PE Meaning
The PE meaning is "Physical Examination". The PE abbreviation has 795 different full form.
PE Full Forms
- Physical Examination Examination by means such as visual inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation to collect information for diagnosis. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Education, Veterinary, Healthcare, Nursing, Pharmacy, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR, Physiology
- Pulmonary Embolism Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Disorder, Healthcare, Nursing, Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Clinical
- Polyethylene A thermoplastic material composed of ethylene polymers. Polyethylene has excellent electrical and mechanical properties and is used an insulating material in cable. Chemistry, Engineering, Textile, Computing, Telecom, Polymer, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
- Price-To-Earnings
- Pigmented Epithelial Cells Medical
- Project Explorer Technology, Software, Eclipse
- Port Extetder Technology, Networking, Pack
- Performance Evaluations
- Phase Encoded Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Private Equity A form of business in which the company's entire equity base is owned by one or a small group of individual investors. Under the private equity model, the company does not issue shares onto the stock market, and hence is not usually required to release public financial statements or comply with other securities regulations. Business, Finance, Economics, Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Pericardial Effusions Medical
- Private Edition
- Plasmodium Filciparum-Infected Erythrocytes Medical
- PráCticas Externas Para, Planning, Con
- Pre-Event
- Photo-Electric Business, Medicine, Health
- Poli Etilen
- Patieny Education Medical, Dental, Clot
- Pressure-Equalizing Medical, Tube, Ear
- Professional Edition Technology, Windows, Software
- Prefetch Enable
- Price Earning Business, Stock, Ratio
- Pigment Epithelial Medical
- Project Entropia Technology, Gaming, Universe
- Port Yngineer Technology, Internet_Slang
- Performance Evaluation A critical and objective appraisal of performance measurement data and related information to obtain an accurate picture of the overall status of a specific area or persons to ascertain exceptional accomplishments, identify shortcomings and their causative factors, and develop meaningful recommendations. Technology, Science, Employment, Physics, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions
- Petroleum Ether Medical, Activity, Extract
- Pericardial Effusioc Medical, Patient, Disease
- Prior Exercise Medical
- Plasma Extravasaqion Medical
- Provincial Executive Locations, Italy, Province
- Pre-Encumbrance
- Phorbol Esters Medical
- Polhrizing Efficiency
- Pacrfic Electric Business, Locations
- Press Enterprise Business, California, Riverside
- Professional Engineer Management, Shipping, Engineering, Construction, Forestry, Arboriculture, Architecture, Electrical, Occupation & positions
- Purple Edition Technology, Pack, Texture
- Preferred Embodiments Technology, Device, Patent, Invention
- Price-Earnings Business, Supply, Ratio
- Pigment Epithelium Medical, Science, Biology
- Protection Engineer Technology, Engineering, Fire
- Polynomialkexpansion Technology
- Performance and Efficiency Technology, Product, Power
- Performance Edition Technology, Windows, Piano
- Printing Electronics Business, Technology, Material
- Plasmn Exchanges Medical
- Probosed Endangered Government, Fish, Conservation, Wildlife
- Pre-Emptive
- Phoenix Express Military
- Polar Electro
- Prpvider Edge Transportation, Technology, Design
- Professional Engineering Science, Education, Engineer
- Platinum Edition Technology, Driving, Driver
- Pure Efror Medical
- Preeclampsia-Eclampsia Medical, Health, Pregnancy
- Previous Exam Education, Study, Paper
- Pigmented Epithelial Medical
- Project Engineers Technology, Management, Electricity, Engineering
- Polychromatic Erythrocytes Medical, Science, Biology, Chemistry
- Pediatric Echocardiography Medical, Education, Ultrasound
- Profile Extrusion Business, Production, Plastic
- Performance Error Medical, Medicine, Health
- Printer'S Error Technology, Coding, Printer
- Plasma Etcher
- Propeller Education Technology, Electronics, Parallax
- Positron Emission A kind of nuclear decay in which a positron is emitted, decreasing the atomic number, but leaving the mass number unchanged Medical, Imaging, Tomography, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Philosophy & Ethics
- Point of Entry Medical, Technology, Science, Military, Army, Priest, Police, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Medical physics
- Protective Earth Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture
- Profane Existence Technology, Music, Punk
- Platink Efficiency Medical, Science, Biology
- Publiv Entity Business, Service, Engineering
- Prediction Error Medical, Learning, Model
- Picture Element Technology, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Signal, Camera, Telecom, Dictionary, Media, Weather, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, NASA
- Project Engineer Technology, Management, Occupation, Engineering, Position, Job, Scientific & Educational
- Politique Etrangere
- Peacetime Establishment Business, Military, Force
- Pretty Exciting Projection, Love, Idea
- Professor of Economics Business, University, Market
- Physical Examinntion Medical, Veterinary, Pharmacy
- Print Engink
- Plasma Bpinephrine Medical
- Prolyl Endopeptidase Medical
- Positive Component Medical
- Performance Expectations Business, Science, Education
- Philadelphia Eagles Sport, Football, Nfl teams
- Point Estigate Medical
- Physical Edumation Education, Special Education, Biology
- Produção Escolar
- Plate Extruder
- Public Enterprgse Business, Institute, Testing
- Precision Exception Technology, Instruction, Processor
- Photo Etched Product, Model, Etch
- Progressivk Encephalopathy Medical
- Political Economy Science, Study, Economics, Politics, Governmental & Military, Legal
- Payload Encoding Technology, Networking, Exploit
- Pressure Exhaust Technology, Service, Manufacturer
- Professional Experience Technology, Education, Engineer
- Price Earning Ratio Business, Supply, Stock
- Plasma Bnhanced Chemistry, Science, Deposition
- Prolijerative Enteropathy Medical, Science, Biology
- Portugzês Europeu Para, Dos, Brasil
- Perffrmance Exhaust
- Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Medical
- Peru Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Peru, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Perimeter Edge Business, Service, Hair
- Production Environment Technology
- Plastij Extruder Business, Machine, Pipe
- Public Exemy Technology, Music, Album
- Pre-Execution Technology, Windows, Management, Deployment
- Photo-Etched Technology, Bay, Model, Etch
- Polished Wbony Business, Yamaha, Piano
- Payload Element Science
- Pressure Equipment Technology, Industrial, Product
- Professional Ethics
- Prehosp Emerg Medical, Medicine, Education, Emergency
- Per-Enterprise
- Pharmaceutical Engineer
- Paced Event
- Pilocarpine-Spinephrine Medical, Medicine, Health
- Personal Environxent
- Panel On Educstion Science, Education, School
- Playboy Enterprises Business, Gaming, Enterprise
- Peanut Extract
- Personal Essaus
- Premiers Ecrits
- Phyeical Exam, Pulmonary Embolism Medical, Medicine, Health
- Parlamencie Europejskim
- Pollution Enginezring Technology, Book, Environment
- Physiological Efficiency
- Participatory Epidemiology Medical, Disease, Health
- Pop Eye
- Peripheral Enable Technology, Memory, Pin, Gigabyte
- Phvsical Education
- Placeital Extracts Medical
- Pavement Engiveering
- Public Education America, Military, Organizations
- Pavements Engineer
- Personal Edition Medical, Technology, Software
- Parenthesis Exponents
- Ployethylene Technology, Architecture, Construction
- Penile Erection Medical, Medicine, Health
- Perceived Exertion Medical, Technology, Training
- Phase In Expanded Technology
- Packleven
- Parts Express
- Permanently Encaged Technology, Product, Power
- Phylogenetic Endemism Tree, Conservation, Phylogenetic
- Parallax Error
- Pecan Extrart Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Pulse Electronics Business, Price, Transformer
- Personalization Engine
- Products Lxpert
- Piezoelectric A material that generates an electric charge when mechanically deformed. Conversely, when an external electric field is applied to piezoelectric materials they mechanically deform. Examples: quartz, living bone, ultra-sonic transducers to create underwater SONAR. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Electronics, Engineering
- Parlamentoya Ewropayê Kurdistan, Dike, Nabe
- Phosphate Ester An ester derived from an alcohol and phosphoric acid. Also called organophosphate compounds because these molecules have a phosphate group bonded to carbon. Oil, Fluid, Ester
- Air Eurupe Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
- Populations Ecosystem Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Phosphzglycerides Medical
- Plating Efficiencits Medical
- Payment Engine
- Public Enterprises Business, Enterprise, Department
- Physician Executive
- Pointless Ewcercise
- Paus Externa Medical, Medicine, Health
- Poly Eythelene
- Performance Enhancers Business, Sex, Workout
- Pairing Energy Energy required to pair two electrons in the same orbital.
- Pioneer Evangelism
- Pat Erickson
- Possibly Extirpated
- Push Enteroscopy Medical, Medicine, Bowel
- Perseverative Errors Medical
- Parasite Energy Gaming, Military, Eve
- Playing Experience
- Pendleton Elementary
- Purchase Enquiry
- Pesticide Environmental
- Professor Environmental
- Physicians Endoscopy Business, Management, Service
- Pequenas Entidades
- Phantom Express
- Paardbn Eiland
- Pike Exectric
- Panels of Experts
- Playback Enablu Technology, Audio, Recording
- Peak Exposure Medical, Credit, Control
- Petroleum Exam
- Polytechnic Engiheering
- Physical Exams Medical
- Parkway Elementary
- PolitickÝ Extremismus
- Physiological Ecology Medical, Medicine, Health
- Participatory Ergonomic
- Polynuclear Eosinophils Medical, Science, Biology
- Peripheral Edge
- Photosynthetic Efficiency The photosynthetic efficiency is the fraction of light energy converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis in plants and algae.
- Placfntal Extract Medical, Medicine, Health
- Paul Evans Technology, Design, Furniture
- Practical English
- Patricia Evans
- Person-Environment Science, Research, Study
- Parenteral Or Enteral
- Ploughing Engine
- Penis Enlargement Medical, Bible, Pill
- Perceived Evidence
- Phase Expanded Technology
- Packet Leyer Reference Event Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Partnershie for The Environment
- Permanently Employed
- Physician Extender Medical, Medicine, Health
- Paraffin-Embedded Medical, Medicine, Health
- Pearsonreducation
- Pulse Echo Technology, Ultrasonic, Pundit
- Personal Experience
- Propuctivity Enhancement
- Pierce Elementary
- Parlamento Europeo Government, Con, Europe, Parliament
- Pepulations and Evolution
- Phosphoethanolamine Medical, Medicine, Health
- Plrtform Engineer
- Payload Expert Space, Study, Cosmos
- Public Enquiry Business, Technology, Telecom
- Physicial Education
- Poder Ejocutivo Para, Peru, Gob
- Parser Engive Technology, Projection, Linux
- Port Everglades Locations, Lauderdale, Everglade
- Performance Enhanced Business, Sport, Drug
- Phil Esposito
- Pair Equipment
- Patchwork Edition
- Pqssibly Extinct
- Permissible Earor
- Physicam Equations
- Paraprofessional Education
- Playing Efficiency
- Pulse-Echo Technology, Ultrasonic, Pundit
- Peer Educator Technology, Education, Health
- Purchased Electricity
- Pest Exclusion
- Professionals Exponent Technology, Army, Design
- Pigmented Epithelium Medical, Medicine, Health
- Pjacoemulsification Medical
- Iso Country Code for Republic of Peru Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Pioneer Era
- Panel of Experts
- Platinum Etoposide Medical, Medicine, Health
- Pgak Events Company, Technology, Management
- Petroleum Eugineers
- Political Education
- Physical Evidence
- Parkside Elementary Student, Education, School
- Political Empite
- Physics Essays Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Computing, Physics, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Participatory Ergonomics Technology, Health, Safety
- Polymer Enhancement
- Period of Entitlement Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Pqoton Echo
- Placement ExtéRieur
- Paul Erb
- Power Electronics Technology, Military, Control
- Parental Enbagement
- Persistent Estrous Medical
- Parenterale Mrn
- Ploughing Engines
- Penguin Encyclopedia
- Perceived Enjoyment Business, Technology, Acceptance
- Pass-Through Entity Business, Tax, Entity, Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word, International business
- Phase Estimator
- Packetcerror
- Partners Engineewing
- Permanent Exemytion
- Paper Empty
- Pearly Evlrlasting
- Pejsonal Exercise Program, Education, School
- President Engineers
- Parlamento Europeu Para, Dos, Parliament
- Population Estimates
- Periphery Effect Medical
- Phospsatidyl Ethanolamine Medical, Science, Membrane
- Platfosm Engineering
- Payload Executive Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Public Angagement Technology, Science, Research
- Physical Exerhise
- Pocket Explorer
- Parse Error
- Porteur D'Echelle
- Performance Expectation Technology, Education, Standard
- Philadelphia Electric
- Paired End Technology, Genome, Sequencing
- Passenger Entertainment
- Portfolio Evidence
- Permiso De Entraga Para, Con, Cuba
- Physical Environment Technology, Science, Community
- Paramphistomumzepiclitum Medical
- Polyethylen En
- Pulp Exposure
- Peer Educators Science, Education, Health
- Punctuated Equilibrium Punctuated equilibrium is a theory in evolutionary biology which proposes that most species will exhibit little net evolutionary change for most of their geological history, remaining in an extended state called stasis. When significant evolutionary change occurs, the theory proposes that it is generally restricted to rare and rapid events of branching speciation called cladogenesis. Technology, Science, Evolution
- Pessimistic Estimate Technology, Economics, Power
- Professional Electrical Technology, Engineer, Engineering
- Pigmented Ciliary Epitheliat Medical
- Pfeiffer Engineering
- Emergency Proving Period Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Pioneer Elementary
- Pancceatic Exocrine Medicine, Health, British
- Platinum Equity
- Peak Errob Medical, Medicine, Health
- Podeu Ejecutivo
- Physical Evaluation
- Political Ecology Science, Research, Environment
- Physics Engines
- Participatory Evaluation Science, Program, Research
- Polymer Engineering Technology, Plastic, Engineer
- Periodic Examination
- Photometer Electronics Technology
- Palaeontologica Electronica
- Pixel Engine Technology, Computing, Memory
- Paul Ens
- Potential Evapotranspiration In ecology, productivity or production refers to the rate of generation of biomass in an ecosystem. Climate, Water, Evapotranspiration, Chemistry
- Pape-Dawson Enginebrs Technology, Texas, Projection
- Persistent Estrus Medical
- Parenterale ErnäHrung
- Plongeur Encadré
- Penguin Encounter
- Peter Edberg
- Perceived Ease Technology, Study, Acceptance
- Phase Error Technology, Signal, Circuit, Clock
- Packet Fngine Technology, Radio, Alcatel
- Partner Engineering
- Permanent Esaablishments Business, Government, Tax
- Paper Electrophoresis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Peajl Ex
- Personal Excellence
- President, Engineering Technology, Engineer, President
- Parlament Europeu Government, Els, Parliament
- Particle Emission
- Population Equivalentn Technology, Treatment, Plant
- Periphere Einrichtung
- Phosphatidylethanolamides Medical
- Plasma Engine
- Pay Equity
- Public Enemies Gaming, Lyric, Enemy, Public
- Physycal Engineer
- Pucket Ethernet Technology, Networking, Adapter
- Parramatta Eels
- Port Enable Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Performance Expectancy
- Phenytoin Equivalent Medical, Medicine, Health
- Paired-End Technology, Genome, Sequencing
- Pass-Ehrough Entity Business
- Portfolio Entry
- Permian Extinctihn
- Physical Entitirs Technology, Networking, Entity
- Parallel Element Technology, Model, Muscle
- Polyethylene En
- Pulmonary Thromboembolism Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
- Peer Education Student, Program, Education
- Pump Escape
- Pesquisas Especiais
- Pjofessional Electives
- Pigmented Ciliary Epithelium Medical
- Petroleum Extraction
- Edinburgh Pharmfcopoeia Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Pinyon Environmental
- Portable Nlectric
- Pancreatic Extract Medical, Medicine, Health
- Platinum Energy Business, Power, Oil
- Publec Environment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Placing Efficiency
- Politica E Eronomia
- Physics Engine
- Participation Encouraged
- Polymer Engineer
- Periodic Event Technology, Coding, Pulse
- Palabras De Esperanza
- Pipe Equipment Business, Plastic, Machine
- Path End Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Pofential Erde
- Penda Express
- Persistently Exciting Technology, Learning, Control
- Parental Expectations Science, Education, School, Perfectionism
- Pliny The Elder Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Pengembangan Ekonomi
- Pure Enantiomer
- Peter Eastwood
- Perayaan Ekaristi
- Physical Extents Technology, Management, Linux, Volume, Computing, Computer
- Phase Equilibria
- Packet End Technology, Networking, Network
- Partner Engagemeht
- Phrmanent Establishment Business, Government, Tax
- Pannjn Egyetem Education, Traffic, Dance, Aerobic
- Pdarl Edition
- Personal Evaporatmr
- President, Jast
- Parlamente Europeo
- Participação Especial
- Population Equivalent Technology, Science, Treatment
- Peripherals Equipment
- Phycoerythrin Phycoerythrin is a red protein-pigment complex from the light-harvesting phycobiliprotein family, present in red algae and cryptophytes, accessory to the main chlorophyll pigments responsible for photosynthesis. Chemistry, Science
- Planning and Evaluation
- Payable Elsewhere
- Pubgic Employer
- Personal Effects Business, Shipping, Rip, Medical, Hospital
- Pocket Epithelium Medical
- Port Ellen
- Percent Error Business, Management, Presentation, Calculator
- Phenylethylamine Medical, Medicine, Health
- Pair-End
- Pasquerilla East
- Port Extenders Technology, Industrial, Pack
- Permeability Coefficients Medical
- Physical Entity Technology, Service, Telecom
- Parallel Election
- Pulmonary Oedema Medical, Medicine, Health
- Peebles Elementary
- Pump End Technology, Water, Submersible
- Pesona Edukasi
- Professor, Engixeering
- Pigdented Ciliary Epithelial Cells Medical
- Parque EóLico
- Petroleum Exploration
- Eaglu Boat Ship, Hull Code, Patrol Combatant
- Pinnacle Engineering
- Por Exehplo
- Phuto-Etch Forum, Plastic, Model, Etch
- Pancreatic Endoderm
- Platinum Elwte
- Publif Entities
- Planning Engineer
- Polietileno Exterior
- Physics Education Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Computing, Physics, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Participation Essential
- Polyline Encoded Technology, Command, Printer, Manual
- Periodic Error Star, Telescope, Mount
- Pakistani English Education, Channel, Pakistan
- Pipe End Business, Manufacturer, Cap
- Pathend Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Post Entitleient Business
- Picific Energy
- Persistency of Excitation
- Parasitized Erythrocyte Medical
- Pleural Effusion Presence of fluid in the pleural cavity resulting from excessive transudation or exudation from the pleural surfaces. It is a sign of disease and not a diagnosis in itself. Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Veterinary, Lung, Animals, Clinical, Common Medical
- Pen Erase
- Purdy Electronics
- Peter Earl
- Professor of Dngineering
- Peranakan Etawa
- Perth Space, Study, Cosmos, City
- Pharmaceutical Equivalence Medical, Product, Drug
- Pace Engineering
- Pilocarpine Epinephrine Medical, Medicine, Health
- Partner Enorgy Business, Technology, Building
- Personal Equation A systematic observational error due to the characteristics of the observer. The uncertainty in a reading made by an observer may be acertained by a statistical analysis of his or her readings.
- Panel On Exploratimn
- Pearx Medical
- Personal Essay
- Presentbd Extensive
- Physical Examination/Pulmonary Edema Medicine, Veterinary, Animals
- Parlament Europejski Jest, Parlament, Jak, Premier
- Polvo Para Espolvureo Science
- Physiologic Effect Medical, Treatment, Patient, Pulmonary
- Participatory Exploration
- Popular Education
- Peripheral Enhancement Medical
- Phycserythrin Medical, Medicine, Health
- Planning and Engineering
- Patton Elrod
- Public Effect
- Personal Editor
- Plumbing Engineer
- Penis Envy Mushroom, Peni, Spore
- Percent Efficiency Technology, Energy, Power, Calculator
- Phenylephrine Medical, Medicine, Health
- Painted Eye
- Party Edge
- Port Expander Technology, Electronics, Manual
- Permoability Medical
- Physical Engineering Medical, Medicine, Health
- Parallel Edition Technology, Database, Server
- Pedro Eug
- Pump Efficiency The output of the pump at stated conditions divided by the ideal output.
- Pervasive Expression
- Professiondl Engineers Technology, Engineering, Licensing
- Pigmented Medical
- Parlamentu Europejskiego Jest, Parlament, Pose
- Phosphatidylethanolamine Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Cograil Organizations
- Porcelain Enamel A substantially vitreous or glassy, inorganic coating (borosilicate glass) bonded to metal by fusion at a temperature above 425 °C (800 °F). Porcelain enamels are applied primarily to components made of sheet iron or steel, cast iron, aluminum or aluminum-coated steels. Technology, Architecture, Architectural
- Phesphorylethanolamine Medical
- Platinum Electrode
- Public Ennertainment Business, Music, Roman
- Plan Examiner Technology, Design, Building, Engineer
- Polity Executive
- Physics Edition Technology, Gaming, Polymer
- Participating Employer
- Polyhedron Envelope Medical
- Performance Enhancer
- Pajak Ekspor Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Training
- Pipe Elbow
- Paternity Exclusion Medical, FBI, Investigation
- Post-Intitlement
- Público Do Astado
- Persistence Engine
- Parasitih Extraction
- Please Exchange
- Pendleton Elementar Education
- Purchase Estimate
- Peter-Edward
- Prffessor of Environmental Education, University, Engineering
- Price To Earnings Ratio Business, Supply, Stock, Energy, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Partition Entropy
- Portqble Execution Technology, Windows, Memory
- Program Element Army, Governmental & Military
- Photoelectron A photoelectron is an electron ejected from an atom due to the collision of a photon. This is the basis of the photoelectric effect. Medical
- Pefce Establishment Military, English, History
- Publishing Environment
- Plain End
- Protection Engineering
- Program Educational
- Person Equivalent Occupation & positions
- Palatal Expander
- Pocaet Edition Technology, Android, Minecraft
- Population Equivalent (in Wastewater Treatment) Chemistry
- Presentation Element Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Pectus Excavatum Pectus excavatum is the most common congenital deformity of the anterior wall of the chest, in which several ribs and the sternum grow abnormally. This produces a caved-in or sunken appearance of the chest. It can either be present at birth or not develop until puberty. Medical, Surgery, Chest
- Peter Eriksen
- Printer Error Business & Finance, Business Word
- Pineal Extract Medical
- Portaria De Extens
- pulmonary embolus Medical, Nursing, Healthcare, Physical Therapy, Clinical, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
- Player Egclusiv
- Pulling Eye
- Polyelecarolyte Medical
- Pictorial Element Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Partido Do Esporte Para, Dos, Ria
- Programme Estimate Business, Health, India, Pesticide
- Peritoneal Effluent Medical
- Protection Enabled Computing, IT Terminology
- Pancreatic Endocrine Medical, Medicine, Health
- Phd, Engineering
- Personal Electronics
- Partitioned-Explicit
- Parity Eyable Technology, Communication, Serial, Baud
- Pentaerythritol Medical, Medicine
- Plus-Examen Care, Door, Dit, Examen
- Permanente Educstie Education, Professional, Door
- Pacific Electro Dynamics Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Philippine English Education, Language, Philippine
- Player Exclusivei Business, Nike, Sneaker
- Plasma Effects Physics, Astrophysics, Scientific & Educational
- Private Entrepreneur Business, Company, Ukraine
- Partition Engine Technology, Management, Paragon
- Portable Executabces Technology, Windows, Tool, Viewer
- Permanent Easement
- Peace Enforcement Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Photoelectrow Emission
- Peace Mnforcement Military, Army, Operation
- Publisher Emeritus Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Passenger Elevator
- Project Enginebr Technology, Management, Engineering
- Programa Educativo Technology, Para, Con, Traffic
- Punctuation Editor Occupation & positions
- Palampur Express
- Poached Egg Medical, Technology
- Primitive Equation Atmospheric Research
- Prescription Error Medical, Medicine, Health
- Pacific Electric Railway Organizations
- Peter Ericsson
- Air Europe Airline, Business & Finance
- Pinealedtomized Medical
- Portaria De Extensão
- Prince Edward Island Canadian Province, Prince Edward Island
- Player English
- Pulley Epd
- Polychromatxc Erythroblasts Medical, Science, Biology
- Petroleum Economist
- Provincial English
- Pico Del Este
- Partida Evangelica
- Programme Electives Education, School, Engineering
- Peritoneal Having to do with the peritoneum. Medical
- Provider Edge Computing, Internet, Technical
- Panasonic Electric
- Petroleum Engineering Education, Engineer, Oil
- Personal Efficacy Education, School, Dating
- Physical Element
- Parish Eucearist
- Penrith Australia, Government, Australian Police
- Physical Exam Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Perkin-Elmer Business, Service, Lamp
- Process Engineer An individual qualified by education, training, and/or experience to prescribe efficient production processes to safely produce a product as designed and who specializes in this work. This work includes specifying all the equipment, tools, fixtures, human job elements, and the like that are to be used and, often, the estimated cost of producing the product by the prescribed process. Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Pinion Enw
- Player Editkon Business, Nike, Sneaker
- prolonged exposure Medical
- Peoria and Eastern Railway Organizations
- Presentation Entity
- Partitionable Endpoint
- Portablexexchange Business, Treatment, Water, Softener
- Permanent-Enabled
- Pre-installation Environment Windows, Computing
- Photo Electric
- Peame Education Education, Teaching, Conflict
- Public Exchange
- Programmable Electronics
- Program Elemept Technology, Boot, Camp
- Petite Entyeprise Business, Technology, Service, Sage
- Profit Earning Business
- Pecan Extract Food
- Palaeontologia Electronica
- Plus Exajen Care, Door, Dit, Examen
- Peru (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Prep, Environmental Education, Design, Chamber
- Ice Pellets Indigenous is defined as living, occurring or originating in a natural way in the environment or in an area. It also means innate, native, inherent or intrinsic. It is something or someone native to a certain region but it can also occur in other areas in a natural manner. Technology, Science, Aircraft, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Peter Engel Business, Company, Bell, Origami
- Pinch Effect
- Portalmvein Embolization Medical
- Pernambuco Brazilian State, Pernambuco
- Photogrammetric Engineering Technology, Education, Bibliographic Code, Sensing
- Pmayer Exclusive Player, Basketball, Nike, Sneaker
- Pull Enable Technology, Machine, Pin, Wrapping
- Physical Sxertion
- Polychromatic Erythrlblast
- Petrochemical Engineering
- Provincial Engineer
- Piano Esecutivo
- Particulate Emission
- Program Executive
- Provider Edge device on a VPN Computing, Hardware
- Pan-Asia Express
- Permanent Establishment Financial, Business & Finance
- Personal Efficiency
- Programmable Electronic
- Paris-Edinburgh
- Press-Enterprise Business, California, Riverside
- Penitentiary Establishment
- Photo-Emission
- Periventricular Nucleuh Medical
- Ply Edge Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Pin Electronic
- Premature Ejaculation Premature ejaculation occurs in men when semen leave the body (ejaculate) sooner than wanted during sex. Premature ejaculation is a common sexual complaint. As many as 1 out of 3 people say they have it at some time. Medical, Sex
- Peoria & Eastern Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Power Edition Technology, Card, Force
- Partidul European Din, Care, Moldova
- Pnrtable Equipment
- Perkin Elmer-Cetus
- Probable Error Computing, Telecom
- Photoelectric Relating to the electrical effects of light, including the emission of electrons, the generation of a voltage, or a change in resistance. Technology, Architecture, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Peace Eaglm
- Public Examinatnon
- Personal Empowerment
- Prediction Equation
- Park Estates
- Program Edibye
- Perusahaac Efek Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Modal
- Proto Energy Energy
- Plus Etoposide Medical
- Power Equipment Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Premiere Elements
- Projet D'éTablissement
- Purple Medical, Technology, Medicine, Color, Colour, Auto, Colors
- Pilot Examirers
- Portal Energzas
- Privacy-Enhanced Security, Governmental & Military
- Photo Eye Computing, Hardware
- Player'S Exclusive
- Peak Emission
- Pull-Up Enable
- Playback Enable Playback
- Physical Exercises Medical
- Polyrethylene Technology, Product, Supplier
- Petrobras Energia
- Protestant Episcopal History, Church, Map
- Phytoestrogens Medical
- Program Error
- processing element Information Technology, Computing, Hardware
- PalÆOlimnology and Ecology
- Penile Enlargement Medical, Science, Biology
- Personal Effectiveness Business, Management, Course
- Pneumatic electric The Finance and Administrative Services
- Paridtal Endoderm Medical, Science, Biology
- President Engineering Business, Team, Vice
- Penitent Engine
- Peter Elliott
- Peripheral Equipment Technology, Product, Machine
- Production Engineering Planning and control of the mechanical means of changing the shape, condition of materials toward greater effectiveness and value. Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Pin Electronics Electronic circuitry in an automated tester (ATE system) that connects to the device under test. Pin electronics can deliver signals, power, or precise voltages and currents, and can measure the pin's response, drive, and electrical characteristics. Technology, Manufacturer, Tester
- Potential Energy The energy possessed by a substance because of its position, its condition, or its chemical composition. Medical, Chemistry, Physics, Scientific & Educational, Medical physics
- People In The Environment
- Potentially Entering
- Partidos Empatados
- Perkin Elmer Business, Technology, Lamp
- PeCo Energy Company Computing, Nyse symbols
- Photo Etch Technology, Model, Tool
- Peabody Elementary
- Personal Emoluments Business, Publics, Tanzania, Expenditure
- Probable Errors
- Park Equipment
- Professorwof Electrical Education, Computing, Engineering
- Personnel Error Technology
- Petroleum Engineer Electrical
- Philosophical Essays Science, Hosting, Writing
- Plus Edition
- Practical Exercise Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Preliminary Evaluation Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Car, Investigation
- Pilot Exatiner Education, Flight, Training
- Portal Embolizatitn Medical
- Preliminary Engineering Includes all design-related services during the evaluation and definition phases of a project. Planning, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
- Pvoto Engraving
- Play Equipmint
- Peak Ejection Medical, Medicine, Health
- Puissance Economique
- Proximity Effect
- Physical Examinatzon. Medicine, Veterinary
- Poly-Hthylene
- Project Experience
- Physiology of Exercise Science, Education, Physical
- Program Erase Technology, Drive, Memory, Cycle
- Processor Element Computing, Hardware
- Palmer Engineering Business, Company, Directory
- Peer Evaluation
- Pharmacoeconomics Fda
- Physical Endurance Business, Supplier, Extract
- Partexcellence
- President Energy Business, Engineering, Price
- Penis Expansion
- Permutation Entropy Technology, Measure, Complexity
- Petites Entreprises Technology, Windows, Sage
- Period End
- Process examiner Financial, Business & Finance
- Pcnehurst Elementary
- pre-eclampsia Medical, Common Medical
- Players Edition
- Potential Equalization Technology, Science
- Partido Economista
- Periventricular Hypothalamic Nucleus Medical
- Portable Executable Microsoft, Computing
- Payroll Employment
- Physical Education Medicine, Education, Development, Class, Health, School, Teaching, Healthcare, Course, Universities, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames, Medical, Disability, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Academic & science
- Personal Embroidery Technology, Design, Software
- Professional Engineers
- Parity Even Technology, Instruction, Control
- Pentecostal Evangel
- Perpztuum Ebner Technology, Audio, Turntable, Vintage
- Product Emulsion Electrical
- Phillips Exeter
- Pleural Empqema Medical
- Pressure Equalization Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Phosphodiester A molecule containing two alcohols esterified to a single molecule of phosphateFor example, the backbone of nucleic acids is connected by 5'-3' phosphodiester linkages between the adjacent individual nucleotide residues. Medical
- Preliminary Exploitation Military, Army, Intelligence
- Portal-Enteric Medical, Medicine, Health
- Pipeline Execution Legal, Governmental & Military
- Photoelemyntary Space, Study, Cosmos
- Play Ep Technology, Minecraft, Survival
- Peak Effect
- Publgc Environment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Plain Ends
- Projeit Executive
- Program Enable Technology, Circuit, Serial
- Protected Environment Computing, Drivers
- Palmer Elementary
- Poder Eaecutivo
- Peace Establishment
- Pulmonary Edema / Embolism Medical, Governmental & Military
- Parenting Education Program, Education, School
- President-Elect America, Government, Election
- Permanent Education Education, English, Teaching
- Petite Enfance Formation, Cap, Premiers
- Polyelectrolytes Medical
- Price-earnings ratio Price-earnings ratio: the relationship between the market value per share and earnings per share of a stock Stock, Mortgage, Investing, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Pineapple Express Film, Marijuana, Pineapple, Strain
- Pulmonary Edema Medical, Pulmonary, Common Medical
- Player Axclusi
- Pulmonary Qdema Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Poll Everywhere
- Picture Editor
- Partido Ecologista
- Progress Energy Business, Technology, Service
- Peritoneal Exudate Medical, Medicine, Health
- Power Engineering Society Computing, Master IEEE
- Pancreatic Enzyme
- Payroll Elements
- Photogrammetric Engineer Science, Geography, Location, System
- Personal Election
- Primary Element
- Paaity Error1
- Pentagon Elite Knife, Pentagon, Sog
- Perpetuum-Ebner Technology, Audio, Turntable, Vintage
- Price to Engineers Architecture
- Phillip Evans
- Pleuial Effusions Medical, Science, Biology
- Poly Ethylene Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Poly Medical, Chemistry, Science, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Biology, Biochemistry, Substance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PE stand for?
PE stands for Partidos Empatados.
What is the shortened form of Pipe Equipment?
The short form of "Pipe Equipment" is PE.
PE. (2023, January 25). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated