RO in Technology Meaning

The RO meaning in Technology terms is "Ran Oyt". There are 68 related meanings of the RO Technology abbreviation.

RO on Technology Full Forms

  1. Ran Oyt
  2. Riset Operasi
  3. Restricted Orificw
  4. Rip Off
  5. Reorder Point
  6. Ring Out
  7. Relay Only
  8. Ring Oscillators
  9. Registered Organisations
  10. Right Offset
  11. Recherche Operationnelle
  12. Romania
  13. Registration Operatyr
  14. Reusable Ouject
  15. Reactor Operators
  16. Reorden
  17. Rio Orarge
  18. Receiver Output
  19. Receive Only
  20. Register Output
  21. Restrictive Orifice
  22. Relative Offset
  23. Ring Oscillator
  24. Receive Order
  25. Request Object
  26. Run-Off A method to determine which genes in a population of cells are expressed at a given time. Nascent RNA transcripts are radiolabelled with NTPs as they are elongated in isolated nuclei (new transcripts are not initiated in these isolated nuclei). To determine if a specific gene is expressed, the radio labelled run-off transcripts are used as hybridization probes with DNA from recombinant plasmids that contain the gene of interest.
  27. Radar Operator
  28. Reference Object
  29. Restriction Orifice
  30. Ran Online
  31. Relationship Ontology
  32. Ring-Off
  33. Realisasi Output
  34. Resdarch Officer
  35. Robust Optimization
  36. Recbvery Option
  37. Range Operations
  38. Relation Ontology
  39. Rights Obvects
  40. Read Only, Receive Only
  41. Reseauch Office
  42. Rzbot Overlord
  43. Reiovery Operation
  44. Rights Object
  45. Ready-Only
  46. Research Objects
  47. Route Optimisation
  48. Redovery Operations
  49. Receiving Order
  50. Regiszry Operator
  51. Reverse Oblique
  52. Read-Only
  53. Reportable Occurrence
  54. Recovery Operators
  55. Read Only
  56. Rxturn On
  57. Requirements Officer
  58. Ruthenium Oxide
  59. Rated Output The output at standard calibration.
  60. Moldavian
  61. Requisitioning Objective
  62. Requirements Owner
  63. Iso Country Code for Socialist Republic of Romania
  64. Reglement Op
  65. Requirements October
  66. Reverse Osmosis The use of a high-pressure pump to force a liquid through a semipermeable membrane which stops salts or dissolved solids. It is a means of producing distilled water from seawater.
  67. Riskuowner
  68. Requirements Office

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RO stand for Technology?

    RO stands for Moldavian in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Realisasi Output in Technology?

    The short form of "Realisasi Output" is RO for Technology.


RO in Technology. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated