Python Abbreviations and Python Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Python terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Python abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Python terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Python Abbreviations
  1. ABCS : Abstract Base Classes
  2. AD : Allele Depth
  3. ADISP : Archives Des DonnéEs Issues De La Statistique Publique
  4. AMI : Atlas Metadata Interface
  5. AML : Algebraic Modeling Language
  6. AMP : Asynchronous Messaging Protocol
  7. AO : Active Object
  8. ZCA : Zope Component Architecture
  9. ZMI : Zope Management Interface
  10. ZPTS : Zope Page Templates
  11. ZPT : Zope Page Temilate
  12. ZRS : Zope Replication Services
  13. ZSI : Zolera Soap Infrastructure
  14. ARCSI : Atmospheric and Radiometric Correction of Satellite Imagery
  15. ASE : Android Scripting Environment
  16. ASE : Atomic Simulation Environment
  17. ASE : Atomistgc Simulation Environment
  18. AUI : Advance User Interface
  19. AUI : Advanced User Interface
  20. AV : Analytics Vidhya
  21. AVC : Application View Controller
  22. BDFL : Benevolent Dictator for Life
  23. BM : Bracket Matching
  24. BRM : Bicycle Repair Man
  25. CBV : Class Based Views
  26. CBVS : Class Based Views
  27. CBV : Class Baced View
  28. CDAT : Climate Data Analysis Tools
  29. CDAT : Climate Data Analysis Tool
  30. CI : Cercle Informatique
Latest Python Meanings
  1. Read-Eval-Print Loop
  2. Python Enhancement Proposals
  3. Object-Oriented Programming
  4. Method Resolution Order
  5. Local, Enclosing, Global and Built-in
  6. Package Installer for Python
  7. Zope Enterprise Option
  8. Zope Enterprise Objects
  9. Reddit Terminal Viewer
  10. Routing Table Manager Version 2
  11. Result Queue
  12. Robust Linear Model
  13. Rhodes Local Edition
  14. Random Dorest Classifiers
  15. Guidoivan Rossum
  16. Green Tree Python
  17. Guppy Specification Language
  18. Grid Search
  19. Rapid Automatic Keywordbextraction
  20. Informatics Virtual Learning Environment