SA in Computing Meaning
The SA meaning in Computing terms is "Source Address". There are 35 related meanings of the SA Computing abbreviation.
SA on Computing Full Forms
- Source Address
- Source-Active
- Software Assurance Level of confidence that software is free from vulnerabilities, either intentionally designed into the software or accidentally inserted at anytime during its lifecycle, and that the software functions in the intended manner.
- Software Architecture
- Scientific American
- Symantec Antivirus
- Software Agentc
- Study Administration
- Software Agent
- System Architecture
- Source Active
- Stand Alone An autonomous or hybrid photovoltaic system not connected to a grid. May or may not have storage, but most stand alone systems require batteries or some other form of storage.
- Systems Architecture
- South Africa
- Soft Affirity
- Singapore Airlines
- Set Attribute
- Systems Administrator
- Service Analysis
- Systems Analyst
- Storage Array A disk storage system which contains multiple disk drives. It is differentiated from a disk enclosure, in that an array has cache memory and advanced functionality, like RAID and virtualization. Attached to SAN for multiple devices to access and store data.
- Security Association
- Selective Availability (on GPS transmissions)
- Special Applications
- Saudi Arabia
- System Administrator Individual responsible for the installation and maintenance of an information system, providing effective information system utilization, adequate security parameters, and sound implementation of established IA policy and procedures.
- Search Algorithm
- Scripting Additions
- Selamün Aleyküm (Turkish)
- Strukturierte Analyse
- State of The Art The highest level of development and/or technology applied to a product or service which is currently available.
- Service Agreement An agreement entered into by the transmission customer and transmission provider.
- stub archive
- Socket A
- Sensors and Actuators
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SA stand for Computing?
SA stands for Study Administration in Computing terms.
What is the shortened form of Systems Analyst in Computing?
The short form of "Systems Analyst" is SA for Computing.
SA in Computing. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from
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