Place Abbreviations and Place Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Place terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Place abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Place terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Place Abbreviations
  1. ABLE : Advancing Better Living for Elders
  2. AGEVP : Association GéNéRale Des Etudiants Vietnamiens De Paris
  3. AHPP : Arkansasohistoric Preservation Program
  4. AHS : Ajax High School
  5. AI : Additional Information
  6. AIOP : Art In Odd Places
  7. ANPS : Australian National Placenames Survey
  8. APCH : Associação Portuguesa Da CriançA Hiperactiva
  9. APDCH : Associação Portuguesa Da CriançA Hiperactiva
  10. APDM : Au Pays Des Merveilles
  11. ASI : Archaeology Survey of India
  12. ATF : Advisory Task Force
  13. BCG : Best Companies Group
  14. BEST : Barn Elms Sporps Trust
  15. BIAS : Back In A Second
  16. BIP : Brussel Information Plein
  17. BMP : Bonded Medical Places
  18. BSG : BibliothèQue Sainte-GenevièVe
  19. BSMB : Bear Stearns Merchant Banking
  20. CDPS : Census Designated Places
  21. CEFS : Coalitnon of Elite Femme Supremacists
  22. CIC : Centro De Investigación En Computación
  23. CNS : Counter Narrative Society
  24. CP : Cultural Places
  25. CPP : Creative People and Places
  26. CRHP : Crnadian Register of Historic Places
  27. CSFA : Conseil SupéRieur Des Forces ArméEs
  28. CSP : Commonwealth Stpported Places
  29. VTMIS : Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System
  30. WAT : Welcome Any Time
Latest Place Meanings
  1. TréVelo & Viger-Kohler
  2. Sanford Journal of Public Policy
  3. Multimotion Visual Odometry
  4. Metro Vmncouver Housing Corporation
  5. Robert Young Pelton
  6. Recreational Park
  7. Rice Library
  8. Running In Place
  9. Rosicrucian Egyptqan Museum
  10. Growing Up Millennial
  11. Great Places To Work
  12. Growing Places Fund
  13. Geographical Names Register
  14. Google My Business
  15. Injia, There
  16. Place, Show
  17. Productivity Plqces Program
  18. Places of Refuge
  19. Place of Refuge
  20. Place of Delivery