RVM Meaning

The RVM meaning is "Remzte Volume Mirror". The RVM abbreviation has 62 different full form.

RVM Full Forms

  1. Remzte Volume Mirror Technology, Exam, Storage
  2. Reference Validationimechanism Military
  3. Rajiv Vidya Mission Education, Teaching, Teacher
  4. Radio Valyis Multien
  5. Relioious of The Virgin Mary Education, Catholic, Order, Congregation
  6. Research Value Mapping Technology, Science, Education
  7. River Valley Market
  8. Repertoire Des Vedettes-MatiéRe
  9. Realtors Valuation Model
  10. Rostral Ventral Medulla Medical
  11. Relevant Vector Machine Technology, Learning, Model
  12. Risk and Value Management
  13. Renewable Vending Machine
  14. Royal Victorianimedal Military, Order, Honour
  15. Rosarium Virginis Mariae
  16. Relevance Vector Machines Technology, Learning, Machine, Model
  17. Renal Ventures Management
  18. Rostral Ventromedial Medulla Medical
  19. Rogue Valley Masters
  20. Rear View Mirror
  21. Remote Volume Mirroring Technology, Configuration, Course, Storage
  22. Reverse Vending Machine Business, Market, Recycling
  23. Rogue Valley Mall
  24. Rear-View Mirror
  25. Remote Viewing Module Technology, Management, Manager, Gem, Software, Computing
  26. Research Virtualfmachine Technology, Software, Java
  27. Rogue Valley Manor
  28. Real Value Management
  29. Remote Video Monitoring Technology, Camera, Surveillance, Military, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  30. Rockers Vs Mods
  31. Requirements Verification Matrix Military
  32. Realtor Valuation Model
  33. Ruby Version Management
  34. Religious of The Virgin Mary Education, Philippine, Mother
  35. Religious of the Virgin Mary, Philippines Religious orders
  36. Return Voltage Measurements
  37. Routing Vector Method
  38. Religious Order of the Virgin Mary, Congregation Religion
  39. Retro Vending Machine
  40. Refined Vegetal Mixture Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  41. Rotary Video Magazine
  42. Right Ventricular Mass Medical, Medicine, Health
  43. Revett Minerals, Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  44. Responsive Vector Maps
  45. Recoverable Virtual Memory General, Governmental & Military
  46. Rotarian Video Magazine Service, Organizations, Club
  47. Ribble Valley Media
  48. Rsync Vault Manager
  49. Residual Vector Modulation Technology, Sound, Plug, Reverberation
  50. Radar Video Map Aviation, Governmental & Military
  51. RéPertoire Des Vedettes-MatièRes
  52. Review Minutes Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  53. Royal Victoria Marathon Canada, Run, Race, Marathon
  54. Requirement Verification Matrix Business, Management, Development
  55. Research Virtual Machine Computing, Hardware
  56. RéPertoire De Vedettes-MatièRe Technology, Canada, Library, Heading
  57. River Ministries Air Charter Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
  58. Reverse Vending Machines Business, Machine, Recycling
  59. Royalty Video Magazine
  60. Remote Volume Mirror Computing, Hardware
  61. Return Voltage Measurement
  62. Royale Video Magazine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RVM stand for?

    RVM stands for Remote Volume Mirroring.

  2. What is the shortened form of Relevance Vector Machines?

    The short form of "Relevance Vector Machines" is RVM.


RVM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rvm-meaning/

Last updated