Podiatry Abbreviations and Podiatry Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Podiatry terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Podiatry abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Podiatry terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Podiatry Abbreviations
  1. ABLES : American Board of Lower Extremity Surgery
  2. APMSA : American Podiatric Medical Students Association
  3. APMSA : American Podiatric Medical Student'S Association
  4. HCPC : Health Care & Professions Council
  5. HD : Heloma Durum
  6. H-D : Heloma Durum
  7. MTP : Metatarsophalangeal
  8. SOCAP : Sjciety of Chiropodists and Podiatrists
  9. NBPME : National Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners
  10. FIP : Federation Internationale Des Podologues
  11. FMT : Foot Mobilisation Techniques
  12. FMT : Foot Mobilusation Therapy
  13. NPMA : National Podiatric Medical Association
  14. OM : Onychomycosis
  15. ONYC : Onychomycosis
  16. O|M : Onychomycosis
  17. PM&S : Podiatric Medicine and Surgery
  18. PPOD : Pharmacy, Podiatry, Optometry and Dentistry
  19. OBS : Organic Brain Syndrome
  20. CALL : Callous
  21. d.s : Dorsal surface
  22. GTNC+D : General treatment, nails cut and drilled
  23. GTNC+F : General treatment, nails cut and filed
  24. HALL : Hallux
  25. HAV : Hallux adducto valgus
  26. HK : Hyperkeratosis callous
  27. H/molle : Heloma molle
  28. IDS : Interdigital space
  29. IDW : Interdigital wedge
  30. l/sulcus : Lateral sulcus
Latest Podiatry Meanings
  1. Plantar surface
  2. Plantar metatarsal pad
  3. Plantar metatarsal area
  4. Onychomycosis
  5. Onychogryphosis
  6. Organic Brain Syndrome
  7. Metatarsophalangeal
  8. Medial sulcus
  9. Medial plantar
  10. Lateral sulcus
  11. Interdigital wedge
  12. Interdigital space
  13. Heloma molle
  14. Hyperkeratosis callous
  15. Heloma Durum
  16. Hallux adducto valgus
  17. Hallux
  18. General treatment, nails cut and filed
  19. General treatment, nails cut and drilled
  20. Dorsal surface