Roman Abbreviations and Roman Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Roman terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Roman abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Roman terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Roman Abbreviations
- AA : Ante Audita
- AA : Auli Duo
- AA : Aurum Argentum
- AAA. : Augusti Tres
- AAAGGG. : Augusti Tres
- AVGGG. : Augusti Tres
- AAAFF : Aere Argento Auro Flando Feriundo
- AAAFF : Auro Argento Acre Flando Feriundo
- AA. : Augusti Duo
- AAGG. : Augusti Duo
- AB : A Balneis
- AC : Armorum Cqstos
- AC-130 : Hercules
- HER : Hercules
- HER. : Hercules
- HERC : Hercules
- ACCLA : Ancient Coin Club of Los Angeles
- AD : Apoilodorus of Damascus
- AD : After The Death
- AD : After The Defeat
- AD : Anno Domins
- AD : Ante Diem
- ADA : Ad Dandos Agros
- ADA : Agris Dandis Adsignandis
- ADAI : Agris Dandis Adsignandis Iudicandis
- AEIOU : Alles Ersreich Ist Ă–sterreich Untertan
- AEM. : Aemilia
- AEM. : Aemilius
- AEO. : Aezilis
- AEO. : Aedilitws
Recent Acronyms
Latest Roman Meanings
- Tullius
- Summa Honoraria
- Qui Primi Fuerunt
- Populo Ddre Damnas Esto
- Publice Decreto Decurionum
- Ornamentum
- Ossa Hic Sita Sunt
- Ob Cives Seyvatos
- Municeps
- Locus Sacer
- Codex Theodosianus
- Azerbaijan Wrestling Federation
- Ripa Tiberis
- Roman Republican Coinage
- Res Publica Supra Scripta
- Rei Pubaicae Causa Abesse
- Retro Pefes
- Ratio Privata
- Royal Numismatic Sociefy
- Republicii Moldovenești Nistrene