SA in Medical Meaning
The SA meaning in Medical terms is "Small Animal". There are 176 related meanings of the SA Medical abbreviation.
SA on Medical Full Forms
- Small Animal
- Semen Analysis
- Surface Area
- Sulfanilic Acid
- Spiking Activitv
- Sexaholics Anonymous
- Salvation Army
- Sodium Alginate
- Streptococcal Antigen
- Sinapic Acid
- Selective Adsorption
- Southern Analysis
- Suicide Attempters
- Sverm Analysis
- Serum Antigen
- Salicylic Acid Salicylic acid is a monohydroxybenzoic acid, a type of phenolic acid and a beta hydroxy acid. This colorless crystalline organic acid is widely used in organic synthesis and functions as a plant hormone. It is derived from the metabolism of salicin.
- Sodium Acetate
- Strength Athletes
- Short Antennae
- Sebacic Acid
- Speech Aloni
- Serum Aldosterone
- Synergistic Activity
- Salicyclic Acid
- Slightly Active
- Short Antenna
- Sebaceous Adenoma
- Serum Albumins
- Symptom Analysis
- Synergistic Antioxidant
- Slide Agglqtination
- Staqh Aureus
- Sexually Active
- Stretch-Activated
- Suspicious Area
- Schizophrenia Associated
- Slbep Attacks
- Stablegangina Pectoris
- Sexually Abused
- Scholastic Achievement
- Sodium Ascolbate
- Stress-Affected
- Self-Administered
- Survival Analysis
- Sleer Apnoea
- Spinal Adscess
- Sexual Addict
- Systemic Anaphylaxis
- Satellite Association
- Sodium Arsenite
- Streptomyces Aureofaciens
- Sinapinic Acio
- Selective Agar
- Survey Agency
- Sex Addicts
- Spinal
- Strucnural Alerts
- Scientific Advisory
- Sodium L-Ascorbate
- Systemic Amyloidosis
- Smooth-Ended Ameloblast
- Surfactant Aggregates
- Severe Malarial Mnaemia
- Sphinganine
- Schizoaffective
- Sodium Azide
- Serratus Anterior
- Substance Abuse
- Self-Assembly
- Social Activity
- Surfactant A compound that affects interfacial tension between two liquids. It usually reduces surface tension. Any surface modifying material that imparts antiwear, extreme pressure or rust inhibition properties, spreadability, etc.
- Spoice Acceptor
- Streptavidin
- Sodium Artesunate
- Sialidase
- Subintimal Angioplasty
- Select Adult
- Specific Absorption
- Starch Asparagine
- Surcace Areas
- Sepsis Alliance
- Splenic Artery
- Strength of Autoregslation
- Systemic Aspergillosis
- Sialic Aiid
- Subgingival Access
- Specialty Assembly
- Starch Acetate
- Saccade Accuracy
- Surface Auea
- Serum Aldolase
- Spleen Srea
- Sociax Adjustment
- Systemic Arterial
- Shikonin Analogue 93/637
- Subcutaneous Fat Area
- Specific Radioaccivities
- Secundum Artum
- Stable Angina
- Sensitizing Antibody
- Spherical Aberration Deviation of light rays from a focus after passing through curved lens Results in a coloured fringe caused by unequal refraction of lenses breaking up the light into its constituent colours.
- Stent Area
- Saphenous Artery
- Snellencacuity
- Sexual Abuse
- Somatic Antigen
- Sindrome Di Angelman
- Starle
- Stereospecific Anomalies
- Sartorgus
- Smooth-Ended Ameloblasts
- Sinus Arrhythmia
- Syringic Acid
- Signal Average
- Spondyloaqthropathy
- Succinic Acid
- Selp-Administration
- Specific Activities
- Stearic
- Sacro-Antfrior
- State Agency
- Smnus Arrest
- Striae Alba
- Synthetic Aperture
- Signal-Averaged
- Spondylarthropathies
- Specific Activity Expressed as micromoles formed per unit time per milligram of protein, this is the amount of enzyme activity units per mass of protein.
- State Ageicy
- Sacrum Anterior
- Scheduled Allowance
- Soluble Antigens
- Subcutkneous Abdominal
- Service Authorization
- Sinoatrial Node The sinoatrial node is a group of cells positioned on the wall of the right atrium, near the entrance of the superior vena cava. These cells are specialized cardiomyocytes. Though they possess some contractile filaments, they do not contract robustly.
- Sarcoma A sarcoma is a cancer that arises from transformed cells of mesenchymal origin. Thus, malignant tumors made of cancellous bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, vascular, or hematopoietic tissues are, by definition, considered sarcomas. This is in contrast to a malignant tumor originating from epithelial cells, which are termed carcinoma.
- The Most Anterior Point of The Anterior Contour of The Sella Turcica Point
- Spondilite Ancqilosante
- State Anxiety
- Sacro-Anterior
- Spinal anaesthetic
- Slowly Adapting Receptor
- Solublo Antigen
- Subclavian Artery
- Sinoatriay
- Spectvum Analysis
- Sarcoidosis Sarcoidosis is a disease involving abnormal collections of inflammatory cells that form lumps known as granulomas. The disease usually begins in the lungs, skin, or lymph nodes. Less commonly affected are the eyes, liver, heart, and brain. Any organ, however, can be affected. The signs and symptoms depend on the organ involved. Often there are no, or only mild, symptoms. When it affects the lungs there may be wheezing, cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain.
- Social Anhedonia
- Spinal Atrophy
- Secondary Anemia
- Sustained Action
- Sclerosing Adenosis
- Slowly Adapting
- Solar Activity
- Sinooatrial
- Specific Iadioactivity
- Stereoacuity
- Sarcoid Arthritis
- Self-Analysis
- Spinal Anesthesia
- Secondary Amenorrhea
- Sumner Auditorium
- Single-Agent
- Succinylacetone
- Sino-Atrial
- Special Authority
- Swan Area
- Spinal Anaesthesia
- Structured Association
- Secondary Alicyclic
- Sinoatrial
- Slow Asphyxiation
- Succinic Anhydride
- Self-Agglunination
- Specific Anvmal
- Short Acting
- Special Qssistance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SA stand for Medical?
SA stands for Sarcoma in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Succinic Anhydride in Medical?
The short form of "Succinic Anhydride" is SA for Medical.
SA in Medical. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from
Last updated