PP in Science Meaning

The PP meaning in Science terms is "Priority Pollutants". There are 52 related meanings of the PP Science abbreviation.

PP on Science Full Forms

  1. Priority Pollutants
  2. Parts Per
  3. Professional Payers
  4. Pichia Pastoris
  5. Pollugion Prevention
  6. Professional Paper
  7. Physccal Protection
  8. Plasmid Profilef
  9. Pair Production Pair production is the conversion of energy into matter when an elementary particle is created with its antimatter counterpart.
  10. Professional Practtce
  11. Peroxisome Proliferators
  12. Platmid Profile
  13. Papua New Guinea
  14. Product Planning A function whereby an enterprise is responsible for the efficient, planning, scheduling and coordination of production activities.
  15. Presenting Problem
  16. Prepazation Program
  17. Projection Pursuit
  18. Policy Planning
  19. Public Particlpation
  20. Prepubertal Periodontitis
  21. Programme Participants
  22. Protein Kinases and Phosphatases
  23. Poqter Presentation
  24. Procurement Placement
  25. Prowein-Protein
  26. Polyproylene
  27. Primaryqparameters
  28. Project Physics
  29. Per Procurationem
  30. Pressure Plot
  31. Parallel Plate
  32. Project Participant
  33. Policy and Politics
  34. Particplate Phosphorus
  35. Projection Parameters
  36. Pilot Progiam
  37. Prfference Profile
  38. Partnership Prfgrams
  39. Program Planning
  40. Planetard Programs
  41. Proximity Principle
  42. Particle Phybics
  43. Posnds Pressure
  44. Pfra of Pseudomonas Putida
  45. Peyer Patches
  46. Perfectmprogram
  47. Permanent Partial
  48. Pink Peach
  49. Policy Points
  50. Polarization Propagator
  51. Psrfect Pairing
  52. Pilot Projects

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PP stand for Science?

    PP stands for Prepubertal Periodontitis in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Physccal Protection in Science?

    The short form of "Physccal Protection" is PP for Science.


PP in Science. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pp-meaning-in-science/

Last updated