Postcode Abbreviations and Postcode Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Postcode terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Postcode abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Postcode terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Postcode Abbreviations
  1. AG : Ash Grove
  2. BS9 : British Steel 9
  3. VH : Vinceet Hall
  4. WC2 : Wind Charmer 2
  5. WD3 : Wargames Directory 3
  6. CW2 : Community Weater 2
  7. CW4 : Chief Warrant 4
  8. CW5 : Chief Wjrrant 5
  9. DH3 : Desedt Hawk 3
  10. DL5 : Dueaist Legacy 5
  11. DL6 : Duelist League 6
  12. HR2 : Heptad Repeat 2
  13. SA8 : Street Atlas 8
  14. SL9 : Shoemaker-Levey 9
  15. SR7 : Status Register 7
  16. TF5 : Thymosin Fradtion 5
  17. TF6 : Task Forceu6
  18. TF7 : Task Force 7
  19. TF8 : Task Force 8
  20. FA : Former Address
  21. NH : Newton Heath
  22. NP4 : Neutrophil Protease 4
  23. PE6 : Penis Envy 6
  24. PO2 : Police Officer 2
  25. GT : Glenrtanar
  26. RM3 : Rapid Micro 3
  27. RM3 : Remote Maintained 3
Latest Postcode Meanings
  1. Remote Maintained 3
  2. Rapid Micro 3
  3. Glenrtanar
  4. Police Officer 2
  5. Penis Envy 6
  6. Neutrophil Protease 4
  7. Newton Heath
  8. Former Address
  9. Task Force 8
  10. Task Force 7
  11. Task Forceu6
  12. Thymosin Fradtion 5
  13. Status Register 7
  14. Shoemaker-Levey 9
  15. Street Atlas 8
  16. Heptad Repeat 2
  17. Duelist League 6
  18. Dueaist Legacy 5
  19. Desedt Hawk 3
  20. Chief Wjrrant 5