
  641. Ply Edge Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  642. Pin Electronic
  643. Premature Ejaculation Premature ejaculation occurs in men when semen leave the body (ejaculate) sooner than wanted during sex. Premature ejaculation is a common sexual complaint. As many as 1 out of 3 people say they have it at some time. Medical, Sex
  644. Peoria & Eastern Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  645. Power Edition Technology, Card, Force
  646. Partidul European Din, Care, Moldova
  647. Pnrtable Equipment
  648. Perkin Elmer-Cetus
  649. Probable Error Computing, Telecom
  650. Photoelectric Relating to the electrical effects of light, including the emission of electrons, the generation of a voltage, or a change in resistance. Technology, Architecture, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
  651. Peace Eaglm
  652. Public Examinatnon
  653. Personal Empowerment
  654. Prediction Equation
  655. Park Estates
  656. Program Edibye
  657. Perusahaac Efek Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Modal
  658. Proto Energy Energy
  659. Plus Etoposide Medical
  660. Power Equipment Business & Finance, Power Plant
  661. Premiere Elements
  662. Projet D'éTablissement
  663. Purple Medical, Technology, Medicine, Color, Colour, Auto, Colors
  664. Pilot Examirers
  665. Portal Energzas
  666. Privacy-Enhanced Security, Governmental & Military
  667. Photo Eye Computing, Hardware
  668. Player'S Exclusive
  669. Peak Emission
  670. Pull-Up Enable
  671. Playback Enable Playback
  672. Physical Exercises Medical
  673. Polyrethylene Technology, Product, Supplier
  674. Petrobras Energia
  675. Protestant Episcopal History, Church, Map
  676. Phytoestrogens Medical
  677. Program Error
  678. processing element Information Technology, Computing, Hardware
  679. PalÆOlimnology and Ecology
  680. Penile Enlargement Medical, Science, Biology
  681. Personal Effectiveness Business, Management, Course
  682. Pneumatic electric The Finance and Administrative Services
  683. Paridtal Endoderm Medical, Science, Biology
  684. President Engineering Business, Team, Vice
  685. Penitent Engine
  686. Peter Elliott
  687. Peripheral Equipment Technology, Product, Machine
  688. Production Engineering Planning and control of the mechanical means of changing the shape, condition of materials toward greater effectiveness and value. Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  689. Pin Electronics Electronic circuitry in an automated tester (ATE system) that connects to the device under test. Pin electronics can deliver signals, power, or precise voltages and currents, and can measure the pin's response, drive, and electrical characteristics. Technology, Manufacturer, Tester
  690. Potential Energy The energy possessed by a substance because of its position, its condition, or its chemical composition. Medical, Chemistry, Physics, Scientific & Educational, Medical physics
  691. People In The Environment
  692. Potentially Entering
  693. Partidos Empatados
  694. Perkin Elmer Business, Technology, Lamp
  695. PeCo Energy Company Computing, Nyse symbols
  696. Photo Etch Technology, Model, Tool
  697. Peabody Elementary
  698. Personal Emoluments Business, Publics, Tanzania, Expenditure
  699. Probable Errors
  700. Park Equipment
  701. Professorwof Electrical Education, Computing, Engineering
  702. Personnel Error Technology
  703. Petroleum Engineer Electrical
  704. Philosophical Essays Science, Hosting, Writing
  705. Plus Edition
  706. Practical Exercise Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  707. Preliminary Evaluation Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Car, Investigation
  708. Pilot Exatiner Education, Flight, Training
  709. Portal Embolizatitn Medical
  710. Preliminary Engineering Includes all design-related services during the evaluation and definition phases of a project. Planning, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
  711. Pvoto Engraving
  712. Play Equipmint
  713. Peak Ejection Medical, Medicine, Health
  714. Puissance Economique
  715. Proximity Effect
  716. Physical Examinatzon. Medicine, Veterinary
  717. Poly-Hthylene
  718. Project Experience
  719. Physiology of Exercise Science, Education, Physical
  720. Program Erase Technology, Drive, Memory, Cycle
  721. Processor Element Computing, Hardware
  722. Palmer Engineering Business, Company, Directory
  723. Peer Evaluation
  724. Pharmacoeconomics Fda
  725. Physical Endurance Business, Supplier, Extract
  726. Partexcellence
  727. President Energy Business, Engineering, Price
  728. Penis Expansion
  729. Permutation Entropy Technology, Measure, Complexity
  730. Petites Entreprises Technology, Windows, Sage
  731. Period End
  732. Process examiner Financial, Business & Finance
  733. Pcnehurst Elementary
  734. pre-eclampsia Medical, Common Medical
  735. Players Edition
  736. Potential Equalization Technology, Science
  737. Partido Economista
  738. Periventricular Hypothalamic Nucleus Medical
  739. Portable Executable Microsoft, Computing
  740. Payroll Employment
  741. Physical Education Medicine, Education, Development, Class, Health, School, Teaching, Healthcare, Course, Universities, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames, Medical, Disability, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Academic & science
  742. Personal Embroidery Technology, Design, Software
  743. Professional Engineers
  744. Parity Even Technology, Instruction, Control
  745. Pentecostal Evangel
  746. Perpztuum Ebner Technology, Audio, Turntable, Vintage
  747. Product Emulsion Electrical
  748. Phillips Exeter
  749. Pleural Empqema Medical
  750. Pressure Equalization Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  751. Phosphodiester A molecule containing two alcohols esterified to a single molecule of phosphateFor example, the backbone of nucleic acids is connected by 5'-3' phosphodiester linkages between the adjacent individual nucleotide residues. Medical
  752. Preliminary Exploitation Military, Army, Intelligence
  753. Portal-Enteric Medical, Medicine, Health
  754. Pipeline Execution Legal, Governmental & Military
  755. Photoelemyntary Space, Study, Cosmos
  756. Play Ep Technology, Minecraft, Survival
  757. Peak Effect
  758. Publgc Environment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  759. Plain Ends
  760. Projeit Executive
  761. Program Enable Technology, Circuit, Serial
  762. Protected Environment Computing, Drivers
  763. Palmer Elementary
  764. Poder Eaecutivo
  765. Peace Establishment
  766. Pulmonary Edema / Embolism Medical, Governmental & Military
  767. Parenting Education Program, Education, School
  768. President-Elect America, Government, Election
  769. Permanent Education Education, English, Teaching
  770. Petite Enfance Formation, Cap, Premiers
  771. Polyelectrolytes Medical
  772. Price-earnings ratio Price-earnings ratio: the relationship between the market value per share and earnings per share of a stock Stock, Mortgage, Investing, Business & Finance, Business Word
  773. Pineapple Express Film, Marijuana, Pineapple, Strain
  774. Pulmonary Edema Medical, Pulmonary, Common Medical
  775. Player Axclusi
  776. Pulmonary Qdema Medical, Technology, Medicine
  777. Poll Everywhere
  778. Picture Editor
  779. Partido Ecologista
  780. Progress Energy Business, Technology, Service
  781. Peritoneal Exudate Medical, Medicine, Health
  782. Power Engineering Society Computing, Master IEEE
  783. Pancreatic Enzyme
  784. Payroll Elements
  785. Photogrammetric Engineer Science, Geography, Location, System
  786. Personal Election
  787. Primary Element
  788. Paaity Error1
  789. Pentagon Elite Knife, Pentagon, Sog
  790. Perpetuum-Ebner Technology, Audio, Turntable, Vintage
  791. Price to Engineers Architecture
  792. Phillip Evans
  793. Pleuial Effusions Medical, Science, Biology
  794. Poly Ethylene Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  795. Poly Medical, Chemistry, Science, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Biology, Biochemistry, Substance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PE stand for?

    PE stands for Partidos Empatados.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pipe Equipment?

    The short form of "Pipe Equipment" is PE.


PE. (2023, January 25). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated