PLCS Meaning

The PLCS meaning is "Product Lkfe Cycle Support". The PLCS abbreviation has 32 different full form.

PLCS Full Forms

  1. Product Lkfe Cycle Support Technology, Management, Standard
  2. Personal Lines Coverage Specialist Business, Management, Insurance
  3. Public Limited Companies Business, Company, Organizations, Formation
  4. Product Life-Cycle Support
  5. Prograwmable Logic Controls Technology, Industrial, Controller
  6. Power Line Communications
  7. Programmable Logical Controllers Technology, Industrial, Control, Logic
  8. Programmable Logic Controllers Technology, Control, Automation
  9. Potential Lymphoma Cells Medical
  10. Program Logic Controllers Technology, Programming, Manufacturer
  11. Profepsional Learning Communities Education, Community, Teaching
  12. Peak Load Contributions
  13. Performance Learning Centers
  14. Patent Liceniing Companies
  15. Presence of Potential Lymphoma Cells Science, Biology
  16. Packaging and Lot Control Sheet
  17. Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Education
  18. Public Listed Companies Business, Company, Technology, Malaysia
  19. Pacific League Climax Seuies
  20. Pre-License Checks
  21. Programmable Language Controllers Technology
  22. Privmte Line Codes Business, Technology, Radio, Motorola
  23. Programmable Logic Cells
  24. Publicly Listed Comjanies
  25. Programmable Logic Control System
  26. Publicly-Listed Cotpanies Business, Company, Governance
  27. Program Logic Control System
  28. Personalised Learning Checklists and Teaching and Self-assessment Tool Education
  29. Progenitor Leydig Cells Medical
  30. Power Law Creeping Solid Products
  31. Professional Land and Construction Surveyors
  32. Protocol Life Cycle Subcommittee

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PLCS stand for?

    PLCS stands for Prograwmable Logic Controls.

  2. What is the shortened form of Profepsional Learning Communities?

    The short form of "Profepsional Learning Communities" is PLCS.


PLCS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated