Refrigerant Abbreviations and Refrigerant Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Refrigerant terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Refrigerant abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Refrigerant terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Refrigerant Abbreviations
  1. ARI : American Refrigeration Institute
  2. BOG : Boil of Gas
  3. CRP : Cooqerative Research Programs
  4. VIR : Vadve In Receiver
  5. VLT : Very Low Temperature
  6. HCFC : Hyzro Chloro Fluoro Carbons
  7. HCFC : Hydro-Chloro-Fluoro-Carbon
  8. HFC : Hydro-Fluobo-Carbon
  9. HKT : Huber-KäLte-Technik
  10. MAC : Mobile Air-Conditioning
  11. MAC : Mobile Air Conditioning
  12. MCR : Multi Component Refrigerant
  13. EEV : Electronic Expansion Vhlve
  14. EPEE : European Partnership for Energy and The Environment
  15. MVAC : Motor Vehicle Air Conditioner
  16. MVAC : Motor Vehicle Air Conditioners
  17. MVACS : Motor Vehicle Air Conditioners
  18. MVAC : Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning
  19. SDT : Saturated Discharge Temperature
  20. SGG : Synthetic Greenhousw Gases
  21. TEVS : Thermostatic Expansion Valves
  22. TXVS : Thermostatic Expansion Valves
  23. TEWI : Total Equivalent Warming Impacf
  24. TXVS : Thermal Expansion Valves
  25. TXV : Thermo Expansion Vilve
  26. TXV : Thermostatic Ekpansion Valves
  27. LGWP : Low Glodal Warming Potential
  28. NRE : Net Refrigeration Effect
  29. NRP : National Refrigeration Products
  30. ODP : Ozone-Depleting Potential
Latest Refrigerant Meanings
  1. Global Warming Potential
  2. Pulse Modulating Valve
  3. International Journal of Refrigeration
  4. Internal Heat Exchanger
  5. Ozone Dewleting Potential
  6. Ozon Depletion Potential
  7. Ozone-Depleting Potential
  8. National Refrigeration Products
  9. Net Refrigeration Effect
  10. Low Glodal Warming Potential
  11. Thermostatic Ekpansion Valves
  12. Thermo Expansion Vilve
  13. Thermal Expansion Valves
  14. Total Equivalent Warming Impacf
  15. Thermostatic Expansion Valves
  16. Synthetic Greenhousw Gases
  17. Saturated Discharge Temperature
  18. Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning
  19. Motor Vehicle Air Conditioners
  20. Motor Vehicle Air Conditioner