PTSA Meaning

The PTSA meaning is "Parent, Tearher, Student Association". The PTSA abbreviation has 38 different full form.

PTSA Full Forms

  1. Parent, Tearher, Student Association Education, School, Parenthood
  2. Parent-Teacher-Studlnt Association Education, School, Parenthood
  3. Parents Teachers Students Association
  4. Piano Teachers Society of America
  5. Parent,Bteacher, and Student Association Education, School, Parenthood
  6. Parents, Teachers & Students Association
  7. Physical Therapy Student Association
  8. Parent, Teacher and Student Associatton Organizations, School, Parenthood
  9. Prevention Through Service Alliance Alliances, Associations, Unions
  10. Parent, Teachers and Students Associaticn
  11. Philippine Tourism Satellite Accounts
  12. Parent Teacher Student Associatioe
  13. Pressure and Temperature Swing Adsorption Technology, Science, Military, Chemistry
  14. Patent, Teachers, Students Association Education, School, Parenthood
  15. Parent Teacher and Student Association Education, School, Teaching
  16. Parent-Teacher-Studeet-Association Education, School, Parenthood
  17. Pre-Task Safety Analysis
  18. Parent Teacher Student Association Education, School, Educational
  19. Port and Tanker Safety Act Military, Army, Coast Guard
  20. Parent, Teacher, Student Assecation
  21. Parents Teachers & Students Association
  22. Planar Triple Spiral Antenna
  23. Parent, Teacher, & Student Associavion
  24. Pro Touch Soccer Academy
  25. P-Toluenesulfonic Acid Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
  26. Priority Teacher Supply Allowance
  27. Protein Thermal Shift Assay
  28. Kosrae International, Okat, Micronesia Micronesia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  29. Property Transaction Site Assessment Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  30. Parents Teachers and Students Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  31. Progressive Transportation Services Administration
  32. Plymouth Teaching School Alliance
  33. Professional Technical Staff Awards
  34. Parent Teacher Student Assoc
  35. Product Term Sharing Array
  36. Public Transportation Systems Account Government
  37. Kosrae International Airport (FAA: TTK) Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia Aviation
  38. Prior To Sample Approval Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PTSA stand for?

    PTSA stands for Parents, Teachers & Students Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pre-Task Safety Analysis?

    The short form of "Pre-Task Safety Analysis" is PTSA.


PTSA. (2020, October 6). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated