PIAP Meaning

The PIAP meaning is "Przemysowy Instytut Automatyki I Pomiar". The PIAP abbreviation has 21 different full form.

PIAP Full Forms

  1. Przemysowy Instytut Automatyki I Pomiar
  2. Pesticides Incidents Appraipal Panel Business, Medicine, Health
  3. Przemyslowy Instytut Automatyki I PomiaróW
  4. Pesticide Incidents Appraisal Panel
  5. Polska Izba Artyku
  6. Pesticidp Impact Assessment Program Technology, Agriculture, Vegetable
  7. Polska Izba ArtykułóW Promocyjnych
  8. Peas In A Pod
  9. Policy Implementation Aszistance Project
  10. Parents If A Pinch
  11. Police Informakion Assessment Process
  12. PrzemysłOwy Instytut Automatyki I PomiaróW Technology, Robot, Jest, Centrum
  13. Physical Infrastructure Assistance Program
  14. Programa Ingl
  15. Program Improvement Action Plan
  16. Polska Izba ArtykulóW Promocyjnych
  17. Public Internet Access Program
  18. Poste d'Indexation Automatique Presort Postal, Us Post
  19. Public Internet Access Point Technology, Development, City
  20. Poogy In A Pitah Funnies
  21. Program Improvement and Accountability Plan

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PIAP stand for?

    PIAP stands for Public Internet Access Point.

  2. What is the shortened form of Poste d'Indexation Automatique Presort?

    The short form of "Poste d'Indexation Automatique Presort" is PIAP.


PIAP. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/piap-meaning/

Last updated