SA in Governmental & Military Meaning

The SA meaning in Governmental & Military terms is "Special Application". There are 38 related meanings of the SA Governmental & Military abbreviation.

SA on Governmental & Military Full Forms

  1. Special Application
  2. Seaman Apprentice
  3. Solomon Airlines
  4. Stand Alone An autonomous or hybrid photovoltaic system not connected to a grid. May or may not have storage, but most stand alone systems require batteries or some other form of storage.
  5. Systems Analysis Systems analysis is the study of sets of interacting entities, including computer systems analysis. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, systems analysis is "the process of studying a procedure or business in order to identify its goals and purposes and create systems and procedures that will achieve them in an efficient way". Analysis and synthesis, as scientific methods, always go hand in hand, they complement one another. Every synthesis is built upon the results of a preceding analysis, and every analysis requires a subsequent synthesis in order to verify and correct its results.
  6. Split Apron
  7. Situation Awareness
  8. South Africa
  9. Singapore Airlines
  10. Set Aside Set aside was introduced as part of a programme for tackling the over production of cereals within the EU. A major review of the CAP in 1992 addressed over production and agreed to reduce the amount of subsidies paid to to farmers for cereals by 35% over the proceeding three years. To help compensate farmers for their loss of income the Arable Area Payments Scheme was introduced. Under this scheme, farmers can claim support payments based on the size of the area used to grow cereals, linseeds, oilseeds and protein crops such as peas, beans and lupins.
  11. Safety & Arming
  12. Sudan Airways
  13. Sexual Assault
  14. Shanghai Airlines
  15. Supportability Analysis
  16. Selective Availability (on GPS transmissions)
  17. San Antonio Field Office
  18. Shandong Airlines
  19. Security Advisory
  20. Saudi Arabia
  21. System Administrator Individual responsible for the installation and maintenance of an information system, providing effective information system utilization, adequate security parameters, and sound implementation of established IA policy and procedures.
  22. Security Assistance
  23. Self Arrest
  24. Saturday
  25. State of The Art The highest level of development and/or technology applied to a product or service which is currently available.
  26. Secretary of the Army's
  27. Sustainability Appraisal
  28. Surface Accessibility
  29. Support Administration
  30. Situation(al) Awareness
  31. Sturmabteilung (Storm Trooper detatchment of NSDAP)
  32. Supplemental Agreement
  33. Shipyard Agreement
  34. Service Agreement An agreement entered into by the transmission customer and transmission provider.
  35. Spacecraft Adapter
  36. Slow Away
  37. Special Agent
  38. Single Access

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SA stand for Governmental & Military?

    SA stands for Shipyard Agreement in Governmental & Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sudan Airways in Governmental & Military?

    The short form of "Sudan Airways" is SA for Governmental & Military.


SA in Governmental & Military. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated