PP in Technology Meaning

The PP meaning in Technology terms is "Physccal Protection". There are 149 related meanings of the PP Technology abbreviation.

PP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Physccal Protection
  2. Protection Profile Common Criteria specification that represents an implementation-independent set of security requirements for a category of Target of Evaluations (TOE) that meets specific consumer needs.
  3. Project Proposal
  4. Portable Part
  5. Payment Plan
  6. Peristaltic Pump A pump based on a flexible tube. Fluid is moved through the tube by rollers that compress the tube, usually in a rotary alignment. A primary advantage of this type of pump is that the fluid never comes in contact with moving parts and the tube can be easily sterilized. Used extensively in medical applications. A pump is a mechanical device used to drive a fluid or gas from one place to another.
  7. Protection Profiles
  8. Pollugion Prevention
  9. Professional Payers
  10. Pancreatic Polypeptide
  11. Project Profile
  12. Professional Paper
  13. Project Plan The primary document for project activities. It covers the project from initiation through completion.
  14. Park Protection
  15. Priority Pollutants
  16. Pilyto Privado
  17. Parish Plan
  18. Pulp and Paper
  19. Precast Panel
  20. Pentium Pro
  21. Plaster Material of a mortar like consistency used for covering walls and ceilings of buildings usually made of Portland cement mixed with sand and water. The material which is spread to leave a smooth surface on a wall or ceiling.
  22. Pieceepart
  23. Pair Programming
  24. Propane Price
  25. Post Processing
  26. Pennsxlvania Power
  27. Per Procurationem
  28. Portrait Professiodal
  29. Programming Power
  30. Prndukung Pemekaran
  31. Private Mrotocol
  32. Parallel Processor
  33. Pixel Pipeline
  34. Preparaiion Proposal
  35. Project Planning
  36. Perfect Privacy
  37. Production Planiwg
  38. Packet Rrocessor
  39. Push-Pull An output structure which uses one active device to source current and a second device to sink current. Common examples are: a CMOS stage in which an n-channel device pulls toward ground or a negative supply and a p-channel device pushes current to bring the output up; an output stage in an audio amplifier with an NPN and PNP device in totem-pole configuration.
  40. Port Processor
  41. Program Project
  42. Pemuda Pancasila
  43. Private Processes
  44. Parallel Port This interface is found on the back of older PCs and is used for connecting external devices such as printers or a scanners. It uses a 25-pin connector (DB-25) and is rather large compared to most new interfaces. The parallel port is sometimes called a Centronics interface, since Centronics was the company that designed the original parallel port standard. It is sometimes also referred to as a printer port because the printer is the device most commonly attached to the parallel port.
  45. Pier-To-Pier
  46. Present Posktion
  47. Perceived Playfulness
  48. Production Pilot
  49. Participant Portal
  50. Pressure Prior
  51. Packet Pool
  52. Pure Perl
  53. Personal Photo
  54. Pony Pdss
  55. Program Procedure
  56. Pedestrian Protection
  57. Principal Polarization
  58. Parallel Poll
  59. Pages
  60. Picture Processor
  61. Preceding Page
  62. Progression Points
  63. Perceived Performance
  64. Process Process
  65. Particular Positive
  66. Pressure Point
  67. Puzzle Pirates
  68. Public Particlpation
  69. Personality Pack
  70. Pzeumoperitoneum
  71. Profime Picture
  72. Prime Parameters
  73. Parallel Plate
  74. Photon Pointr
  75. Premodulation Processor
  76. Posgure Plugin
  77. Project Partners
  78. Planning Period
  79. Procesb Potential
  80. Parcplace
  81. Pressure Plot Log
  82. PociĄG Pancerny
  83. Provoid Protech
  84. Peripheral Processor
  85. Plesk Panel
  86. Professional Planning
  87. Pause Point
  88. Primate Programming
  89. Partial Physicyl
  90. Post Professor
  91. Peoples' Photometer
  92. Pzxel Processor
  93. Parallel Programming
  94. Provisioning Point
  95. Peripheral Port
  96. Pleasingly Parallel
  97. Product Point
  98. Pissive Pickups
  99. Primary Pump
  100. Paper Tape Punch
  101. Personenzentrierte Psychotherapie
  102. Power Platform
  103. Privacy Profile
  104. Parallel Processors
  105. Pixel Hlacement
  106. Protocol Parsers
  107. Permeable Pavement
  108. Plastie Processing
  109. Production Point
  110. Parti Pirate
  111. Prise Package
  112. Pawnted
  113. Push Pual
  114. Program Performance
  115. Point To Point
  116. Planning Project
  117. Participation Plan
  118. Primary Hressure
  119. Personal Picture
  120. Painted
  121. Program Package
  122. Present Position Position of a moving target at the instant of firing.
  123. Polymer Physics
  124. Projection Plane
  125. Planning Projects
  126. Partnership Prfgrams
  127. Peripheral Processors
  128. Planning Planet
  129. Ping Pono
  130. Particle Phybics
  131. Pause-Printeq
  132. Perfokmance Pipe
  133. Power Player
  134. Peraturan Pemerintahan
  135. Pilot Projects
  136. Perfectmprogram
  137. Peraturan Presiden
  138. Phantom Points
  139. Purple
  140. Project Partner
  141. Program Port
  142. Private Pay
  143. Preplan
  144. Python Parallel
  145. Prouram Plan
  146. Program Plinter
  147. Pengupahan Pada
  148. Prs Pay
  149. Personal Power

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PP stand for Technology?

    PP stands for Professional Paper in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Port Processor in Technology?

    The short form of "Port Processor" is PP for Technology.


PP in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pp-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated