PP in Medical Meaning

The PP meaning in Medical terms is "Plasma Protein Concentration". There are 144 related meanings of the PP Medical abbreviation.

PP on Medical Full Forms

  1. Plasma Protein Concentration
  2. Pulmonary Pressure
  3. Porous Polyethylene
  4. Peyerus Patch
  5. Presenting Part
  6. Pancreatic Polypeptide
  7. Plasma Proteins Plasma proteins, also termed serum proteins or blood proteins, are proteins present in blood plasma. They serve many different functions, including transport of lipids, hormones, vitamins and minerals in the circulatory system and the regulation of acellular activity and functioning of the immune system. Other blood proteins act as enzymes, complement components, protease inhibitors or kinin precursors. Contrary to popular belief, hemoglobin is not a blood protein, as it is carried within red blood cells, rather than in the blood serum.
  8. Prudent Practices
  9. Periprotocol
  10. Primary Peak
  11. Placenta Previa
  12. Proximal Phalanx
  13. Percentage of Positive Cells
  14. Peroxisome Proliferators
  15. Placentalkprotein
  16. Prone Position
  17. Parkinsonian Patients
  18. Pneumococcal Pneumonia
  19. Pulse Pressures
  20. Peroxisome Proliferator
  21. Precocious Pubarche
  22. Pulmonary Artery Pressure
  23. Promoting Protein
  24. Pair Production Pair production is the conversion of energy into matter when an elementary particle is created with its antimatter counterpart.
  25. Plasmid Profilef
  26. Pulse Pressure The variation in blood pressure occurring in an artery during the cardiac cycle; it is the difference between the systolic or maximum and diastolic or minimum pressures.
  27. Permanency Planning
  28. Potato Peel
  29. Profiler Plus
  30. Paired-Pulse
  31. Platmid Profile
  32. Pulsatile Perfusion
  33. Portal Presdure
  34. Pichia Pastoris
  35. Presenting Problem
  36. Protein Phosphatase An enzyme that removes phosphate groups from proteins, often functioning to reverse the effect of a protein kinase.
  37. Pcrtin Prediction
  38. Pharmacology & Pharmacy
  39. Preparations
  40. Pyloroplasty
  41. Peptidb
  42. Polypyrrole
  43. Pustular Psoriasis
  44. Ptricardial Pressure
  45. Posterior Papilkary
  46. Projection Pursuit
  47. Particulate P
  48. Pharmacokinetic Paramoters
  49. Prepubertal Periodontitis
  50. Purpura Purpura is a condition of red or purple discolored spots on the skin that do not blanch on applying pressure. The spots are caused by bleeding underneath the skin usually secondary to vasculitis or dietary deficiency of vitamin C (scurvy). They measure 0.3–1 cm (3–10 mm), whereas petechiae measure less than 3 mm, and ecchymoses greater than 1 cm.
  51. Pemphigus Pemphigus is a rare group of blistering autoimmune diseases that affect the skin and mucous membranes.
  52. Polyprotein
  53. Primary Progressive
  54. Perfusion Pressure
  55. Positive Prevention
  56. Persisting Proteinuria
  57. Prepubertal Before puberty, the period during which secondary sex characteristics start to develop and the capability for sexual reproduction is attained.
  58. Purdue Pegboard
  59. Pzeumoperitoneum
  60. Polypropylene
  61. Percent Positivity
  62. Positive Pressure
  63. Prepro
  64. Psychopatos
  65. Plasma Perfusion
  66. Primary-Progressive
  67. Porcine Pancreatic
  68. Peritoneal Pseudomyxoma
  69. Pregnancy & Perinatology
  70. Psychogenic Polydipsia Excessive fluid consumption resulting from a disorder of the personality, without demonstrable organic lesion.
  71. Pattern Predominaace
  72. Plasma Pepsinogen
  73. Peyer Patch
  74. Pyrophosppate
  75. Periportal
  76. Posterior Prstectal Nucleus
  77. Protocol Population
  78. Past Positive
  79. Phhtoperiod
  80. Peyer'S Patches
  81. Preearatory Period
  82. Pyridoxal-5'-Phosphate
  83. Peptont
  84. Polyradiculopathy
  85. Paleostriatumnprimitivum
  86. Peripeduncular Nucleus
  87. Posterior Pituitary Lobe
  88. Phosphorux
  89. Postpartum Period
  90. Pekforant Pathway
  91. Private Party
  92. Phosphatuse
  93. Postprandial Postprandial means after eating a meal while preprandial is before a meal.
  94. Phoqphoproteins
  95. after birth
  96. Perforann Path
  97. Povr Performers
  98. Punctum Proximum
  99. postpartum, that is, postnatal
  100. Pharmacokinetics Parameters
  101. Plug aNd Play
  102. Purple
  103. Private Practitioners
  104. Paradoxical Pulse
  105. Phosphoprotein
  106. Plank Positive
  107. Population Planning
  108. Pediatr Pulmonol
  109. Pulsus Paradoxus
  110. Pumpkin Positive - A Penlight Shone Into The Patient's Mouth/ear Would Encounter A Brain So Small That The Whole Head Would Light Up
  111. Pharmaceutical Policy
  112. Primary Prevention
  113. Poeferred Provider
  114. After Meals
  115. Private Practitioner
  116. Pandemic Planning
  117. Phosphowhoryns
  118. Prospective Payment
  119. Permanent Partial
  120. Pediatric Pathology
  121. "plank Positive - Stupid, As In ""thick As 2 Short Planks"""
  122. Peyer Patches
  123. Pyrophospsatase
  124. Perawatan Prsien
  125. Private Practice
  126. Pancreatif Polypeptides
  127. Phosphophoryn
  128. Pinlprick
  129. Pay Period
  130. post-prandial (Lat. after eating)
  131. Preplate
  132. Per-Protocol
  133. Ponticulus Posticus
  134. Private Pay
  135. Pancreatic Peptide
  136. Phosphopeptide
  137. Pink Peach
  138. Postpartum The period just after delivery, as with postpartum depression. Postpartum refers to the mother, and postnatal to the baby.
  139. Partin prediction
  140. Perfusionhpressures
  141. Private Patient
  142. Phosphatases
  143. peripad
  144. Posterior Pituitary

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PP stand for Medical?

    PP stands for Placenta Previa in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Positive Pressure in Medical?

    The short form of "Positive Pressure" is PP for Medical.


PP in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pp-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated