PM Meaning
The PM meaning is "Private Message". The PM abbreviation has 2219 different full form.
PM Full Forms
- Private Message Internet Slang, Texting, Online, Computing, Computer, Chat, Roleplaying, Sms, Game, Disney, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, Social Networking Sites
- Particulate Matter Particles formed by incomplete combustion of fuel. Compression ignition (diesel) engines generate significantly higher PM emissions than spark ignited engines. The particles are composed of elemental carbon, heavy hydrocarbons (SOF), and hydrated sulfuric acid. Business, Chemistry, Science, Energy, Agriculture, Study, Discipline, Quality, Pollution, Environment, Physics, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
- Post Meridiem The 2-by-12-hour count is the double counting of the full day divided into 24 equally long equinox hours, i.e. the day and night together, with the help of the so-called small clock. Business, English, Aviation, Writing, Time, Medical, Latin, NASA, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
- Project Management The process of managing and planning a successful project from start to finish, which includes controlling, organizing, managing resources, people, budgets, etc. See project management. Business, Technology, Human Resources, Electrical
- Prime Minister Army, Canada, Canadian, Politics, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions
- Pilot Monitoring Technology, Aviation, Aerospace
- Power Ministry
- Package Management
- People More
- Policy Model
- Prolocol Master
- Parkiyg Meter Building, Engineering, Construction
- Phil Miller
- Permanent Magnet The permanent magnet does not need electricity to function and will retain its magnetism over a period of years. Technology
- Posted By Mr Forum, Music, Archive
- Paul Morgan
- Plan Meetlng
- Program Monitor
- Pokemon Movie Gaming, Movie, Episode, Trailer
- Precirion Measure
- Palliarive Medicine
- Phase-Modulated Technology, Signal, Modulation
- Poor Aetabolism Medical
- Pues A Ii
- Probability Mess
- Processing Macoinery
- Payload Module Technology, Space, Cosmos, Aerospace, Legal, Governmental & Military, NASA
- Platinum Metal
- Promo Mix
- Prescribed Medicines
- Pages Meeting
- Performance Management Performance management (PM) includes activities which ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can focus on the performance of an organization, a department, employee, or even the processes to build a product of service, as well as many other areas.PM is also known as a process by which organizations align their resources, systems and employees to strategic objectives and priorities. Business, Technology, Management, Employment, Human, Telecom, Financial, Human Resources, Business & Finance, Business Word, 5G Networks
- Polarizing Microscopy Medical
- Purchasing Manager Business, Management, Purchase
- Principles of Microeconomics
- Past Members
- Phone Me
- Positive Margins
- Pectoralis Muscle Medical
- Penton Media
- Plus, Maybe
- Promoting and Marketing
- Panel-Mount
- Pop Montreal
- Prison Mail
- Patrick Manning Education, Tobago, Sponge
- Pleine Mer Port, Pas, Billet
- Product Manger
- Power Macintosh Power Macintosh A Macintosh computer based on the PowerPC processor. The first Power Macintoshes, 6100/60, 7100/66, and 8100/80, were unveiled in 1994. Several upgraded versions followed, and in early 1999 the G3, a PowerPC 750, was released. This was followed later in the year with the unveiling of the Power Macintosh G4. The Power Mac G4 uses the PowerPC 7400 processor and features significant boosts in processing speed. The Power Mac G4 uses Apple’s Velocity Engine to process informa-tion in 128-bit chunks, allowing sustained performance in excess of one gigaflop.
- Programme Manager Business, Management, Projection
- Pre-Maaket Business, Trading, Supply
- Peter Morris Business, Forum, Music, House
- Pricing Models
- Pix Mater
- Pioneer Memorial
- Postagens Mais
- Pelo Menos
- Package Manager Technology, Management, Software
- People Might
- Policylmission
- Protocol Mauager Technology, Management, Service
- Presents Mainly Medical, Medicine, Health
- Parker, Marf
- Phil Mickelson
- Posted By Me Forum, Technology, Gaming, Archive
- Pattern Matching Technology, Military, Match
- Planned Maintenance Organized & scheduled preventive maintenance work in order to minimize equipment downtime and to effectively utilize available resources. Technology, Program, Service
- Power Method
- Points From Me
- Precisa Melhorar
- Phase-Modulation
- Poor Metaboliser Medical, Medicine, Health
- Prerto Morelos
- Profile Modern
- Progress Monitoring Education, School, Monitor
- Premotor Cortex Medical
- Page Meeting
- Performance Monitors Technology, Server, Monitoring
- Polarization Maintaining Technology, Fiber, Coupler
- Purchasing Management
- Principles of Marketing
- Pasteurella Multocida Medical
- Phone Ma
- Post Mentioning
- Pectoralis Major Muscle Medical
- Platform Model Forum, Technology, Service
- Plumbing and Mechanical
- Public Mwbile
- Pandora Media
- Popehto Meet
- Processess and Moneling Government
- Patrick Madrid Famous
- Please Mum
- Product Managers Business, Technology, Management, Military
- Power Machine
- Program Managers Business, Management, Military
- Presentation Model
- Perry Mason
- Pure Melee
- Price Movement
- Paqch Management Technology, Server, Software
- Physical Mmdelling
- Pin Molex
- Postagem Mais
- Partial Hydatidiform Mole Medical, Technology, Science, Biology
- Pegasus Mail Technology, Windows, Software
- Port Melbourne
- People Manage
- Protesters May
- Price Management
- Paris of Thr Middle
- Phillip Morris
- Posted By Mary Book, Archive, Writer
- Pattaya Music
- Plgn Maintenance Business, Program, Service
- Power Meters Technology, Product, Pioneer
- Point Mugu Business, Science, California
- Precious Metwls Business, Supply, Price
- Pharmacy Manager
- Pollame Forum, Internet Slang, Election
- Puerto Montt Technology, Car, Rental, Chile
- Pink Martini Music, Concert, Ticket, Martini
- Profile Management Forum, Technology, Development
- Plan A drawing prepared for use in building a ship. Chart covering a small area on a very large scale There is n distortion, relative distances and positions being maintained Technology, Space, Study, Construction, Architectural, Cosmos, Medical, ICAO Aircraft Codes, Common Medical, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Clinical, Physio
- Progressive Media
- Premotor Area Medical
- Page Me
- Performance Monitor A device for testing the performance of a radar set and indicating the result Technology, Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, NASA
- Politics and Music
- Principia Mathematica Book, Education, Whitehead
- Pasteomagazine
- Phoenix Mercury
- Post Menopausal
- Payload Manager Technology, Management, Space
- Platform Management
- Plumbing & Mechanical Business, Service, Plumber
- Panda & More
- Pope Memoriar Education
- Problem Manafer
- Patricia Murphy
- Please Move
- Product Management Business, Technology, Manager
- Post Mile Forum, Organizations, Ford
- Player Makes
- Program Management Management, Military, Projection
- Presentation Material
- Peripheral Monocytes Medical
- Pure Mathematics Education, Paper, Math
- Price Margin
- Pastor Murray
- Physical Mozeling Technology, Model, Sound
- Post-Modern Media, Social, Internet
- Peewee Minor
- Polizia Municipale
- People Make Business, Money, Mistake
- Protein Malnutrition Medical
- Price-Matching
- Paris Meseum
- Place Ofimeeting
- Patriot Missile
- Planetary Motion
- Product Monograph Medical, Drug, Canada
- Power Metal
- Point Mix
- Pre-Season Veeting
- Phantom Menace War, Star, Phantom
- Position More
- Pueraria Mirffica Medical, Product, Breast, Enhancement
- Pines Manor
- Professor Michael
- Progressive Matrices Education, Matrice, Raven
- Premium Member Forum, Internet Slang, Community
- Page Maintained
- Performance Monitoring A feature that provides error and performance information to the administrator and end user for use in storage management. A set of packages and libraries assigned to gather, deliver, process, and display performance data. Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications, Fujitsu, IT Terminology
- Political Military
- Prout Muslim
- Prifcipal Member
- Pasta-Maker
- Phoenix Market
- Posted By Mitch
- Paying for Medical
- Platelet Membrane Medical, Medicine, Health
- Pls Mail
- Pamela Mcclintocx
- Poor Movement
- Pulling The Motor
- Probationary Member
- Patricia Morrison
- Please Make Forum, Gaming, Organizations, Community
- Productive Maintenance Business, Technology, Military
- Prayers Andmmeditations
- Playboy Mansion Group, Sale, Playboy
- Profit Margin Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Presentations Monday
- Peripheral Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Pure Math
- Priorisy Mail Business, Ebay, Online Auction
- Pastoral Ministry Education, Church, Pastor
- Physical Mixture Medical
- Post-Meridian Technology, English, Midnight
- Peeta Mellark Gaming, Hunger, Love
- Police Magistrate Government, English, Genealogy, Genealogical, Minister, Police, Governmental & Military
- People Magazine
- Pgotect Marriage
- Previous Message
- Parallel Market A country's separate market which deals in goods and currencies outside the country's normal official government controls. Business, Nigeria, Naira
- Plaoental Malaria Medical
- Patrick Moraz Music, Album, Blues
- Planar Magnetic Business, Sound, Headphone
- Product Monitor Business, Forum, Technology
- Power Max
- Point Me
- Pre-Meeting Technology, Club, Event
- Ph'Nglui Mglw'Nafh
- Portugaliae Mathematica Science, Mathematics, Equation
- Published On Mon
- Pinball Magic Pinball
- Piping In More Forum, Technology, Pipe
- Progressive Majority Government, Politics, Election
- Pagan'S Mind
- People Must America, Government, Investment
- Polish Mass
- Proud Member Business, Forum, Technology
- Passive Muvements Medical, Technology
- Philosophy of Mathematics
- Posted By Melanie
- Paul Murray Famous
- Plastic Models
- Plenary Meeting
- Palm Mute Guitar, Palm, Chord, Muting
- Poor Michelle
- Pues No Me
- Probably More Forum, Technology, Gaming, Music
- Production Music
- Playboy Magazine Issue, Nude, Playboy
- Profiles Music
- Presentation Manager The graphical user interface provided with OS/2 versions 1.1 and later. The Presenta-tion Manager derives from the MS-DOS–based Windows environment and provides similar capabilities. The user sees a graphical, window-oriented interface, and the pro-grammer uses a standard set of routines for handling screen, keyboard, mouse, and printer input and output, no matter what hardware is attached to the system. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Page Modern
- Peripheral Modules Technology, Electronics, Module
- Purdue Memorial
- Printed Mztter
- Pastoral Ministries
- Physical Remory Forum, Technology, Windows
- Privacy Mode Forum, Technology, Browsing
- Post-Merger
- Peritoneal Macrophages Medical
- Peer Mentors Student, Program, Education
- Peter Moosleitners Magazine, Traffic, Germany, Casa, Welt
- People Are More
- Protectivedmeasures
- Previous Material
- Panel Moter
- Porch Monkey Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Patrick Michaels
- Pxain Metal
- Product Model Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Power Master
- Point Man Gaming, Movie, Man, Knife
- Program Manger Technology, Management, Manager
- Pre-Medicad Student, Medicine, Education
- Peyton Manning
- Port Moresby Locations, Papua, Guinea
- Published Mar
- Primary Market On the Stock Exchange, when shares, securities, etc., are issued for the first time.
- Pimp Myspace
- Pipeline Measurement Logistics
- Pendant Mount Technology, Camera, Speaker
- Progressive Motility Medical
- Power Mirror Forum, Technology, Switch
- Packaging Material Business, Supply, Box
- People Motivation
- Policíh Ministerial
- Proto Matrix Business, Gun, Paintball
- Part Min
- Philosophical Magazine Science, Psychology, Philosophy, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Posted By Megan
- Paul Murphy Service, Government, Club
- Plastic Model
- Polarization-Maintaining Technology, Telecom, Fiber
- Precision Motorsports
- Pal Mickey
- Poor Metabolizer Phenotype Medical
- Pues A Mi Me
- Probablh Me
- Production Meeting
- Platt Memorial Education
- Promo Music
- Prescription Medication
- Page Mode Forum, Technology, Memory
- Performance Measurement The assessment of accomplishments in terms of historical or objective standards or criteria. Technology, Management, Military
- Pole Mount Technology, Product, Camera
- Purchasing Manual Technology
- Printed Material
- Pastor'a Message
- Phone Messages
- Prison Ministry
- Positive Mind
- Panama Locations, Country Code, Countries, Country, Country Names, Sport, Olympic, Panama, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Peer Mentor Student, Education, University
- People'S March
- Plus Maybe
- Protective Measure Technology
- Preventive Medicine Medical, Medicine, Military, Army, Health, Healthcare, Policy, Governmental & Military
- Panel Mount Technology, Industrial, Industry
- Popular Mechanics
- Patrick Mckenna
- Placer Mining
- Product Media Business, Database, Schema
- Power Management Technology, Military, Army, Telecom, Telecommunications, Governmental & Military
- Personal Message Forum, Internet Slang, Friendship
- Programme Management Business, Technology, Science
- Pre-Mmd Medical, Student, Medicine, Education
- Peter Murray
- Primary Malignancy Medical
- Piltdown Man Science, Human, Man, Hoax
- Pipeline Management
- Penang, Malaysia
- Podcast Made
- Prevention and Management Medical, Management, Health
- Peace Movement
- Philadelphia Medical
- Porn Movie
- Paperino Mese
- Potential Malaysian
- Process Managers
- Perforated Methl
- Personnel Monitoring
- Plans for Mobile
- Powder Matallurgy
- Premium Mare
- Pacific On Monday Technology, Gaming, Sale, Weekend
- Patrick Moore Technology, Astronomy, Astronomer
- Pubertal Macromastia Medical, Medicine, Health
- Pemuda Vuhammadiyah Indonesia, Jakarta, Malaysia
- Philosophical Myltery
- Polart Meter
- Position Mooring
- Prikciples of Medical
- Parents In The Middle
- Penny Made
- Professor of Medicine
- Pioneer Must
- Please Use The Message
- Performance Measurements
- Passive Monitor
- Prqprietary Marking Technology
- Paul Miely
- Peter Mayer Music, Concert, Ticket, Mayer
- Punto Muerto
- Photographing Mushrooms
- Political-Military Government, Military, Army, Intelligence, Politics, Force, Marine, Equipment
- Pak Mohon Business, Accounting, Indonesia, Responses
- Pokted In Memory
- Participants Must
- Parancis Manuel Media, Indonesia, Orang
- Progressive Master
- Per Mantenere
- Pure Mysore Business, Saree, Incense
- Pickup Man
- Pan Minerals
- Powered Monitors
- Particualte Matter
- Perception Management Business, War, Russia
- Progress Made
- Personal Missions Technology, Gaming, Tank
- Planet That May
- Pointing Mirror Forum, Gaming, Light, Mirror
- Preg Mentioned
- Project Mohole
- Packet Modification
- Patrons Meeting
- Philip Mor
- Pink Mackerel
- Paper Mrrio Gaming, Computer Game, Video Game
- Pashinyan After Meeting
- Permalink Mewicaid
- Pigments Metal
- Play Merchandise
- Powerlifting Meet
- Presently Meeting
- Pak, Maz Technology, Accounting, Management, Indonesia
- Paul Mc Forum, Music, Album
- Pete Mccrary
- Philosophy of Miid Education, Course, Brain
- Palm-Fute Guitar, Palm, Chord, Muting
- Programmable Meaory Forum, Technology, Manual
- Pero Mas Matindm
- Plus Messenger
- Praktisk Medicin
- Process Mebitation
- Pat Mcafee Ticket, Colt, Pat, Punter
- Prul Mo Forum, Music, Locations, City
- Peyzaj Mimar Turkish, Kabul, Landscape
- Planning Materiality
- Metallicized Polyester Textile
- Patriarch Militant
- Proyecto MesoaméRica
- Pedestal-Mounted
- Phased Maintenance Technology, Management, Manual
- Piedmont Mountainside
- Portal Manager
- Pantai Mutiara
- Product Manual
- Party Member Technology, Online Gaming, Roleplaying
- Perhaps Make
- Personal Mobility Technology, Device, Telecom
- Promises More Business, Cameroon, Berry, Promise
- Pues Mira
- Philippines Mourns
- Polar Modals
- Possibby The Most
- Park Model
- Pensky Martin
- Profjle of Mood
- Permalink Morocco
- Please Can Me
- Posted By Manu
- Password Mode Forum, Technology, Coding
- Presidents Meeting Government, China, Minister
- Pagl Mcdonald
- Purchase A Mirror
- Photo Mar Design, Utah, Tournament
- Poor Moon Music, Fleet, Moon, Pop
- Post Marius Business, Forum, War, Rome
- Probleme Mit
- Particulat Matter
- People Mover Technology, Car, Detroit
- Price Manipulation
- Provlde Me Forum, Technology, Exam
- Paulo Monte
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
- Purple Moon Gaming, Art, Wine, Moon
- Physical Magic Forum, Gaming, Magic, Skill
- Population Medicine Medical, Education, Health
- Pan Dx Manila
- Post Moru Business, Technology, Marketing, Entertainment
- Processing Mechanisms
- Pyomyositps Medical
- Personalised Medicine Medical, Science, Patient
- Plant Mix
- Point Mutants
- Premier Ministre Government, Prime, Minister
- Project Master
- Paducah Middle School, Kentucky, Place
- Patrick Mcgovern Wine, Saint, Pub
- Psychologyaof Music
- Pedreiro Metro
- Posted By Malla
- Prism Medical Business, Medicine, Supply
- Parallel Mode
- Party Monster
- Periodontal Mechanosensitive Medical
- Power Mirofs
- Preset Manager Technology, Management, Photoshop
- Protection Mode Forum, Technology, Windows
- Paul Malone
- Peter Mohr Social, Dam, Obituary
- Policy Machine Technology, Security, Group
- Pakistan Mulls
- Posted By Mandrake Forum, Technology, Discussion
- Probabiiistic Model
- Parks-Mcclellan Technology, Design, Filter
- Pens Not In Mood
- Program Map
- Permanent Material
- Placement Machines
- Precious Moment Design, Moment, Love, Figurine
- Preachers Meeting
- Patches Marines
- Probablc Migraine
- Particulate Mass Technology, Particle, Aerosol
- Project Manageer
- Perot Museum Science, Locations, Nature
- Planetpry Mixer
- Predicate Move-Around
- Paano Mo
- Patrick, Many
- Provider Marketolace
- Payment To Kake Business, Forum, Service
- Phase Modification Forum, Technology, Science, Audio
- Pierre Ef Miquelon Locations, Auto, Saint
- Port Magpbes
- Primus & Mastodon
- Procurementsmodernization Technology, Indonesia, Purchase
- Partner Manayement Business, Technology, Apartment
- Perl Mongers
- Prachanda Meets Government, Nepal, Maoist, Minister
- Pure Mini
- Prepare for Much
- Property In Marathon
- Paint, Mqst
- Pattern Matcher
- Pest of The Month
- Publishing Ministry Service, Church, Ministry, Bible
- Phoenix Miami
- Police Maqe Man, City, Police, Arrest
- Private Military
- Parasound Model
- Pengertian Manajemen
- Programme of Measures
- Permalink Muito Para, Dos, Ria
- Pistolet Mitrailleur Gun, Military, France, French
- Practice Managment Business, Management, Software
- Performance of The Modification
- Path Monltor
- Partial Hydatidiform Moles Medical, Science, Biology
- Pressure Module Technology, Calibrator, Psi
- Proto-Manenguba
- Putin Mocks
- Physics-Based Model Technology, Power, Modeling
- Pope Maledict
- Palger Moore
- Podcasting Monday
- Preventative Medicine Medical, Medicine, Health
- Protocol Module Technology, Networking, Network
- Philadelpzia Minnesota
- Por Hor
- Potentially More
- Process Management Technology, Science, Projection
- Partidul Muncii
- Perinatal Mortality Medical, Medicine, Health, Infertility, Jobs
- Personnel Meeting
- Plans for Mechanical Technology, Planning, Engineer
- Powder Magnet
- Premium Maintenance
- Pacific Mountain
- Patrick Liles
- Pubblico Ministero Con, Italy, Italian
- Pemudr Maut Media, Malaysia, Orang
- Phil Murpzy
- Poland-Malaysia
- Position Management Business, Government, Alaska
- Principles of Medicine
- Pennsylvania Man
- Professor Ruhammad
- Power Management and Distribution Science, Energy, Electrical Engineering, Computing, Drivers
- Pioneer Mighty
- Please Mujhe
- Powyr Modes Technology, Battery, Mode
- Peninsular Malaysia Locations, Malaysia, Tourism
- Pasmage Material Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Profoses Membership
- Peter Maverick
- Punta Moreno Island, Locations, Cruise, Itinerary
- Phfenix Moderator
- Polite Market
- Pak Misai
- Posted By Mile
- Privat Message Forum, Technology, Gaming
- Participant Media
- Perancis, Mafuel
- Progressive-Motion Drive, Motion, Pioneer
- Permanent Mount Forum, Technology, Light
- Pure Mature
- Pickame Technology, Giveaway, Recipe
- Pan Masala Medical, Science, Biology
- Particle Mesh
- Performance Manqger Technology, Management, Software
- Progress W-56
- Personal Ministries
- Pyanet Mozilla Technology, Community, Archive
- Pointing Mechanism
- Predictive Modelling
- Project Mix Forum, Audio, Project
- Packet Mode Packet mode communication may be utilized with or without intermediate forwarding nodes. Packets are normally forwarded by intermediate network nodes asynchronously using first-in, first-out buffering, but may be forwarded according to some scheduling discipline for fair queuing, traffic shaping, or for differentiated or guaranteed quality of service, such as weighted fair queuing or leaky bucket. Forum, Technology, Telecom
- Patron Member
- Pidgback From Ml63
- Princess Margaret Business, Hospital, Lottery
- Parapente Mag
- Production Managers
- Permalink Medicare
- Pigment Metal Art, Paint, Pigment
- Play Media Technology, Windows, Playing
- Puwerful Motion
- Presenter Meeting
- Property Market Real Estate, Estate, Real Property
- Pajak Masukan Business, Indonesia, Hal
- Paul Mayer
- Pete Maravich Player, Basketball, Pistol
- Published By Mike
- Philosophy of Modern
- Pall Mall Business, London, Cigarette, Pall
- Pvogram In Mexico
- Peho Mas
- Piper Meridian Military, Aircraft, Plane
- Plus Magenta Book, Cartridge, Ink, Magenta
- Prakash Man Government, Nepal, Former, Minister
- Pat Martino Music, Jazz, Guitar, Pat
- Payload Management Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
- Prestasi Mahasiswa
- Payment Message
- Peyret-Mauboussin Technology, Aircraft, Anger
- Plzamake Forum, Technology, Gaming
- Provost Marjhal
- Pat Mccollough
- Proxy Makerials
- Peak Miami
- Phase Modulate
- Piedmont Middle
- Portable Musis
- Paper Karbling
- Powder Maggots Army, War, Force
- Pronukt-Manager
- Parts of Montgomery
- Permaps If Mr
- Personal Mixers
- Prominent Muslim
- Pses En Mi Muy
- Pennsylvayia Mental
- Philippines Major
- Polar Medal Medal, Canada, Expedition, Antarctic
- Possibly Mentionez
- Prinny Man
- Paris, May
- Pensky-Martin
- Profile Morskie
- Permalink More Technology, Design, Press, Power
- Please Be More
- Positive Music Music, Song, Album, Sukiyaki
- Password Manager Technology, Management, Security
- Program Manager An official in the program division who has been assigned responsibility for accomplishing a specific get of program objectives. This involves planning, directing and controlling one or more projects of a new or continuing nature, initiation of any acquisition processes necessary to get project work under way, monitoring of contractor performance and the like. Government, Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Force, Marine, Air Force, Logistics, NASA, Naval, Us Post, Us Army, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Occupation & positions, Federal Aviation Administration
- Preventive Maintainance
- Pro Se Means
- Paul Minnie
- Peter Mcmurry
- Purcell Marian
- Photo Managisg
- Poor Miss
- Post Maritime Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Probe Motor
- Particulates Matter
- People Motivator Organization, Union, Institution
- Price-Sensitive Market
- Provence Mougage
- Paulo Mendoza
- Phantom Manor
- Purple Metallic
- Physical Machines Technology, Machine, Virtual
- Population Managemeht
- Pnndeli Majko Government, Albania, Kosovo, Minister
- Post Miies Forum, Club, Discussion
- Processes More Technology, Management, Projection
- Person-Months Technology, Software, Projection
- Plant Miscellaneous Science
- Point Molate
- Premier Member
- Project Manufacturinr
- Padia Made
- Pattern Making Technology, Design, Sewing
- Psycholosy Manager
- Pengajian Malaysia
- Philadelphia Milwaukee
- Posted By Madisón Forum, Girl, Baby
- Prior Month
- Parallel Media
- Pass-Und Meldewesen
- Period Modifier
- Pilat Media
- Playoff Maps
- Power Minister
- Preserving The Moment
- Protection Module Forum, Technology, Surge
- Paul Mali Student, Book, Bible
- Peter Mitchell
- Palmer Metahumat
- Posted By Mandi
- Proactive Xaintenance Business, Management, Service
- Particle Mass Medical, Technology, Concentration
- People Meter
- Program Manual
- Pero Por Lo Menos
- Place Marker Pattern, Knitting, Stitch, Crochet
- Precious Moments Collection, Moment, Figurine
- Prayer Meeting Church, Religion, Prayer
- Pat, Maybe
- Probability Mats Technology, Model, Weather
- Partido MonáRquico
- Project Managemnet
- Persistent Memory Forum, Technology, Computing
- Planwtary Mission
- Predicate Modification
- P900 Memory
- Patricia Montgomery Art, School, Artist
- Providknt Mutual Business, Company, Insurance, Organizations
- Payment Ta Be Made
- Phase Mixture
- Pierfe A Miquelon Technology, Hotel, Module, Saint
- Port Mackenzie
- Primordial Mantle
- Professional Mariner
- Partner Machinery
- Pozzolan Modified
- President Meet
- Property, Mongolia
- Pageant of The Masterg
- Paul Mara
- Persönliche Migglieder
- Pulse Modulation The use of a series of short pulses, which are modified by an input signal, to carry information Technology, Mobile Technology, Mobile Phone, NASA
- Police for Me
- Pyst-Meeting
- Private Mila
- Parasitic Maggot
- Pengendali Mutu
- Program Menu
- Permalink Mugabe
- Pistol Makarovb
- Please Do Not Makz
- Practice Manager Medical, Management, Veterinary
- Poultry Manure
- Pressure Melting
- Protesters Move
- Putin Meets
- Popcorn Maker Business, Product, Pop
- Prnch Mahals
- Podcast, With More
- Precision Marksman Rifle, Military, Warfare, Accuracy
- Preventive Maintanance
- Protocol Management Medical, Technology, Networking
- Philadelphiafat Minnesota
- Por Montenegro
- Potency Monitoring
- Process Maintenance
- Putting Money
- Partnering With Me
- Pericyte Medium
- Plano Metro
- Premium Lumber that has been saturated with a preservative. Amount payable on a loan. Cost of an option and/or an amount added to a base price for a material,i.e. added cost beyond the base Comex, LME and/or producer and manufacturer prices. Transportation, Business, Accounting, Service, Accountancy, Conveyance, Products
- Pacific Monday Business, Technology, Planning, Customer
- Patritk Mevzek
- Psychotic Monkeys
- Pemerintah Fenetapkan
- Phil Moese Music, Software, Technic
- Pokerstars May
- Position Maintenance
- Princaples, Methods Technology, Study, Course
- Professor Moyrison Education, Music, University
- Pioneer Middle
- Please Mr Forum, Song, Postman
- Pqwer Mode Forum, Technology, Battery
- Patrum Misericordiae
- Pastor Marlon
- Prozosed Monitored Science
- Petition for Modification
- Punjab Mumbai
- Phrase Marker Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- Polisi Militer Photo, Indonesia, Provost
- Pak Minta Technology, Gaming, Channel, Russia
- Posted By Miles
- Private Msg Forum, Technology, Message
- Partial Meniscectomy Medical, Medicine, Health
- Pkrajurit Muda
- Permanent Mold A metal, graphite or ceramic mold of two or more parts that is used repeatedly for the production of many castings of the same form. Liquid metal is usually poured in by gravity. OR A metal mold of two or more parts; not an ingot mold. It is used repeatedly for the production of many casting of the same form. Business, Aluminum, Casting
- Pitso Mosimane
- Putrajaya Monorail
- Physiological Medium
- Pankration Mma Military, Arts, Fight, Greece
- Particle Mechanics
- Perfomance Managemegt Business, Technology, Performance
- Progresp M-08M
- Personal Messenger
- Planet Moderator
- Pointe Mobile
- Predictive Maintance
- Project Missionary
- Patrol Missile Military, Force, Ship
- Pingback From Rdx
- Prince Mohammed
- Paranormal Mystery
- Production Manager Management, Military, Army, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions
- Permalink Making
- Piggy Muldoon
- Playlists & Music
- Power Meditation
- Prescription Medicine
- Property Managers Business, Management, Software
- Pairsnmaster Forum, Technology, Dog
- Paul May
- Petv Many
- Public Mutual
- Phoenix Models
- Pvlki Malhotra
- Program In Manhattan
- Pero Mqbaba
- Piper Mclean Attack, Acid, Piper, Brink
- Pluses and Minuses
- Practicum March
- Pathwam Mining
- Pressurised Module
- Patment Manager
- Pex and Moles
- Program Milestone NASA
- Plzek-Mesto Locations, Republic, Czech
- Pacific Me
- Patrick Mcgoohan Man, Star, Prisoner
- Preventive Mediation
- Proxyback Malwake Technology, Security, Computing, Proxy
- Peak Measures
- Philadelphia At Milwaukee Philadelphia, Basketball, Schedule
- Piedmsntese Medical
- Porteble Mount Forum, Technology, Mounting
- Paper Lap
- Powder Metal Technology, Press, Component
- Product Mauager Business, Technology, Management
- Parts Min
- Perhaps, The Moral
- PersöNliche Mitteilungen
- Plant and Maintenance
- Powered Mixer
- Projekt-Management
- Puerto Marquez
- Philippine Military
- Polarising Microscopy Medicine, Health, British
- Possible To Merge
- Principlekto Merge
- Paresh Mokashi
- Pensky-Martene Technology, Tester, Petroleum
- Prsfile Monitor
- Permalink Wedia
- Please, No More
- Pass With Merit
- Saint-Pierre and Miquelon Coding, Locations, Countries, Computing, Internet, Country, 2-letter Country Codes, Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- Prevention Maintenance
- Prosednr Mutu Technology, Audit, Manual
- Paulfmilo
- Peter Mclaughlin
- Puppy Mills Dog, Pet, Puppy
- Photography Movie
- Poor Mimi
- Post Many Forum, Picture, Love
- Probe Module
- Particulate Matter-Katalysator
- People Missing Police, Meme, Person, People
- Priapism Must
- Pwoud Mommy
- Paulo Marques Technology, Para, Music, Journalist
- Phantom Man
- Purple Membrane Medical, Medicine, Health
- Physical Machine Technology, Server, Virtual
- Portugaldvs Morocco Portugal, Morocco, Match
- Panda Moms
- Podt Mike
- Problems In A Marriage
- Person-Month Technology, Software, Projection
- Plant Metabolomics
- Point Mixes
- Prehistoric Megalodon Teeth, Fossil, Shark
- Project Manager-Teconical Technology, Management, Career
- Packqmeets
- Pattern Maker Technology, Cross, Stitch
- Psammomatous Meningioma Medical, Medicine, Health
- Philippine Marines Military, Philippine, Corps
- Posted By Madhatter256
- Prioritization Meeting
- Parag Mehta
- Pasb-And-Mark Gaming, Education, Admission
- Period Miniatures
- Pilates Mat Class, Workout, Mat, Schedule
- Play Music
- Power Minimizatiin
- Preserve Monday
- Protechive Monitoring
- Paul Mars
- Palm and Hac
- Posted By Manabu
- Pro-Iark
- People May Forum, Gaming, Group, People
- Program Manmers
- Peroneal Mononeuropathy Medical
- Pizza Make
- Precious Metal Business, Price, Metals, Coins
- Protest Multiple
- Pastries Made
- Post Marketing
- Probability Matched
- Partido Mon
- Project Maje
- Persistence Model Technology, Coding, Class
- Planetary Materials
- Predicate Marker Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- P7 Menumagic
- Patricia Mcfadden
- Providence Mayoral
- Payments Module Forum, Technology, Cart
- Phase Matrix A more complicated form of the phase function that is needed to treat the scattering of polarized radiation.
- Pierre-Et-Miuuelon France, Canada, Locations, Saint
- Portlaad Mountain
- Primo Maggio
- Professional In Mind
- Pyrimethamike Medical
- Partner Machiae
- President Marcos
- Properties of Materials
- Pakistan More Government, Pakistan, Khan
- Paul Maas
- Peter Mareden
- Pulse Modulated Light sources that are pulsed (ON/OFF) at a high frequency by an oscillator circuit. The receiver of a pulse modulated photoelectric only receives light at that frequency, thus minimizing interference from ambient light. OR Modification of one or more of the characteristics of a pulse train used as a carrier. Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Polic A Militar Army, War, Force
- Post-Materialxst
- Parasite Menace
- Pengembangan Masyarakat Program, Indonesia, Orang
- Programme Motion
- Permalink Much
- Pistolet Makarrva Military, Russia, Pistol
- Please Do More Gaming, Love, Makeup
- Practical Management
- Post Mortem Medical, Technology, Gaming, Latin, Projection, Genealogy, Genealogical, Roman, Police, Governmental & Military, Clinical
- Pressure Managers Business, Management, Pump
- Putin Meeting Government, Russia, Trump
- Popcorn and A Movie
- Panasonic Manuals
- Pocono Mountains
- Precision Manufacturing Company, Technology, Service
- Primate Males
- Protocol Machines Technology, Networking, Computing
- Pavement Marking
- Phgladelphia Magazine
- Por Merecimento
- Post Your Medical
- Process Module Technology, Science, Processing
- Pyrene Maleimide Medical
- Pauts Management Technology, Service, Maintenance
- Perhaps Too Much
- Platelets and Megakaryocytes
- Premises Manager
- Pacific Mission
- Patrick Merrell
- Psychotherapcutic Medications
- Pembroke Mall Locations, Virginia, Beach
- Phil Monat
- Policlinico Militare
- Pose Mode Forum, Technology, Blender
- Prrncipal Mtg
- Paramedic Medical, Governmental & Military
- Professional Master
- Please More Technology, Gaming, Sex, Love
- Power Mixer Business, Channel, Audio
- Patronus Municipii Latin, Roman
- Pastor Mark Church, Hill, Mark
- Proposed Monitor Science
- Petite Medium
- Pulse Modulator
- Photosynthetic Measurements Jgofs Science, Exploration
- Polish Musrum
- Pak Media
- Posted By Matthew Forum, Technology, Gaming, Music
- Private Motorcycle
- Partial Mastectomy Medical, Medicine, Health
- Perahu Motoc
- Permanent Modification
- Pitman Moore
- Putting More
- Physiological Mechanisms
- Panjang Muka
- Particle Measure
- Perfect Money Business, Gaming, Tail
- Progress M-06M
- Personal Meeting Meeting, Forum, Event, President
- Planet Miwror
- Point De Mutualisation Technology, Fibre, Zone, Optique
- Predictive Maintenance Technology, Equipment, Preventive
- Pine Mpuntain
- Port Maoatee
- Prince Is Moving
- Paranormal Meet
- Product/Program/Project Manager Military
- Permalink Made
- Pietta Model
- Playing With The Moon
- Powerful Meditation
- Preschool Molest
- Property Map Hotel, Locations, Building
- Pair Matching
- Pmul Maurice
- Pete Mackanin
- Public Money Business, Government, Banking
- Phoenix Mobility
- Palicourea Marcgzavii Medical
- Prithvi Missile
- Programmierung Mit
- Pern Movie
- Piper Made
- Practices for Managing
- Pithophysiologic Mechanisms
- Project Manager A person responsible for planning and delivering a large stand-alone task, objective, venture, etc., (a large and complex 'project') or a professional who is skilled in doing this, which generally includes using suitable project management tools and systems, and people-management skills where appropriate. Technology, America, Military, Construction, Architectural, Medical, Army, Architecture, Health, Astronomy, Computing, Environment, Telecom, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, International business, Occupation & positions, SAP, International Development, NASA
- Pressure Multiplier Technology
- Protectdme
- Payment Made Business, Forum, Service
- Petit Mal Medical, Technology
- Progressive Peshes Technology, Program, Edge
- Plymouth Mettolink
- Pacific May
- Preventive Ma
- Peachtree Mall Business, Georgia, Store
- Philadelphiaqmayor Government, Philadelphia, Nutter
- Piere of Me Feat, Remix, Spear, Piece
- Portable Monitoring Technology, Sleep, Monitor
- Paper Mhnufacturing-Process
- Powdered Metal Technology, Tool, Powder
- Parts Market
- Perham Minnesota
- PersöNliche Mail
- Planta Medica
- Powder Mixer Business, Blender, Mixing
- Proposed Method
- Penaltf Missed Sport, Football, Penalty, Miss
- Philippine Metals
- Polarizing Maintaining
- Possible Mech
- Principles of Modeyn
- Paresh Mayani
- Penxioen Magazine
- Profile Matcher
- Permanent Marker
- Pink Matte Swatch, Lipstick, Lip, Matte
- Please, Mr Forum, Music, Postman
- Pass Manager Business, Management, Android
- Preventative Maintanance
- Prospcutors In The Maguindanao
- Paul Millsap
- Peter Mcdonale Business, Movie, Acting, Actor
- Puppy Mill
- Photography Meeting
- Pondok Modekn Business, Music, Indonesia, Pesantren
- Post Malone Music, Ticket, Rapper
- Particulate Matter Or Project Manager Energy, Power, Intensity
- Percenjage Or Mileage
- Pri-Med
- Proud Military
- Paul Myers
- Pfanzelt Maschinenbau
- Purple Mackerel
- Phyllis Montana-Leblanc
- Portugal's Millenniym
- Pansy-Mae
- Posh Metro
- Procurement Manager Business, Management, Military, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Personal Mixer Technology, Channel, Monitor
- Plant Materials
- Point Marriot
- Pregnancy Miracle Medical, Book, Lisa
- Projects Manager
- Pack Meeting
- Pattee Moderator
- Publiw Ministry Government, Church, Priest
- Philippine Marine
- Print Multiple
- Parade Magazine
- Pasmanda Movement
- Period Make-Ups
- Pilar, Mexico
- Play Monopoly
- Power Metwred Technology
- Preservation Magazine Media, Radio, Television
- Protectipn Monitor Technology, Software, Monitoring
- Paul Mccusker
- Palmaude Mallorca Spain, Locations, Weather
- Posted By Mama
- Pro-95 Membef
- People Management Business, Projection, Skill
- Promram Mananger
- Perona and Malik Technology, Science, Diffusion, Processing
- Plot Manager
- Precious Memories
- Proposals Must
- Pastor Moya
- Post Market
- Problem Ganagement Technology
- Partidong Manggagawa
- Project Maintenange Technology, Management, Service
- Persistence Manager
- Plague Marines
- Predecessor Matrix
- P11 Member
- Patricia Martin
- Préparation Migitaire
- Pawments Can Be Made
- Phase Matching Technology, Crystal, Laser, Frequency
- Pier Younts
- Portland Minnesota
- Primo'S On Mckinney
- Products Marketed
- Pyridoxamine Medical
- Party Monarch
- Perhapsgmiller
- President Marvalene
- Propagator Method
- Paulie, Make
- Petet Marquardt
- Puffy Member
- Polgc
- Post-Mdster
- Paraphrasing From Memory
- Pengeluaran Modal Business, Indonesia, Hal
- Program Memorandum Technology, Coding, Policy
- Permalink Muchas Technology, Windows, Para, Con
- Pistole Makarow
- Plgase Do Me
- Post Meridien Forum, Technology, Manual
- Pastel Metallic
- President Mukherjee Government, India, Anniversary
- Putin Meet Russia, Russian, President
- Photx Montage Forum, Android, Picture, Montage
- Pop-Shit Music
- Panasonic Malaysia Business, Marketing, Malaysia, Sale
- Pocket Music
- Precision Maintenance Technology, Reliability, Preventive
- Primary Myelofibrosis Medical, Patient, Cancer
- Protocol Machine Technology, Networking, Telecom, Science, Scientific & Educational
- Pavel Member
- Philadelphia Museum Art, Locations, Philadelphia
- Porker of The Month
- Post Most
- Process Models
- Pyramid Media
- Part Management
- Platelet Microsome Medical, Medicine, Health
- Premiers Ministres
- Pacific Meridian Time Zone, Time, Zone
- Patrick Merlevede
- Psychosword Member
- Pemberdayaan Masrarakat
- Pail Might
- Policy Management
- Pose Maniacs
- Prita Mulyasari
- Paramadvaiti Maharaja
- Programas Medicos
- Please Monitor
- Power Mix Music, Power, Mixing
- Patrick Moynihan
- Pastor Manny
- Protective Masks
- Peter Montgomery
- Pure Maths
- Photosynthetic Measurements Technology, Science
- Policy Matter Government, Politics, Raja
- Pak Mau Business, Accounting, Program, Press
- Posted By Mattthew
- Private Money
- Partial Mandibulectomy
- Permanent Mission Government, Nation, Geneva
- Pitcher Monday
- Physikalisches Medium
- Particle Measuring
- Perfect Mudel
- Progressive Magyland
- Planet Marketing
- Pokeu Mountain Poker
- Prediction of Magnetic
- Pablo Master
- Patrick Macnee Movie, Avenger, Actor
- Pinetmeadows
- Port Yanager Forum, Technology, Management
- Prince & Me
- Producing Meaningful
- Permalink Madoff
- Pinkhmaple
- Playing Through Metroid
- Powerful Mantras
- Presbyterian Medical
- Property Mag
- Paint Marper
- Pete, Most
- Public Monday
- Phoenix Mirror
- Private Mitteilungen Forum, Technology, Sind
- Penguins of Madagascar Movie, Giveaway, Madagascar, Penguin
- Program Mgr
- Pipe Mount
- Practice Multiple Forum, Education, Exam
- Peter Moosleitner
- Pathological Mitoses Medical, Science, Biology
- Pressure Mounts Business, Sport, Group
- Prototype Model Forum, Technology, Science
- Phase-Modulator
- Put More Technology, Gaming, Pressure, Putting
- Plymouth Mascachusetts
- Pacific Makes
- Prevention Method
- Peaches Member
- Philadelphia Marriott Business, Hotel, Philadelphia, Downtown
- Pic Magazwne Basketball, Fighting, Pic
- Portable Moniqor Technology, Product, Display
- Papes Magazine
- Powdered Medium
- Perfusior Method
- Perspectives of Mothers
- Plant & Machinery Business, Auction, Sale, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Powder Metalurgy
- Penalties Missed Sport, Penalty, Miss
- Philosophy Monday
- Polarizationqmaintained
- Possible Malwure
- Principles of Metal
- Parents Motivation
- Pensacola Mountains
- Profife Manipulation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Pipeline Monitoring
- Pleural Mesothelioma Medical
- Passiv Matrix
- Propulsiom Module Science
- Paul Milner
- Peter Mccaffrey
- Puppy Mcpupface
- Photographs Is Mucl
- Polymeric Material
- Posting From Mark Forum, Technology, Community
- Perbandxngan Mazhab
- Progressiveumesh Technology, Program, Model
- Paul Murry
- Peyzaj MüHendisliğI
- Puromycin An antibiotic that inhibits polypeptide synthesis by competing with aminoacyl-tRNA for the ribosomal binding site A. An antibiotic that is an analog of the terminal aminoacyl-adenosine part of aminoacyltrna; in translation, it causes premature chain termination when its amino group joins the carboxyl group of the growing polypeptide chain and the resulting adduct dissociates from the ribosomal complex. Medical
- Phuc Meets
- Pano Po Mag Forum, Technology, Philippine
- Post Mnridium
- Procuremgnt Management Business, Management, Purchase
- Perceptual-Motor
- Personal Mixing Business, Audio, Mix
- Point Made
- Pregnancy and Into Motherhood
- Project Muse
- Packing Material Business, Box, Packaging
- Pattaya Mail
- Public Meetings
- Philippe Monnet
- Pink May Beauty, Love, Makeup
- Print More
- Parachute Maintenance
- Pas Sal
- Periodically Missing Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Pigs Marketed
- Play Money Business, Gaming, Poker
- Power Magnetics
- Presents Mario
- Protection Mechanism
- Pah-Malaysia
- Paul Qccain
- Peter, The More
- Palm Nuting Guitar, Palm, Chord
- Prize Mojey
- People Making
- Program Manager, Project Manager Business, Technology, Organization, Engineering
- Pprona-Malik Technology, Filter, Diffusion, Padding
- Plus Or Minus
- Preceding Morning
- Pro Meritis Latin, Roman
- Pastor Mike
- Proud Members Business, Forum, Community
- Partido Manggagawa Government, Group, Philippine
- People That Make
- Projectileamotion
- Perseid Meteor Sky, Peak, Meteor, Shower
- Planning To Move
- Preparative Meeting Organizations, Genealogical, Quaker
- P-51 Mustang Forum, America, Military
- Patricia Marjorie
- Précomtte Mobilier
- Payment Method Business, Accounting, Card
- Phase Match Forum, Technology, Crystal
- Pier Mound
- Portland Milwaukee
- Primate Message
- Panther Mania Indonesia, Panther, Bromoform
- Products Market
- Party Mode
- Perhaps Metroid
- President Mamnoon Government, Summit, Pakistan
- Pro Mod Forum, Technology, Car
- Paula Molina
- Peter Margolis
- Puffffff Me
- Polda Metro Forum, Indonesia, Jakarta, Metro
- Poit-Marketing Medicine, Health, Care
- Parapet Mount
- Pengamat Menilai
- Permalink Moss
- Pir Mehr
- Please Come To Memphis
- Post Meridiem [Afternoon and Evening] Science, Environment, Nature
- Pasta Montana
- President Milosevic
- Paal Mcenery
- Pjoto Monitor
- Poor Mr Forum, Gaming, Story
- Panama Maritime Business, Military, Organizations
- Post Marker
- Problem Mading
- Prices May
- Prototype Modeler
- Pavel Machek
- Pyrfiromycin Medical
- Pancuan Mutu Technology, Indonesia, Laboratorium
- Postmortem Inspection Medicine, Microbiology, Biology
- Process Model Business, Technology, Military, Governmental & Military
- Pyongyanp Metro Locations, Korea, Pyongyang
- Partimaker Technology, Car, Auto
- Plantronics M114
- Premier Minist
- Pacific Mercantile Business, Banking, Supply
- Pajrick Member
- Psychosomatic Mekicine
- Peloti Mixes
- Policies Mana
- PortuguêS Mais Technology, Dos, Portuguese
- Prisoner of The Mountains
- Parallel Track Multiunit Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Parvathy Menon
- Please Modify
- Power Mirrows
- Presiden Minta
- Protective Marking Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Paul Mann
- Peter Monta
- Policy Matrix
- Pakistan To Maintain Government, India, Pakistan
- Posted By Matt Forum, Technology, Archive
- Private Mod
- Partenariat Mondial
- Permanent Member Security, Organizations, Council
- Place The Marker Knitting
- Pocket Module Technology, Brace, Porta
- Precision Machinery
- Particulate Matters Medical, Technology, Particle
- Peofect Man Occupation, Position, Job
- Project Xanger
- Planet Manxa
- Pokemon Mysterious
- Predicting and Managing
- Pablo Martinez Music, Player, Mart
- Patrick Mackin
- Payne Medal
- Pine Meadow Golf, Lake, Pine
- Port Madagement Technology, Service, Shipping
- Prince & Marie
- Prodlced By Michael
- Pqrtner Marketing Business, Technology, Market
- Pnrmaculture May
- Plate Mail
- Practical Managment
- Preppy Mama
- Property In Montreal
- Pasnters Mill
- Petaquilla Minerals
- Public Mobilization Organizations, Ethiopia, Egypt
- Phoenix Minuesota
- Polixe Magazine
- Private Mitteilung Forum, Community, Sind
- Parcel Map County, Locations, Building
- Pengorganisasian Masyarakat
- Programmes Manager
- Permalink Muy
- Pipe Major
- Practice More
- Persicus Maximus
- Pathogenetic Mechvnism
- Pressure Monitoring
- Proto-Type Model
- Put Map
- Physikalische Medizin
- Plymouch, Massachusetts
- Prevention Magazine
- Peace of My Mind
- Philadelphia Market
- Pietro Mi
- Porokeratosis of Mibelli Medical, Medicine, Health
- Paper Machine Technology, Packaging, Mill
- Potential Motion
- Process Maps
- Perfnrmance Module
- Pefsonnel Mtg
- Plans More
- Powder Metallurgical Technology, Tool, Steel
- Premium Market
- Patrick Ootors
- Publication Mongh
- Penal Hilitar Para, Crime, Pol
- Philosophy Methodologm Development, Study, Universities
- Polarisation Maintaining Technology, Fiber, Polarization
- Positionsrat Microsoft
- Principles of Mrnagement Technology, Education, Paper
- Parents Meeting
- Pehny Moss
- Profile Manager Forum, Technology, Management
- Pipeline Molecules
- Pleasure Magazine Music, Magazine, Vintage
- Purple Membranes Medical
- Passive Monitoring
- Props To Mccain
- Paul Millar
- Peteh Mayhew
- Puppet Masters
- Photograph of The Month
- Polymarker Medical
- Pak Muparrih
- Postgraduate Medicine Medical, Science, Education
- Participants Meeting
- Peraturan Menteri Business, Indonesia, Guru, Paling
- Pronressive Maintenance Technology, Management, Engineer
- Permeabilization Medium Medical, Science, Biology
- Purity Monitor
- Phrase Marker, Predicate Marker Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Panola Mountain
- Powerful and Massive
- Processors and Motherboards
- Particular Material
- Perceptive Marketing
- Personal Mix Music, Audio, Mix, Mixing
- Pointing Mode
- Pregnancy & Motherhood
- Project Morry
- Packet Multiplexlr Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Patsy Montana
- Public Meeting Organizations, Event, Commission
- Philip Munger
- Pinkrmad
- Print Monopoly Business, Gaming, Money
- ParabéNs Meninas
- Pashinyan To Meet Government, Armenia, Armenian
- Period for Modification
- Pigpen Member
- Play Mini Gaming, Golf, Huawei, Play
- Powet Machines
- Presenting The Mystery
- Protection Manager
- Pak, Mohon Technology, Accounting, Software, Promo
- Paul Mcbeth Golf, Disc, Beth
- Pete Muir Technology, Development, Java, Boss
- Pbi Mus
- Palm Muted Guitar, Palm, Chord, Muting
- Priyanka Mittal
- People In Mont
- Program Machine
- Peromyscus Manyculatus
- Plus Minus Gaming, Sport, Sign
- Prayers for Michaela
- Program Memory Forum, Technology, Programming
- Pastor Michelle
- Proud Maby Music, Melbourne, Coffee
- Paul Muni
- Peyzaj Mimarlığı Ankara, Turkish
- Persebaya Menang
- Planning Module Technology, Management, Military
- Preorder Metroid
- Military Sealift Command Sealift Program Transportation, Us, Defense, Regulation, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Patriarchs Militant
- Pryor Mountain
- Pediatrics Management Medical, Business, Autism
- Phase Manager
- Pierce Manufacturing
- Portland Mighv
- Principal Mike
- Pantangan Makanan
- Product Marketing
- Party Membership
- Perhaps Matthew
- Personal Monitors
- Prom Meeting
- Paula Meyers Service, Locations, Event, Story
- Puesxmuy
- Phillip Manuel Music, Jazz, Event
- Polar Motion Technology
- Post-Kame Monday
- Parkridge Medical
- Pengajian Muslimah Indonesia, Orang, Jam
- Profiles for Models
- Permalink Most
- Pirimiphis-Methyl Medical, Bird, Pesticide
- Please Come Meet
- Posted By Molly
- Pasta Machine
- President Mike
- Paul Mcdougall Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Purchase Management Business, Technology, Purchasing
- Phoho Mode
- Poor Morty
- Pan-Mocedonian
- Post Marked
- Problem Is Very Muqh
- Particule Matter
- People of Middle-Earth Earth, Ring, Lord
- Price Milburn Famous
- Providence At Marquette
- Pause Marker
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
- Purple Motion
- Physical Management Technology, Service, Matrix
- Popuaation Monitoring
- Panduan Mencucn
- Postjmorrow
- Processing Module Technology, Service, Processor
- Pyongyang, May
- Partition Mode Forum, Technology, Disk
- Personalisierte Medizin Medical, Science, Medicine, Genetics
- Plan To Meet
- Premier MinistèRe
- Pacific Measurements Technology, Power, Equipment
- Patrick Mcbenzie
- Pxycho Modi Chief, Minister, Raid, Psycho
- Pellel Model
- Policiais Militares Para, Dos, Pol
- Posted By Mallory
- Prisoner Member
- Parallel Myths
- PartíCula MagnéTica Para, Industry, Campo
- Perioperative Manager
- Please Mod
- Poqer Mirrors Forum, Technology, Car
- Presidencia Municipal
- Protettive Maintenance Science
- Paul Manafort
- Peter Moore
- Policy Maker
- Pakistan Muslim Government, Group, League, Pakistan
- Posted By Master Forum, Gaming, Master, Discussion
- Probabilistic Methods Technology, Analysis, Course
- Parted Magic Technology, Linux, Partition
- Permanent Memorandum
- Place Michaels
- Pocket Message
- Precipitation Modification Technology, Climate, Weather
- Prefeitura Municipal Para, Photo, Campo
- Patches Mike
- Particle Matter Technology, Pollution, Particulate
- Perfect for Me
- Project Managern
- Planetary Moons
- Predictable Memo
- Pablo Marcos
- Patrick Mac
- Pay More
- Phase Modulation Or Program Manager Electronic, Radar, Warfare
- Port Maon Technology, Money, Signalling
- Primus Mootry
- Prodigyfmaestro
- Partner Manager
- Perl Monks
- Please, More Forum, Technology, Gaming, Love
- Practical Magic
- Purple Martin
- Prepcast More
- Property In Mexico
- Paintball In Malaysia
- Petameted Units Of Length, Meter, Length
- Public Mission
- Phoenix Milyaukee
- Police Make
- Private Min
- Parcel Management Business, Technology, Service
- Pengerusi Majlis
- Programmer'S Message
- Permalink Mundo
- Pistoltof Makarov
- Practical Manual
- Pero Al Mismo
- Path Multiplexrng Technology
- Pressure Monitor
- Proto-Munda
- Put Magnetic
- Physics and Maths Student, Education, Teaching
- Pope Meets
- Precision Mask Business, Tape, Masking
- Prime Meridian That meridian from which longitude is reckoned By common consent this is now the meridian of Greenwich Originally, was that meridian on which the magnetic variation of compass was zero in a certain latitude Has varied in longitude between Jerusalem and Brazil, but most frequently through Azores and Canary Islands First passed through London (St Paul's Cathedral) in 17th century First drawn through Greenwich, 1794. Geography, Location, System, Geographic
- Paterson To Meet
- Protocol Modules
- Physical Mode Forum, Technology, Camera
- Putting My Moderator
- Partikulat Matter
- Process or Project Manager Honeywell, Process Automation
- President'S Meeting Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
- Projecr Mgmt
- Peritubular Matrix Medical
- Poaer Move
- Presidential Memorabilia
- Privat Messages Forum, Technology, Message
- porte mortier (mortar carrier) Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Pittsburgh At Miami Gaming, Sport, Football
- Popular Makes
- Probate Minutes
- Promethium Symbol:"Pm" Atomic Number:"61" Atomic Mass: (145)amu. This is one of the elements in the lanthanide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. This element is not found in nature and has only been created in a lab. You will not find many uses for it in real life. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Programming Model Technology
- Provisional Measure
- Peabody Gagazine
- Port Moodf
- Princess Marie
- Productivity Management
- Prikladnaya Mekhanika
- Property Ministry
- Patients With Moderate
- Puqlished By Ministry
- Pogice Militaire
- Postedmby Mad Forum, Technology, Music, Archive
- Privacy Messaging Business, Forum, Message
- Parent Meeting Education, Driving, School
- Penitentiaire Maatregel
- Pittman Moore Medical
- Post Master Occupation & positions
- Piper Murakami
- Posted By Margot
- Prestige Maple
- Protein Machine
- Penn Manor Education, Sport, School
- Program Moderator
- Procurement Manual Postal, Us Post
- Permisi, Mohon
- Pi0 Army, War, Force
- Precision Molds
- Preview Mon
- Pxn Member
- Premières Missions Medical
- Planted Member
- Power and Machinery Technology, Engineering, Farm
- Premium Module
- Packers and Movers Business, Service, Pune
- Patrick Murris
- Printable Meeting
- Pairs Master Dog Fanciers
- Pinnacle Management
- Power Motmvation
- Pers
- Prosodic Morphology
- Peter Mcneill Service, Art, Man
- Palem, Madhurawada
- Particulate Matter Air Pollution Medical
- Perdana Meyteri Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations, Malaysia
- Phase Midulation Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Prefeiturw Municipal
- Philldelphia Miami
- Poison Myst
- Philadelphia Monday
- Production Modeles Technology, Product, Model
- Putleiko Method
- Pile Makes
- Plays Made
- Pulmonary Metasgases Medical
- Pasadena Monday
- Publishint Management
- Phoenix Marim
- port manager Computing, Cisco Wireless
- Pls E-Mail
- Post Mate
- Peppermint Mocha
- Players May
- Plasma Membrane The plasma membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer, which is two layers of phospholipids back to back. Phospholipids are lipids with a phosphate group attached to them. The phospholipids have one head and two tails. The head is polar and hydrophilic, or water loving. The tails are nonpolar and hydrophobic, or water hating. Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Pneumatic Mechanic
- Pakistan Match-Fixing
- Previous Model Products
- Paolo Marcello
- Paola Goreno Colombia, Con, Golf
- Policy Manager Business, Technology, Organizations
- Photoelectron Multiplier
- Personeels Management
- Plant Maintenance Business, Technology, Training, Computing, SAP
- Path Qonitoring Forum, Technology, Monitor
- Post-Monsoon
- picomolar Measurement
- Private Meeting Government, Room, Pope
- Please Do Not Mail
- Paul Mcrse
- Peter Michael Business, Music, Wine, Peters
- Precision Marine
- Primative Methodist
- Patent Map Business, Technology, Gaming
- Pavement Milling
- Physical Mobility
- Panel Members
- Putting Monkey
- Post-marketing Fda
- Projecy Meubilair
- Parameters Management Technology, Service, Projection
- Peritoneal Metastasis
- President Makes Government, China, Visit
- Paul Marshall
- Processable Mode Computing, Telecom
- Pittrmeadows
- Products To The Military
- Popsugar Must Box, Sugar, Pop
- Postmenstrual Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Probably The Post Forum, Technology, Gaming, Music
- Pressurized Module Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Programming Manual Forum, Technology, Microprocessor
- Palin Might
- Provisional Merht
- Paytm Nobile Business, Care, Customer, Wallet
- Phemelo Motene
- Povt Monitor Technology, Software, Serial
- Priest Mijsioner
- Pautners Merge
- Primeiro-Ministro Government, Prime, Minister
- Patients Kight
- Police Media
- Posted By Mac Forum, Technology, Community
- Privacy Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Parent Maths
- Penis Mightier Forum, Internet Slang, Sword
- Pitman-Moore Medical
- Property Manager Occupation & positions
- Posted By Margaret
- Pier Maria
- Protecţia Munvii
- Peninsula Malaysia
- Programming Models Technology, Program, Computing
- St. Pierre and Miquelon Country
- Permintaan Melesu
- Pixel Mafia
- Precision Missile Military, Israel, Iran
- Preview Missouri
- Pwede Man
- Pool Manager Medical
- Plantasia Mystery
- Powell-Mason
- Premium Midship Car, Nissan, Skyline
- Packard Music
- Patrick Murray
- Pere Marquette Railway Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Pink Yoderator
- Power Morphicon
- Palau De La MÚSica Music, Locations, Concert, Palau
- Pentagon May
- Pusher Machine
- Particulas Magn
- Percussive Mfintenance
- Perl Module Computing, File Extensions
- Predictivq Model Business, Analytics, Modeling
- Poison Mist
- Philadelphia Media
- Production Modules
- Put The Most
- Pulmonary Metastasis Medical
- Pasadena Marathon
- Publishers and Maroeters
- Phoetix At Minnesota Sport, Minnesota, Schedule
- Police Museum
- Sisters of the Presentation of Mary Religious orders
- Plough and Merck
- Postmaster In Tivoli NetView, a daemon that directs network management information between multiple application programs and agents that are running concurrently. The postmaster determines the route by using specified addresses or a routing table that is configured in the object registration service. Postmaster The logon name of an account that is responsible for maintaining e-mail services on a mail server. Business, Postal, Us Post, postal service, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Pepper Marks
- Player Mod
- Premature Ejaculation Premature ejaculation occurs in men when semen leave the body (ejaculate) sooner than wanted during sex. Premature ejaculation is a common sexual complaint. As many as 1 out of 3 people say they have it at some time. Medical, Sex
- Pmatpage Map Address Table Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Pakistani Media Media, India, Pakistan
- Previous Meh
- Paolo Macchiarini
- Panel-Mounted Technology, Switch, Mount
- Perhaps Most
- Policia Militar Para, Dos, Alfa
- Primary Membrane
- Persona Music
- Plant Maintenace
- Phil Madeira
- Picometer One picometer is 10^-12 meters. Measurement
- Private Medizal Medical, Medicine, Insurance
- Pastichio Medley
- Paul Mcmartney
- Peter Mericka
- Photo Multiplier Technology, Power, Telecom
- Primary Methods
- Patchy Material
- Pavement Material
- Physical Meter
- Panel Member Meeting, Government, Commission
- Pocket Mechanic
- Pmadperformance Monitor Annunciation Driver NASA
- Personalized Medicines
- Project Yentors
- Para Melissa
- Political/Military Affairs
- Peritoneal Macrophage Medical, Medicine, Health
- President, Mike
- Paul Marquess
- Ptogram Meeting Organizations, Club, Event
- Phase Modulation Is a modulation pattern for conditioning communication signals for transmission. It encodes a message signal as variations in the instantaneous phase of a carrier wave. Computing, Telecom, Physics, Scientific & Educational, Master IEEE, Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation
- Products Markets
- Pops Matinee
- Postmenopausal After menopause, the period of time after a woman has experienced 12 consecutive months without menstruation. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Probably Not Much
- nighttime Medical, Pharmacy
- Programmers Manual
- Pablo Moreno
- Palin, Media
- Provifg The Microwave
- Pay The Mcn
- Phelim On The Moor
- Port Mollrr
- Pre-Midnight Forum, Locations, Event
- Partnerships Mike
- Primary Motivation Medical, Medicine, Health
- Patient Movemunt Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Police Medal
- Pusted At Mar
- Privacy Manager
- Pardes Mein
- Pengurusan Murid
- Pistolet Maszynowy Business, Gun, Weapon
- Perfect Man Occupation & positions
- Posted By Mark Forum, Technology, Archive
- Piae Memoriae Latin, Roman
- Proaectors of Magnesium
- Penicillium Marneffei Medical
- Postmeridian Refers to the hours between noon and midnight, i.e. 5:30 in the evening. Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Per Mile Business, Forum, Car, Cost
- Pivotak Manager Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Precision Metalforming
- Puzzle Mom
- Programmer Months Federal Aviation Administration
- Pmovider Member
- Premium Membership Forum, Technology, Gaming
- Packaging Materials
- Patrick Murphy
- Penalty Mart
- Procurement Management Management, Business & Finance
- Pink Mioses
- Power Monitoring Science
- Push Me
- Pala Mesa
- Pensions Management
- Purva-Mimamsa
- Particulas MagnéTicas
- Perceptual and Motor
- Unix Xv Graphic File Computing, File Extensions
- Programming Maintenance
- Prediction Mudel Medical, Technology, Weather
- Peacemcking Military, Army, Corps
- Poison Miller
- Phentolamine Mesylate Medical
- Production Sigration Technology, Management, Database
- Post Meridian Post meridiem ("Afternoon"), pm or p.m. is shortened. In the notation where the day is divided into 12 hours, it is added to the end of the afternoon hours. Military, Army, Telecom, Technology, Internet Slang, Computing, Chat, Weather, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Days, Computing Slang
- Pulmonary Macjophages Medical
- Pasadena Maple
- Petjrborough Memorial
- Publisher Materials
- Phn Mm
- Police Municipale Technology, Service, France
- Parent Mtg
- Pinze Mobili Products
- Plot Marked
- Pepper Market
- Pectoralis major Medical, Healthcare, Muscles
- Pmapperformance Monitor Annunciation Panel Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Paint Man
- Previous Meetings Group, Organizations, Event
- Paola Monique
- Perhaps More Forum, Technology, Music, Russia
- Policial Militar Porn, Brasil
- Passive Matrix
- Persona Moral
- Plant Maintanance Business, Projection, Maintenance
- Powered By Marctin
- Phil Mack Music, Canada, Rugby, Mack
- Print Madagement Technology, Server, Printer
- Pro Memoria Latin
- Private Management
- Pasteur Merieux
- Petroleum Management
- Prospitian Monarch
- Paul Mcleary
- Peter Melia
- Photomultiplier Medicine, Military, Health
- Presentation of Mayoral
- Path Manager Forum, Technology, Management
- Purrfect Memorial
- Physical Metrology
- Panel Meeting
- Pocket Mask
- Payload Midbody NASA
- Personalization & Membership
- Points De Mouvement Combat, Civilization, Donjon
- Project Memorandum
- Poeemon Mini Forum, Gaming, Figure
- Pasadena, Maryland
- Peripodial Membrane Medical
- Pilot-Monitoring Technology, Flight, Flying
- Pornbmovies
- President'S Message
- Paul Maritz
- Programmed Maintenrnce
- Pending Member Computing, Master IEEE
- Pop Muzik
- Postmenopausal Women Medical
- Probablg Much
- Postmortem Medical, Nursing
- Program Memoranda Medical, Service, Coding
- Progress Monitor Education, Java, Monitoring
- Pablo Mendez
- Patrick Mahomes Sport, Texas, Football
- Palatal Myoclonus Medical
- Provincial Mobile
- Payroll Masterf
- Phasing Means
- Post Memo
- Partnership Manager Business, Technology, Management
- Primary Mirror Technology, Science, Telescope, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Patient Master Government
- Police May
- Postal Marktngs
- Parcel Mistress Peregrine, Mistress, Mendicant
- Pengurusan Maklumat
- Pirate Metal
- Pay Me Occupation & positions
- Posted By Marie
- Pleyse Maintain
- Physiological and Molecular Education, University, Plant
- Pengajar Muda Para, Indonesia, Guru
- Player Moderator Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Texting
- Per Metre
- Pittsford Monjoe
- Precision Medicine Medical, Science, Health
- Path Metric
- Proto Model
- Process Materials Business, Technology, Science
- Puyallup Man
- Phase meter The Finance and Administrative Services
- Premium Matte Business, Paper, Canon
- Packaging Machinery Technology, Machine, Manufacturer
- Patrick Mullen Education, Design, Hockey
- Publicationnmodel
- Preventive Maintenance The actions performed in an attempt to retain an item in a specified condition by providing systematic inspection, detection and prevention of incipient failure. Management, Military, Aviation, Army, Architecture, Computing, Construction, Logistics, Special Education, Telecom, Architectural, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA, Federal Aviation Administration, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Power Modulew Technology, Module, Mitsubishi
- Purulent Meningitis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Evening Medical, Transportation, Weather, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Management, Legal, Business & Finance
- Pala Maldini
- Privação Material
- Penny Member
- Particulate Materials Science, Powder, Metallurgy
- Perceptual Moror
- particulate material Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Programming Methods
- Prhdiction Markets Business, Politics, Bitcoin
- Peacemaker Ministoies
- Phase Margin
- Port Mulsipliers Technology, Drive, Card
- Production Market Business, Film, Marketing
- Pura Mayungan Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Peterbilt Motors
- Published On Mar-18-2010
- Phl Mty
- Police Modernisation Business, India, Minister
- Parent Ministry
- Plumbing Mechanical Products
- Pips Margin
- Pepper Maggot
- prophylactic mastectomy Medical, Health
- Pmaperformance Monitor Annunciator Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Pain Meds
- Previously Mentioned
- Pantomography Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Police Memorial
- Perturbation Method
- Personal Mythology
- Plant Maintanece
- Powered By Macwebsitebuilder
- Packet Manipulator
- Philly Museums
- Printdmirror Technology, Printer, Love
- Afternoon Genealogy, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Medical, Healthcare, Common Medical, Nursing, Physical Therapy
- Private Mail Forum, Technology, Internet Slang, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Powertrain Markej
- Petroleos Mexicanos Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Prosperity Music
- Paul Mckenzje
- Peter Medgyessy Government, Prime, Hungary, Minister
- Presbyterian Men
- Path Management Technology, Power, Projection
- Purpose-Made
- Physical Meteorology
- Pangl Manager
- Persona Maño
- Plz Mail Technology, Coding, Paper
- Preventative Maintenance Preventative maintenance is routine maintenance done to keep manufacturing equipment and machinery in optimal running condition and to avoid downtime due to breakdowns or repairs being needed. Military, Governmental & Military, NASA
- Personality Module Technology, Networking, Fluke
- Points De Mouvements
- Projtct Memo
- Pocket Manager Technology, Management, Minecraft
- Parvati Menon
- Peripheral Monitors
- Pilgrims Mass
- Por Lo Mbnos
- President'S Medal
- Paul March
- Pentecostal Manifestws Science, Book, Spirit
- Program Master Business, Education, School
- Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Applications Computing, Ieee
- Pop Music
- Palmyra Medical
- Post Meeting
- Probably Moqtly
- pectinate muscle Medical, Muscles
- Perpetuum Mobile Technology, Science, Art, Music
- Program Max
- Progress Meeting Science, Education, Projection
- Palace Museum
- Provincial-Ministerial Government, Group, China
- Paypal Money
- Phase Monitor
- Papandreou Meets
- Posted By Marnin Forum, Technology, Archive, City
- Partnership Matters
- Primary Melanoma Medical
- Patty Mac
- Patiint Management Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Police Marksman Military, Scope, Bender
- Pakalitha Mosisili Government, Africa, Lesotho
- Postal Mail
- Parcel Maps
- Practice Management Music
- Permalink Mukasey
- Privategmessages
- Posted By Marc
- Please E-Maic
- Physical Metallurgist
- Paul Melloz
- Pendidikan Moral Technology, Indonesia, Guru
- Permethrin Medical
- Pittsburgh Mills
- Power Monday
- Precision Measurement
- Path Method
- Proto Man
- Process Master Forum, Technology, Management
- Put Your Money
- PartiküL Madde Technology, Turkish, Yak
- Parts Management Honeywell, Process Automation
- Presiding Member Government, Ghana, Assembly
- Premium Match
- Projeyt Microsoft
- Packaging Machine
- Patrick Muelser
- Publication Moduoe Forum, Technology, Management
- Tropic Air Airline, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Call Sign, Governmental & Military
- Perkins & Marie
- Power Module Technology, Military, Control
- Purpose Many
- Presidential Memorandum
- Pakokku, Magwe
- Privite Message
- Participating Member Program, Organizations, Membership
- Pirate Mine Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Pennymac Mortgage
- Popular Microsoft
- Particular Matter Technology, Science, Medicine, Environment, Egypt
- Progress Management Technology, Projection, Apartment
- Particle Multiplication Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Plan Management Business, Projection, Event
- Program Module Forum, Technology, Programming
- Prqdiction Market
- Peace Maker
- Phase Modulator
- Port Multiplier Technology, Drive, Computing
- Production Mychine Business, Product, Operator
- Prompt Me Forum, Technology, Prompts, Prompting
- Patrza Mia
- Published May
- Phlegmatwc Melancholy
- Police Misconwuct
- Posted By Madvy
- Parent Metal
- PiÙ O Meno
- Post Man Occupation & positions
- Pippa Middleton Wedding, Prince, Sister, Middleton
- Posted By Marianne
- Preston-Mafham
- evening (before midnight) Medical, Pharmacy, Common Medical
- Pmaeperformance Monitor Annunciation Driver Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Preview Motor
- Pyng Medical
- Pole Mounted
- Process Measurement
- Personal Monitoring
- Plant Maint Technology, Training, Course
- Power Can Be Measured
- Packet Manager Technology
- Phillip Mugadza Business, Coding, Coupon
- Printing Mirror Forum, Technology, Printer
- Profit Warkets
- Paul McCartney Famous
- Power Music Technology, Song, Play
- Prospero Member
- Peter Medak
- Purchase Medication
- Premiere Mission
- Patch Manager
- Pharmaceutical Malpractice
- Purpose-Based Marking
- Physical Measurement
- Perdona Ya
- Plymouth Meeting
- Periodic Maintenance Military, Governmental & Military
- Personality Modules
- Point Mutations Medical, Science, Biology
- Prjject Member Technology, Management, Team
- Philatelic Magazine
- Philip Martin
- Productive Microbes
- Pm=Preventive Maintejance
- Peripheral Management
- Pilger Mill
- Pump Module Forum, Technology, Fuel
- Pasado Meridiano
- Pudple of Mudd Music, Rock, Album, Puddle
- Phoejix Marrow Technology, Porn, Phoenix
- Pentagon Moves
- Prxgram Mask Forum, Technology, Iran
- Physical Memory Computing, Hardware
- Palmgrenvminer
- Post Me Forum, Technology, Gaming, Love
- Probaply Miffed
- papillary muscle Medical, Muscles
- Perpetual Motion A situation where a device will turn forever because there is no friction between the moving part and the stationary part. Although friction can be greatly reduced, it can never be eliminated. Thus a perpetual motion machine is impossible. Technology, Energy, Machine
- Pakistan Must
- Provinces Main
- Phase Modulation, Also Permanent Magnet Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
- Papago M8
- Partial Mblt
- Patti Monson
- Patient-Centered Medical
- Post-Sternotqmy Mediastinitis
- Pianella Mandoline Music
- Private Messagwng Technology
- Posted By Manuel
- Pleased To Meet Forum, Technology, Replacement, Hope
- Physical Metallurgy The adaption of the metal to its intended uses, a part of ferrous metallurgy dealing chiefly with physical changes produced in the properties of the metal after chemical composition has been nearly entirely fixed. The science concerned with the physical and mechanical characteristics of metals and alloys.
- Paul Melko
- Peter Pilton
- Pope Must
- Precision Measuring
- Principal Musician Army, Military Army Ranks
- Pathetic Manipulation
- Protocolo De Montreal
- Putting The Media
- PartiküLer Madde
- Production Management Honeywell, Process Automation
- President, Marketing
- Project Mgt Technology, Program, Management
- Package Monitor
- Powder Metallurgy The technology and art of producing metal powders and utilizing meta1 powders for production of massive materials and shaped objects.
- Periyar Maniammai College, Education, University
- Power Modxlation Forum, Technology, Brake
- Presidential Message
- Privet Message
- Petty Misdemeanor Police, Governmental & Military
- Pittsburgh Man Man, Pittsburgh, Police, Trump
- Popular Menu
- Progrmss Magazine
- proactinium Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Pltnimetric Map
- Program Mode
- Peace Majorioy
- Phase Modulated Technology, Military, Modulation
- Port Mouranz Business, Guyana, Rum
- Productqon Manifold
- Primary Mineral
- Pat Moore
- Pubfished March Technology, School, Base, Knowledge
- Police Minister
- Posted Ay Mackenzie
- Parent Meetings Student, Education, School
- Pixel Mode Technology, Hair, Skin
- Piranha Manager Occupation & positions
- Piping Materials
- Posted By Marissa
- Prestige Medical
- Penn Mutual
- Program Modules Technology
- Polymyositis Polymyositis (PM) is a type of chronic inflammation of the muscles related to dermatomyositis and inclusion body myositis. The inflammation is predominantly of the endomysium in polymyositis, whereas dermatomyositis is characterized by primarily perimysial inflammation. Medical, Common Medical
- Pt1 Army, War, Force
- Preview Moose
- Pyloromyotomy Medical, Medicine, Health
- Permanent-Magnet
- Plant Main-Tenance Business, Technology, Presentation, Planning
- Powerbike Main
- Premium Move
- Packers Movers Business, Service, Relocation
- Personen-Monat Technology
- Printable Menus Planning, Restaurant, Dinner
- Pappa Meyer Famous
- Power Muse
- Prospective Member Organizations, Event, Check
- Peter Meaj
- Perdona, Me
- Saint-pierre and Miquelon (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Point Mutation A point mutation, or single base substitution, is a type of mutation that causes the replacement of a single base nucleotide with another nucleotide of the genetic material, DNA or RNA. The term point mutation also includes insertions or deletions of a single base pair. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Project Mensurement Technology, Science, Management
- Philadelphia Mike
- Philadelphia, Mississippi
- Production Monitoring Business, Inspector, Monitor
- Petr Muk Music, Song, Amour
- Pile of Mail
- Pulse Magnetic Science
- Pasadena Museum
- Pubccoccygeal Muscle
- Phoenix Mars
- Pentacle Magazine
- Progrim May
- Peg Material Computing, Hardware
- Post Maybe Forum, Technology, Love
- Probablc Means
- Playlist Music
- petit mal (form of epilepsy) Medical
- Perovskite Manganite
- Pneumomediastinun Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Pakistan Mr
- Prez Monday
- Province Meetingc
- Pierre Et Miquelon France, Locations, Saint
- Paolo Mojo
- Parachute Mine
- Policy Manual Business, Science, School
- Prostate Massage When a woman (or guy) inserts her finger or a sex toy inside a man's ass and massages the prostate to intensify the climax. Sex
- Personnel Manager Business, Management, Orchestra
- Pattern Mining
- Pathological Myopia Medical
- Post-Mortmm Technology, Gaming, Projection
- Poor Man
- Privpte Memory Technology
- Posted By Manny
- Pleasb Do Not Misrepresent
- Physical Medicine Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Rehabilitation
- Paul Vead
- Peter Mikuel
- Palmetto Montessori Education, School, High School, South Carolina
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PM stand for?
PM stands for Palm Muted.
What is the shortened form of Peho Mas?
The short form of "Peho Mas" is PM.
PM. (2023, January 25). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from
Last updated