PPS in Medical Meaning

The PPS meaning in Medical terms is "Prospective Payment System". There are 50 related meanings of the PPS Medical abbreviation.

PPS on Medical Full Forms

  1. Prospective Payment System
  2. Pneumococcal Polysaccharide
  3. Peroxisome Proliferators
  4. Parapharyngeal Space
  5. Palliative Performance Scale
  6. Post-Polio Sequelae
  7. Post-Polio Syndrome
  8. Population Size
  9. Polyphenols
  10. Point Prevalence Survey
  11. Polypeptides Polypeptides are chains of amino acids. Proteins are made up of one or more polypeptide molecules. The amino acids are linked covalently by peptide bonds. The graphic on the right shows how three amino acids are linked by peptide bonds into a tripeptide. One end of every polypeptide, called the amino terminal or N-terminal, has a free amino group. The other end, with its free carboxyl group, is called the carboxyl terminal or C-terminal. The sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide is dictated by the codons in the messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules from which the polypeptide was translated. The sequence of codons in the mRNA was, in turn, dictated by the sequence of codons in the DNA from which the mRNA was transcribed.
  12. Paired-Pulse Stimulation
  13. Peyer'S Patches
  14. Prescription Pharma Supnort
  15. Per Pkotocol Set
  16. Protein Plasma Substitute
  17. Postpneumonectomy Syndrome
  18. Potentiating Paired Stimulation
  19. Performing Provider System
  20. Proposed Price Setting
  21. Polio Pozt-Polio Syndrome
  22. Pulses Per Sec
  23. Patiknt Positioning System
  24. Proportional To Size
  25. Plasminogen-Plasmin System
  26. Pure Procrastinatijn Scale
  27. Paris Prospectdve Study
  28. Proportional Pressure Support
  29. Physician, Patient and Society
  30. Psychologists Protection Society
  31. Pakistan Pharmacists Society
  32. Professional Practice Standards
  33. Philippine Pediatric Society
  34. Psychogenic Pseudoseizures
  35. Post-Perfusionrsyndrome
  36. Pairing Pyrtner Switch
  37. Private Practice Section
  38. Postpericardiotomy syndrome
  39. Post Polio Syndrome
  40. Palliative Performnnce Score
  41. Postpoliomyelitis Syndrome
  42. Postpartum Psychiatric Syneromes
  43. Posterior Palatal Seal
  44. Policy and Publications Staff
  45. Postal Prescraption Services
  46. Payroll Personnel System
  47. Physical Plant Services
  48. Private Practitioners
  49. Personal Preference Scale
  50. Prospective Pricing System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PPS stand for Medical?

    PPS stands for Payroll Personnel System in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Policy and Publications Staff in Medical?

    The short form of "Policy and Publications Staff" is PPS for Medical.


PPS in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 20). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pps-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated