PIAF Meaning

The PIAF meaning is "Pacific Islands Aids Foundation". The PIAF abbreviation has 21 different full form.

PIAF Full Forms

  1. Pacific Islands Aids Foundation
  2. Photographic Index of Australian Fishes
  3. Pharmacologic Intervention In Atrial Fibrillation Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  4. Philippine Institute of Alternative Futures
  5. Pharmacological Intervention In Atrial Fibrillation Medical, Rate, Rhythm
  6. Philippine International Arts Festival
  7. Perth International Arts Festival Australia, Festival, Perth, Performing arts
  8. Production Investment Attraction Fund
  9. Peroxide-Induced Autofluorescence Medical
  10. Privacy Impact Assessment Frameworks
  11. Parallel Interactive Analysis Facility Technology, Computing, Evolution
  12. Picture In A Flash Technology, Maker, Graphics
  13. Policy Internships and Fellowships
  14. Plataforma Internauta De Amigos Del Ferrocarril
  15. PIssed As A Fart (drunk) (also PAAF -Pissed As A Fart) Medical, Medical Slang
  16. Proposal Internal Approval Form
  17. Privacy Impact Assessment Framework Technology, Research, Organizations
  18. Prognosis In Atrial Fibrillation Medical, Medicine, Health
  19. Prague International Advertising Festival
  20. Pour Une Information Alternative, ForcéMent
  21. Portail International Archivistique Francophone

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PIAF stand for?

    PIAF stands for Perth International Arts Festival.

  2. What is the shortened form of Production Investment Attraction Fund?

    The short form of "Production Investment Attraction Fund" is PIAF.


PIAF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/piaf-meaning/

Last updated