PSIR Meaning

The PSIR meaning is "Passenger Side Inflatable Restraint". The PSIR abbreviation has 17 different full form.

PSIR Full Forms

  1. Passenger Side Inflatable Restraint Technology
  2. Political Science and International Relations Education, University, Study
  3. Parade Seni Idola Rembang Indonesia, Bola, Babak
  4. Planning The Software Industrial Revolution
  5. Phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery Medical, Contrast, Imaging, Resonance
  6. Phame-Sensitive Inversion Recovery Medical, Patient, Imaging
  7. Persatuan Sepakbola Indoncsia Rembang
  8. Passenger Supplemental Inflatable Restraint Technology
  9. Pressure-State-Impactsresponse
  10. Predictive Societal Indicators of Radicalism
  11. Pre-Sentence Investtgation Report Government, Law, Crime
  12. Practical Social and Industrial Research
  13. Pss Resources, Inc. Organizations
  14. Political Science & International Rnlation
  15. Proyecto Singular De Ipterés Regional
  16. Political Scienye & International Relations Education, University, Department
  17. Pressure State Impact Response

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PSIR stand for?

    PSIR stands for Passenger Side Inflatable Restraint.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pss Resources, Inc.?

    The short form of "Pss Resources, Inc." is PSIR.


PSIR. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated