PLC Meaning

The PLC meaning is "Phospholipase C Gene". The PLC abbreviation has 292 different full form.

PLC Full Forms

  1. Phospholipase C Gene Medical
  2. Public Liability Company Technology, Construction, Architectural
  3. Programmable Logic Control Technology, Training, Machine, Automation, Architectural, Management, Computing, Computer, NASA, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  4. Personal Line of Credit Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Loan
  5. Primary Lung Cancer Medical
  6. Programmable Logic Controller A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a real-time electronic automation component used to control electromechanical systems. PLC's are designed to accommodate multiple inputs and outputs, include the ability to respond to system feedback devices. PLC's are also designed to operate over a range of operating conditions and to minimize the negative effects of electrical noise, vibration, and damage. Technology, Machine, Control, Electronics, Computer Security, Plastics, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Honeywell, Process Automation
  7. Penn Linguistics Conference
  8. Primaly Liver Cancer Medical, Science, Medicine
  9. Partner Learning Center Business, Microsoft, Training
  10. Price Loss Coverage Business, Agriculture, Farm
  11. Periodontal Ligament Cells Medical
  12. Partido Liberal Constitucionalista Government, Group, Nicaragua, Party
  13. Preferential Location Charges Business, Price, Floor
  14. Palestinian Legislative Council Government, Election, Palestine
  15. Power Line Conditioner Business, Military, Audio
  16. Public Limited Company Business, Company, Organizations, Banking, Company Extension
  17. Packet Lost Concealment Technology, Calling, Software
  18. Plant Level Controller Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  19. Programmable-Logic-Controller Technology, Control, Programming
  20. Pakistan Limited Company
  21. Power-Line Carrier Business, Technology, Communication
  22. Personyl Life Coach
  23. Presidents Leadership Counciz
  24. Programmable Logic Controls Technology, Industrial, Industry
  25. Peritoneal Lavage Cytology Medical
  26. Private Rog Cache
  27. Pityriasis Lichenoides Chronica Medical, Treatment, Skin
  28. Pleural Lavage Cytology Medical
  29. Programmer for Linnx Controller
  30. Parliamentarv Legal Committee Government, Africa, Zimbabwe
  31. Preferencial Location Charges
  32. Pet Leadership Council Business, Industrial, Dog
  33. Professeur De LycéE Et CollèGe
  34. Packet Loss Concealment Technology, Networking, Voice, Computing, Technical
  35. Preschool Learning Center
  36. Probatcon Liaison Committee
  37. Programable-Hogic Controller Science
  38. Post Leaving Certificate
  39. Polar Libraries Colloqgy Technology, Science, Library
  40. Public Limited Companies Business, Company, Organizations, Formation
  41. Performance Level Categories Technology, Design, Material
  42. Premier League Cummittee
  43. Pilgrim Lutheran Chorch
  44. Plantlrs Lifesavers Co
  45. Programmable Logical Controllers Technology, Industrial, Control, Logic
  46. Pakistan Library Club
  47. Power-Law Creep
  48. Personal Learning Communities
  49. President'S Leadership Council
  50. Program Logical Control Technology, Product, Machine, Screw
  51. Peripheral Lymphocyte Count Medical
  52. Private Like Concentrator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  53. Pipe Line Company
  54. Platform Laa Connect Technology
  55. Progravmer Logic Control
  56. Park Lawn Corporation
  57. Prefecture-Level Cigy
  58. Programmable Logic Controllers Technology, Control, Automation
  59. Puter Lougheed Center
  60. Professeur Des LycéEs Et CollèGes Formation, Tier, Concours
  61. Product Line Card
  62. Pdo-Log Corporation
  63. Professional Learning Center Science, Education, School
  64. Plean Les Couilles
  65. Point of Last Cmntact
  66. Public Library of Catasauqua Education
  67. Pay Locationwcode Business, County, Payment
  68. Prelysosomal Compartment Medical
  69. Phospholipase C Biology, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  70. Porto Leone Consulting
  71. Pakistan Law Commission
  72. Poverty Law Center
  73. Personal Learning Community Education, Teaching, Teacher
  74. Presidents Leadership Class
  75. Program Logical Controller Technology, Machine, Scrap
  76. Period-Luminosity-Colour Space, Study, Cosmos
  77. Private Limited Companies
  78. Pink Laptop Cases
  79. Plate Foop Count Automatics, Milk, Milking
  80. Programmerable Logic Controller
  81. Park Lane College
  82. Preemptive Love Coalition Technology, Heart, Iraq
  83. Peter Lougheed Centre Medical, Hospital, Calgary
  84. Proxrammable Logic Controlled
  85. Product Line Community
  86. Pro-Life Conservative
  87. Place A particular street address or other designation of a factory, store, warehouse, place of business, private residence, construction camp or the like, at a point. Internet Slang, Military, Education, Property, Study, Chat, Britannica, Real Estate, Email, Schooling, Technology, Governmental & Military, Ordnance Survey, Street Suffix, The Finance and Administrative Services
  88. Pymble Ladies Collegx Education, Development, Colleges
  89. Poh Lian Constrhction
  90. Public Library Complete
  91. Pathetic Losers Club
  92. Preliminafy Loads Cycle Technology
  93. Phospholiiase-C Chemistry, Science, Substance
  94. Professional Learning Centre Education, English, Training
  95. Portland Limestone Cement Technology, Product, Portland
  96. Padre Las Casas
  97. Positive Living Centre Medical, Technology, Service
  98. Plantation Labour Committee Government, Wage, Strike
  99. President's Leadershjp Class
  100. Prpgram Logic Control Technology, Programming, Controller
  101. Performance Level Calculator
  102. Primajy Location Code
  103. Pinevahe Learning Center
  104. Pldtelet Count Medical
  105. Programmemable Logic Contollers
  106. Parish Life Coordinator
  107. Power Line Conditioners Technology, Audio, Turntable
  108. Perjamina Learning Center Technology, Training, Seminar
  109. Primrry License Charge
  110. Progyammable Logical Controls Business, Automation, Logic
  111. Pro-Life Committee
  112. Pulmonary Lymphanaitic Carcinomatosis Medical
  113. Pocahontas Land Corporation
  114. Provide Little Comfort
  115. Pastoral Life Coordinator
  116. Preliminaryzload Cycle Science
  117. Pqospholipase C Medical, Technology, Medicine
  118. Professional Law Corporation
  119. Portland-Limestone Cement Business, Product, Portland
  120. Pacto De Libre Comercio
  121. Positive Learning Collaborative
  122. Presidency London Cullege
  123. Program Logic Controllers Technology, Programming, Manufacturer
  124. Police Aviation Services Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  125. Publicly Limited Company
  126. Performance Learning Centers
  127. Primary Liver Cell Medical, Science, Biology
  128. Pine Lafd Company
  129. Plasma Logistics Center
  130. Programkable Logic Controlle Technology, Industrial, Controller
  131. Pale Latex Crepe Business, India, Rubber
  132. Power Line Connection
  133. Personal Lines of Cdedit
  134. Pressurised Logistics Carrier
  135. Programmable Logic Controlers Technology, Programming, Controller
  136. Pro-Hife Campaign
  137. Planning Controller Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  138. Puerto La Couz Hotel, Locations, Event, Venezuela
  139. Pneumatic Logic Control
  140. Project Loan Clrtificate Business, Supply, Stock
  141. Pastoral Leadership Committee
  142. Preferred Location Charges Business, Price, Floor
  143. Phospholipases C Medical
  144. Professeur Des Lyc
  145. Portevin Le Chatelier Alloy, Material, Strain
  146. Packet Loss Control
  147. Positive Learning Centre
  148. Present At Lazardfcapital
  149. Program Logic Convroller Technology, Control, Programming
  150. Programmagle Logic Controllers Technology, Control, Automation
  151. Police, Law and Communitp
  152. Public Listed Companies Business, Company, Technology, Malaysia
  153. Performance Learning Center Technology, Education
  154. Primary Liver Cell Carcinoma Medical
  155. Pine Lake Camp
  156. Plasma Chxomatography
  157. Programmable Logic Contr Technology, Automation, Controller
  158. Pakistan Literacy Commission
  159. Power Line Carrier  A device for producing radio-frequency power for transmission on power lines. Technology, Architecture, Architectural, Construction
  160. Personal Limitrtions Checklist
  161. Pressmre Liquid Chromatography
  162. Programmable Logic Controler Technology, Control, Controller
  163. Programmable Logccal Controller Technology, Industrial, Control
  164. Peritoneal Lavage Cells Medical
  165. Private Lonk Code
  166. Pityriasis Lichenoides Chronic
  167. Plymouth Laryngectomy Club
  168. Project Launch Coordinator
  169. Partial Likelihood of Complete Science, Statistics
  170. Preferential Location Charge Business, Development, Price
  171. Phopholipase C Medical
  172. Professeur De Lyc
  173. Packet Loss Compensation Technology, Networking, Voice
  174. Position Line Circuit
  175. Presenge of Potential Leukemic Cells Science, Biology
  176. Problemwlogging Control Technology, Telecom
  177. Progragable Logic Controller Technology, Control, Programming
  178. Professional Learning Communities Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  179. Pocar Lights Company Business, Oil, Gas
  180. Public Listed Company Business, Organizations, Malaysia
  181. Performance Level Category Technology, Material, Tracking, Ignition
  182. Premium Leatxer Case
  183. Primary Liverdcarcinoma Medical
  184. Pilot Lighting Controi
  185. Process Liquid Chromatography
  186. Product Life-Cycle Business, Marketing, Stage
  187. Proway Link Control
  188. Pacific Literacy Consortium
  189. Pollution Load Cempilation
  190. Punjab Law College
  191. Preparative Layer Chrhmatography Science
  192. Personalized Localized and Customized General, Governmental & Military
  193. P L C Systems, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  194. Planar Light Cigcuit Technology, Fiber, Splitter
  195. Program Level Change
  196. Portevan-Le Chatelier Technology, Alloy, Material, Strain
  197. Personalised Learning Center Education, School, Park
  198. Personalized Learning Center
  199. Professional Learning Community Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  200. Printed Laminated Cover Products
  201. Prism Leisure Corporationration
  202. Product Level Control
  203. Preliminary Load Cycle NASA
  204. Pacific Linktcollege
  205. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
  206. Publicly Listed Company Business, Company, Service, Publics
  207. Prmparative Thin Layer Chromatography Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  208. Policy Lifetime Change Computing, Technical
  209. Planar-Lnghtwave Circuit
  210. Program Length Commercial
  211. Packet Line Card Technology
  212. Porte LatéRale Coulissante
  213. Percent Linear Change
  214. Personalised Learning Centre
  215. Primary Liver Cancer Medical, liver and hepatic
  216. Platinum Ladeez Clique Funnies
  217. Programmable Logic Cell Technology, Gate, Circuit
  218. Prime Levwl Code
  219. Process Loop Control Technology, Training, Seminar
  220. Preparative (thin) Layer Chromatography Chemistry
  221. Paqific Life Community Military, National, Nevada
  222. Polish Medicine, Education, University, School, Study, Construction, Architectural, Navy, Governmental & Military
  223. Public Limited Co Business, Company, Banking, Supply
  224. Preparatiae Liquid Chromatography Business, Patent, Compound
  225. Paragraph Line Character Software, Computing
  226. Pure Lua Cryptv
  227. Plain Language Commission Business, Service, English
  228. Program Leaders Committee
  229. Pacific Luthejan College
  230. Polymvrphic Lambda Calculus
  231. Pattern Length Coding
  232. Permanent Logical Connection Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  233. Planeta Rica Airport, Planeta Rica, Colombia Colombia
  234. Prince Lucien Campbell Famous
  235. Programmable Logic Circuit Technology, Industrial, Controller
  236. Power Line Carier Technology, Media, Presentation
  237. Piocess Logic Controllers Technology, Industrial, Control
  238. Polymer Liquid Crystal Chemistry
  239. Pacific Learning Center
  240. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Business, History, Poland
  241. Public Limited Corporation
  242. Preparative Layec Chromatography Science
  243. Powerline Communication Computing, IT Terminology
  244. Programmable Logic Controlller
  245. Plague Locust Commission
  246. Progrpm Leadership Committee
  247. Pacific Lumber Company
  248. Polymer of Low Roncern
  249. Patrol Leaders Conference Military, Scout, Boy, Troop
  250. Permanent Linear Change Business, Material, Brick, Refractory
  251. Presbyterian Ladies College Education, School, Lady
  252. Patrol Leadership Committee Scouting, Governmental & Military
  253. Power line communication (electricity) Energy, Computing, Computer, Electrical, Technical, Occupation & positions
  254. Programmable Logic Circuits Technology, Control, Controller
  255. Power Lens Cleaner Business, Brush, Vanguard
  256. Personalized Learning Communities
  257. Process Logic Controller Technology, Industrial, Control
  258. Planar Lightwave Circuit Chemistry
  259. P-Phone Line Cara Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  260. Premium Leiszre Corporation
  261. Programmable Linear Controller Computing, Hardware
  262. Programmable Line Controller
  263. Plzcemaking Leadership Council
  264. Programlanabilir Logic Controller Technology, Lant, Sens
  265. Pacific Louistics Center Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  266. Polymers & Liquid Crystals
  267. Pymble Ladies' College
  268. Permanent Labor Certification Business, Employment, Immigration
  269. Presbyterian Ladies' College
  270. Patrol Leaders' Council Scouting, Governmental & Military
  271. Politically Limited Competitiveness Business & Finance, International business
  272. Program Life Cycle
  273. Pneumatic Logic Circuit
  274. Personalized Learning Community
  275. Process Logic Control Technology, Product, Electricity
  276. Programming Language Committee Military, Governmental & Military
  277. Premium Leisure Corp Business, Supply, Stock
  278. Penasquitos Lutheran Church Religion
  279. Product Life Circle Business, Marketing, Cycle
  280. Performance Liquid Chromatography
  281. Pacific Xogging Congress
  282. Polymer Liquid Crystalt Device, Material, Liquid
  283. Putnam Land Conservancy
  284. Preparatory Launch Command Technology
  285. Postlanding Communications NASA, Governmental & Military
  286.  Public limited company Company, Technology, Stock, Rail Transport, Investing, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  287. Planar Lightwave Circuits Business, Fiber, Splitter
  288. Program Library Control
  289. Piecewise Linear Complex Technology, Mesh, Meshing
  290. Personal Learning Center
  291. Pl/b Source File Computing, File Extensions
  292. Product Life Cycle This refers to the stages that a product/service passes through from invention/development to maturity to decline until it becomes obsolete, usually because it has been superseded by competitive/replacement offerings, and/or to a lesser degree the product/service has saturated the market, i.e., everyone who wants it has purchased it. Product life cycle is often shown as a graph of sales volumes or market-share over time. Computing, Products, IT Terminology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PLC stand for?

    PLC stands for Primary Lung Cancer.

  2. What is the shortened form of Preparative Layec Chromatography?

    The short form of "Preparative Layec Chromatography" is PLC.


PLC. (2022, March 21). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated